i am with colbert

i don't see race or color (lol colbert) BUT Its over its done. Your a person PERIOD. Its about character, its about who your are. Racism exists in those that belive in it. Playing the race card is almost extinct. People are people, racism is over, its done, we are people together, thats it thats fucking all. The past is the past, this generation has moved on. Race don't mean shit with time as it passes. We are fuking humans bottom line. Those that think different ARE stuck in the past and are sad human beings stuck in foolishness. We are Human Beings - thats it, Crackers, niggers, chincs, spics... whatever, we are people, those sterotypes don't mean shit anymore, it comes down to weather or not your a good person. Thats it thats fucking all. We are all the same. Humans.
we don't want war, but we still want more?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Albert Einstein
GWB isn't a cracker, he's a piece of shit
Chris Rock isn't a black Comedian, he's a damn good Comedian
- i know im going a bit far (no white comic would do a chris rock routine lol) but he kinda of represents the bridge of humanity, not race
This link is interesting.......
The racism of thinking that only white Americans were responsible for slavery is unjustifed and false.
The cheap hand-woven rugs you buy at a discount centre are too often made by child slave labour in India or PAkistan today. Slave trade in white women still exists in teh same cultures that condoned slave trading in Africa long before the plantation owneres came along.
Slavery is abhorent in all it's forms, not just the familiar ones !!!!
I've been talking about this this for years, here. People really are not that familiar with true history.
And people jump down my throat calling me a racist when I mention these facts. Unbelievable. Sad.....and funny ....at the same time. But mostly sad.
VERY good post.