PLEASE explain this away Republicans

please..please explain this royal fuck up by your president away. really. i need a good laugh.
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People still fall for this old Left\Right horseshit?
Its one party, man.
One party.
quick, the C Quigley quote please ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
This is a quote from the article that they brush over.
Nobody has ever really followed through with this idea of keeping "a lock on spending."
What would you have done differently?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
You will never see that happen because "government spending", or the inflationary creation of money in exchange for treasury bills is the mechanism which provides the unending liquidity to the Wall Street-Banking mechanism and keeps the country "growing".
If you stop inflating in a fiat world, you stop "growing".
Its a sad paradoxical state of affairs.
Thats why modern inflationists claim that the national debt is actually GOOD, and that the WORST thing you could do would be to pay it down ... because you would be REMOVING money from the system.
They say the best goal is to steadily inflate.
Of course, Uncle Milton thought the best end-of-the-day answer was to STOP PRINTING MONEY 100%.
Cap the system out, end the Fed, and let the secondary markets work their will with the creation of credit and market rates.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Fine if the money is well spent and the extra cash was flipping in the economy, but to have a deficit for a deficits sake....
Removing money strengthens the dollar.
One of the reasons our dollars at record lows....deficit.
as if it wouldn't have been blown somewhere else.
Economically speaking, Iraq makes no difference ... except maybe in its role in inflating gas prices.
for the least they could possibly do
Here is a paper by Nobel Laureate William Vickrey from 1993.
The Need For A Budget Deficit ...
just FYI, i don't particularly agree with this notion, and i think that reality is proving this "theory" false. And i don't just mean the deficit theory, i mean the entire theory that fiat currency managed by a central bank somehow manages to "equate the stability of the gold standard, without the violent cycles."
We are about to find out that the cycles are just as, if not MORE violent than that of the gold standard, or of competing currencies.
The main problem with this thoery is that "the gap" which needs to be filled is rightly filled with treasuries ... but if you look at what is happening now, the treasury market is about to come unbound.
The Fed is DESPERATELY trying to prevent this, but in the next few months we could see this whole house of cards come down. IF and once the world stops purchasing treasury securities ... or heaven forbid, start SELLING them ... the ENTIRE system will unwind. The deficit will spiral, but that will be of negligble concern amongst the havok a flooded "bond" market will create. We're talking massive interest rate hikes, completely destroyed housing market, and stocks .... pfft ... don't even THINK about stocks if that happens!
This guy's premise
"A 10 trillion debt with a full employment economy will be far easier to deal with than a 5 trillion debt with an economy in the doldrums." is almost laughable now, considering the stupid economy is just BARELY pushing on towards a STATED 10 trillion dollar debt (we've been around 9 trillion for a while now) ... and ALREADY the whole damn thing is falling apart.
Good theory though.
Hey, it "worked" for 10 years.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers," he wrote. "Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy." put it in your bong pipe and smoke it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
:puff puff:
If people think this is just some random dude talking,
they should remember Caroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor.
His book, from whence this quote was pulled, Tragedy and Hope, is a big old heaping praise to the establishment, and their ideals!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'll see your amen, and raise you a 2 gram 2 paper coner
I'm think when people hear the name "Quigley" they think it's something from the movie Quigley down under.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The Dems are complicit here as well. Doesn't the Democratic Congress have to approve any proposed budget by the Rep President? Bush didn't (couldn't!) do this by himself. He had a lot of help from Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi.
I think it is cute when Dems try to take the moral high ground against Republicans, when both parties are full of high-spending, power-mad bastards.
"4 Starters" add some well crafted tax legislation...
Wonder what the $$$ to date in this war.
Was no huge record deficit when Dubya and goons took over.
But lest I forget....both parties are exactly 100 % the go Nadar...woo hoo!!!!!!
Well then, welcome to the mosque.
Let me introduce you to our resident Rabbis. We have a shitload of them.
A good laugh would be to see how you would handle things rather than just bitch about them.
common dude, we all know having a debt isn't the end of the world... but this kind of debt is just irre-fucking-sponsible. And lowering spending and borrowing, AND paying off debt is NOT the worst thing you can do.... for one, we are just pissing away money every year JUST paying off the interest on that fucking thing.... and we wonder where all the Social security $$$$ is going.... secondly running surpluses and paying down debt instills confidence in the economy, and lets not forget lower interest rates and a stronger US dollar.
how bout we cut the debt in half, and use the billions and billions dollars just going to foreign banks and invest it in America. But i guess that would take some self discipline, something democrats and republicans both suck at but at least that adulterous husband had it.