A dry run on Thursday?

Do you guys think that what happened at Heathrow a couple of days ago was a TEST, a dry-run for the real thing that may happen very soon but under different diabolical circumstances?
I think so. I give kudos to Scotland Yard and MI5 for being on top of this, but I can't help shake the feeling that Al qaeda is hell bent on reminding us of what they are capable of as the 5th anniversary of 9/11 approaches. And in light of the continued invasion of Iraq and with the mini-World War III between Israel and Lebanon... some bit shit is about to happen and as much as I love to fly and I am willing to be accommodating to all the changes that the TSA demands, I'm glad I don't have a flight scheduled for the rest of this year (I've flown 3 times in the past 10 months).
Due to a job change, I WAS planning on doing some Xmas shopping in the UK in Nov/Dec, but I can't afford the time off and frankly, what's going on now with airline travel gives me the heebie jeebies, and I don't heebie jeebie often.
I think so. I give kudos to Scotland Yard and MI5 for being on top of this, but I can't help shake the feeling that Al qaeda is hell bent on reminding us of what they are capable of as the 5th anniversary of 9/11 approaches. And in light of the continued invasion of Iraq and with the mini-World War III between Israel and Lebanon... some bit shit is about to happen and as much as I love to fly and I am willing to be accommodating to all the changes that the TSA demands, I'm glad I don't have a flight scheduled for the rest of this year (I've flown 3 times in the past 10 months).
Due to a job change, I WAS planning on doing some Xmas shopping in the UK in Nov/Dec, but I can't afford the time off and frankly, what's going on now with airline travel gives me the heebie jeebies, and I don't heebie jeebie often.
~*~Me and Hippiemom dranketh the red wine in Cleveland 2003~*~
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Post edited by Unknown User on
If I have to fly somewhere I will, I'm just stating something that looks like a pink elephant to me.
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Reality is if "they" want to hit us...and I'm sure they do, thanks to the current foreign policy, there's no we can absolutey prevent all attacks.
Since when did the word "afraid" become associated with the word AWARE? From where I'm standin, it's the same ones that talk nothing but conspiracies that are the ones blowing the "they are trying to make you afraid and you're falling for it" card!
Quit being so paranoid! Get out, enjoy life, laugh, be with ppl you like/love and a) quit thinking everything that happens in life is a grand conspiracy b) don't let all the things in the world today scare you, just be aware.
Because in the end, as I always say, if your enemy wants you dead, you will be killed. No security in the world will stop them. But, it helps to chip away, step by step.
In other words, get a grip man. You watched to many movies as a kid or read too many mystery novels. I wonder if you're even AWARE that you are actually the one who's AFRAID.
You're sarcasim is starting to worry me
They've already won. We're giving them exactly what they want.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
Who is scared? We are still flying like it is nothing. We still fill malls and sporting events. Nobody is scared. Our government is taking it very seriously, but the general public is not scared. Also, tell me one person whose life has been affected by our so-called "erosion of rights?"
Also, I live on the border to Canada and used to go to Canada all the time...I have only been over there about 3 times since 911.
I am not afraid of any attacks, but I hate the tight security.
I know that one of PJ shows I went to, during the VFC tour, people missed part of the show because security was so tight and it took so much time to search everyone that people were lined up around the building long after PJ took the stage.
So...I go to these kinds of events extra early also.
Lastly, I am sick of Bush constantly saying "they" are out to hurt us, blah, blah, blah. To me...those words are instilling a constant state of fear, or at least that is what the attempt is, and it makes him a terrorist.
I guess right after 911 I was in shock and the realization of how vulnerable we really are suprised me...but now....I don't even think of getting attacked, or am bothered by it...I just hate the tight security and Bush not letting us relax and get on with our lives.
I also appreciate Binauralsounds discounting the snide comment of 'afraid' and replacing it with 'aware', that's all I simply am. And to the ones sitting back in their lazyboys eating peanut butter sandwichs and posting on the internet, maybe if you had a relative who works at an Int'l airport for the TSA, LIKE I DO... maybe you would be more privvy to certain shit and concerns that would make you more AWARE in oppose to afraid or just goddamn numb and stupid.
The terrorist love the nonchalant attitude of some people because they don't care about life just like they don't. They think they are invincible.
I'm aware, but I'm also living my life to the fullest! I have a very 'fuck you terrorist' attitude and I anticipate flying in the future when I need to go somewhere, and one of those places will be London. I'm not going to have those godless fucks ruin my enjoyment of life, but again, I am very aware of their hatred, existence and determination to have us live in a police state. Fuck them!
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
I know this...when they ask you questions, use the least words as possible to answer them. If they need more details, they will ask. When people give them too much info too fast..they tend to pull them over.
I took the train from Windsor to T.O. once and it was real nice. Have fun!!!!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you