Survivor Segregation Season

Did anyone watch Survivor last night? What did you think of it?
For me, the most striking part was the stereotypes. I don't mean one group making assumptions about the others, but the participants attributed the stereotypes to themselves.
For example, in the Latino group, one guy said something like, we're going to do well because most latinos come from the caribbean islands and south america and we're used to the weather. (at least that's how I remember it).
And the African American group, one of the guys said about the group needing a leader: we might have a hard time cuz black people don't like to be bossed around.
I think it's interesting that it was the people within the groups who were assigning to themselves these stereotypical attributes. What does that say about us and our race relations?
***disclaimer: I don't remember what was said exactly by the participants, I can only write what I remember from last night.
For me, the most striking part was the stereotypes. I don't mean one group making assumptions about the others, but the participants attributed the stereotypes to themselves.
For example, in the Latino group, one guy said something like, we're going to do well because most latinos come from the caribbean islands and south america and we're used to the weather. (at least that's how I remember it).
And the African American group, one of the guys said about the group needing a leader: we might have a hard time cuz black people don't like to be bossed around.
I think it's interesting that it was the people within the groups who were assigning to themselves these stereotypical attributes. What does that say about us and our race relations?
***disclaimer: I don't remember what was said exactly by the participants, I can only write what I remember from last night.
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No, that'll happen after the merge.
But seriously...
the whole thing is rediculous.
I really wish the race lines would be dropped forever. The race issue really seemed to be getting better compared to say 10...5 ...years ago. this is a step backwards.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I agree....actually I see no problem with it is just a twist to attract viewership that is Pickr said it will last two weeks than they will become two groups.....
I agree that it's all a PR move, and they are just trying to revitalize dying ratings... but, that aside, I still found it interesting to watch the contestants. I didn't much care about who won/lost immunity or got exiled, or whatever else they do.
The words that were coming out of their mouths (and the show editors actually let us hear), we eye-opening.
Brought out every stereotype you could think of.........And boy, do I love stereotyping as there is so much truth to it and it only isn't seen by the race being typed.
Blacks don't like to camp or be outdoors in the wilderness and it showed.
The Orientals were good at piecing the boat together and putting the puzzles together and then they won the challenge. Surprise, surprise.
Whites just making sure they didn't lose and getting ready to plot against each other. Just look at the dude who took the chicken. Looked good on him that he got exiled.
Now I don't watch this show at all. But the premise got me to look. They could have tossed in a Jewish and Arab contigent to really peek my interest. But they will only go so far.
"Daddy, why are they breaking them up like that?"
She got the women vs men break up last season, but this just astounded her. It was a testament to her colorless veiw of the world that she just didn't undestand the contestants reservations about it, just completely alien to her -- they're all just people aren't they?
It was a like a step backwards in her education, like "Ah ha! Maybe we should think about doing that on the playground!" (She didn't say that, but jeez!)
So then a little history lesson ensues, we talk about stereotypes and what not, she knows it's just not cool to do this....
"But why are THEY doin it?"
Perfect example on why this is more then just a "PR stunt". sure it is being done for ratings but kids dont understand that. they see it as it really is.
I don't understand how that's a stereotype. If people live in an area with similar climate, then yeah, they probably would be used to that. Unless was this guy from Canada or something? But regardless it doesn't make much sense because there usually is a distinction between Latin and South America. At least here there is.
cross the river to the eastside
So dividing along gender lines doesn't warrant the same concern?
cross the river to the eastside
I feel like I am friends with the whole gang of castaways after one episode. It is almost like "myspace" except that I can hear them all talk and see them move.
Nope. I'm not concerned becaue it wasn't a "new" idea to her, something to work through yes, but not a new concept -- like segregation.
In 2nd grade boys play with boys, girls play with girls -- we're not quite past that yet. She understood how the tribes would be divided like that - boy/girl. They all still go and learn together in the same classroom.
Out on the playground she just doesn't see the racial divisions.
Still laughing at your last post, by the way ... Anyone want to take bets that one of the challenges is going to involve math?
Oh, ef! are you on myspace?!
cross the river to the eastside
Ah, I see. Thanks.
cross the river to the eastside
Now that is what I am talking about. The damn show just invites jokes like that to pop up out of the blue.
You didn't didn't even know it was me you sent those pics to?
Well if you want to go down that road, it would be a much more interesting challenge to do some kind of crop development challenge.
cross the river to the eastside
i understand that the tribes were divided this way for ratings, etc. i would prefer a random method for choosing tribes
Or a dance contest. The White folks and the Asians would be doomed ... Unless maybe its ballroom dancing.
Maybe a one hundred meter dash?
Iron chef cooking?
And when they finally merge, the whites can out source all their work?
Best recipe for Momma's fried chicken?
(too far? ...
oops :eek:
cross the river to the eastside
I like that idea!
cross the river to the eastside