
I don't know if this is even worth bringing up...but it kind of got under my skin when I read it.
So my question is...is this a racist article? Should I, being white, be offended by it?
What if white fans decided to root against a black coach the way black fans were planning on rooting against a white coach?
Don't get me wrong...I'm more or less just stirring the pot looking for commentary on this issue. I'm a Packers fan so I don't care who wins (although I'm leaning towards the colts just because Manning and Dungy deserve a win after so many close calls). And my loyalties certainly wouldn't change because of the race of any particular coach or player.
I just found the article to be sort of unbelievable...I mean if white people went around saying, "Oh well I def don't want Team A to win because they have a black head coach," there would be such an out cry about it.
I've always thought it was kind of unusual that there aren't more black coaches...in the nfl or otherwise...because the majority of the atheletes are black it would just make sense that once they retire they would have the best knowledge in regards to the game and relating to players (black or white).
I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly...I wasn't necessarily offended by this article...it's just...I kid annoyed at the double standard to a degree you know?
What do yins guys think?
So my question is...is this a racist article? Should I, being white, be offended by it?
What if white fans decided to root against a black coach the way black fans were planning on rooting against a white coach?
Don't get me wrong...I'm more or less just stirring the pot looking for commentary on this issue. I'm a Packers fan so I don't care who wins (although I'm leaning towards the colts just because Manning and Dungy deserve a win after so many close calls). And my loyalties certainly wouldn't change because of the race of any particular coach or player.
I just found the article to be sort of unbelievable...I mean if white people went around saying, "Oh well I def don't want Team A to win because they have a black head coach," there would be such an out cry about it.
I've always thought it was kind of unusual that there aren't more black coaches...in the nfl or otherwise...because the majority of the atheletes are black it would just make sense that once they retire they would have the best knowledge in regards to the game and relating to players (black or white).
I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly...I wasn't necessarily offended by this article...it's just...I kid annoyed at the double standard to a degree you know?
What do yins guys think?
if you're a pot smoker and you don't own a ukulele you're fuckin up...but then once you get a ukulele you might end up moving to a guitar because its a gateway instrument you know
~ EV 6/25/03
~ EV 6/25/03
Post edited by Unknown User on
i choose not to let the media manipulate me with race/propaganda/disinformation,etc.
we all should.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
~ EV 6/25/03
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
"It's always a black thing for me, even if it's ice skating," he said. "
Would it be racism if it was always a "white thing" for me?
" Tyrone Buckner, a 37-year-old accountant in Atlanta, said the issue in this year's Super Bowl is one of black pride. "
Would "white pride" be percieved as racism or simply pride in one's people?
It kinda becomes a glass half-empty/half-full dilemma.
You're looking at it with the attitude that they would rooting against a white coach. Some would look at it as if they were simply rooting for the black coach without looking at the negativity of who they would be rooting against.
Blacks in America feels some pride that black coaches have broken some sort of glass ceiling and that's fine. There's nothing here saying that they're going out of their way to suppress the success of white coaches though.
I see what you are saying and hopefully there will come a day when the color of one's skin is not a factor in anything. But, the fact of the matter is this is a first for black people. We have not one, but two black coaches going to the superbowl. It is a first, so it will certainly be noted. I see no problem with other black folks feeling proud about this. It breaks down barriers and gives people hope that they, too, can achieve great things no matter what their skin color. In the history of the US, white people have not been oppressed like black people. 'Black pride' for most black folks is feeling proud about the accomplishments of those before them that 'broke down barriers' & 'open doors'. 'White pride' traditionally has been associated with white groups feeling superior to other races.
Oh, and go Colts!!!!!!!!!!!
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand this being a historical sports/cultural moment in black people's minds. Quite frankily, it's about time it happened. If I had my way, there would never be any selective discrimination of any kind, on any races part.
As for "White Pride".......
Certainly "White Pride " can be percieved and felt in many different ways, without any notions of "superiority over any races".
One can be proud of their white heritage for their accomplishments.
For instance, I can be proud of other white people who never take race into consideration, whatsoever, when go about their daily routines, choices and perspectives in this world. White people who never even consider race.
Also, there's plenty of white people who are born into poverty and tough lives. One can be proud, for example, of a poverty stricken Irish white family who work hard and raise themselves above their previous state of poverty and go on to improve their quality of life, raise good children, provide them with a healthy and safe environment and prepare them for life and put them through school.
How about white people who work hard, sacrifice and achieve any kind of goals, whether sports related or not; with great success.
Or how about white people who devote themselves to helping the less fortunate ( race a non-issue) and donate their time, money, hearts, love and sometimes ...their lives to helping the less fortunate. Plenty of "White Pride" there.
There's plenty of legitimate White Pride that has nothing to do with superiority.
It's all in how you think and percieve things. And the worst part of racism starts in our minds.
If one is not a part of the solution, then, one is a part of the problem.