Anyone catch McCain on the view?

Well, I'm a I did! 
Those ladies let him have it, lol. He was really squirming.

Those ladies let him have it, lol. He was really squirming.

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i figured whoopie, barb and joey would have a go at him but i assumed sherri "the world is flat" sheppard and the dim bulb hasselback would have been at john feet
lol@ "the world is flat"
I swear that my freshman roommate shared that belief.
Somehow they were able to keep Hasselbeck quiet. They probably threatened her.
i still don't know how you survived freshman year :eek:
i'm watching some of the interview now and i noticed that whoopie and joey don't have cards with questions.....shocking
edit: oops i see whoopie has still
whoopie's ?? on separation of church and state was great....and he wouldn't/couldn't answer it....just a bunch of political bullshit....can't any politician just say what they mean and let the chips fall where they may?
God, I know. I wish just once someone would fucking stand up and say what they are actually thinking...answer a question based on their actual belief, instead of talking nonsense while scanning their brain for the "right" answer.
edit: sorry I made you watch the view. I hope it doesn't cause permanent brain damage.
i'm drinking so it won't stick
He said
"Roe V Wade was a bad decision"
He also couldn't or would not answer the question of what would Sara Palins job be as VP. BW asked several times how she would reform Washington.
Then his wife came on to save him from answering any more questions. She would not answer the question of how many houses they owned. She said it wasn't relevant.
But we did get to see an unseen clip of McCain coming home after being a POW. After which he didn't answer any questions but got an open forum to spout why he should be pres.
Missed it. I had to work at my job where I make 20% less than the males around me. I can't wait for McCain to get into office so he'll change that!
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
When McCain said that "we should enforce the constitution the way the founding fathers intended" and Whoopie asked if she should be worried about the reinstatement of slavery...
McSames booker is probably looking for another job today.
Wow... did he actually say that (bolded) with a straight face and not look away afterwards, or go for the complimentary cup of water on the table as a distraction from his own conscience?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I agree McCain never should have gone on that show. You knew he was going to be attacked.
But Whoopie's "slavery" makes her look like a dumb shit. Sorry.
for the least they could possibly do
Gotta add that I also loved how they nailed him on the lies in the negative ads on lipstick and especially on Obama supporting appropriate sex education for kindergartners. It takes someone pretty low to call education for kindergartners against sex predators a bad thing--which is just what McCain tried to do. Liar.
oh yeah they attacked him all right with republican Kryptonite....
I didn't think her comment was any dumber than the comment that inspired it.
McCain tried that talking points bullshit on someone with an opposing view and....
he got what he deserved, what's been coming a long time.
Well I would consider the source there. Whoopi Goldberg is one of Hollyweird's biggest morons.
Uh yeah stupid, they are going to bring back slavery. :rolleyes:
I agree on principle, but hearing a politician say that (especially while campaigning) really means selectively enforcing the constitution.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Of course. I don't honestly think that McCain would enforce the constitution in it's entirety. His own running mate seems to have issues with the first amendment.
if he can't handle the view, geez...
The BIG BAD LIBERAL MEDIA© strikes again, it seems. Like clockwork, they come in every four years ago to destroy the Republican candidate (even though the Republican candidate keeps winning).
Can't handle Joy Behar, but don't let that fool you.
according to cindy mccain, yes.
what does it say about you that you think she was seriously posing that question?
Are you as dumb as she is? She shouldn't have even asked that question.
Excuse me, but the Constitution provided for slavery. If you want to support the Constitution as the founding fathers interpreted it, then you've got some issues that don't so much involve Whoopie as being stupid as possibly your not thinking things through all the way.
Also, McCain looked like a deer in the headlights at several junctures.
So far, as incredible as it seems, yes. I haven't seen another show ask McCain tougher questions, nor have I seen anyone hold his feet to the fire like Walters did by refusing to let him sidestep issues. How is Sarah Palin going to reform Washington?
If you haven't seen it, you're missing out. Definitely recommended.
I love the fact that he had to basically be tricked into the situation where he was faced with real questions in front of a live audience, lol.
Meh, overrated. No better than Fox News.
When the McCains didn't get fist bumps like Michelle Obama (back in June), I turned it off.