ok canadian fellows, what's going up with the our war?

I don't want to know if you agree with this war or not as I am not telling you if i'm for it or not...
Just want to know what are the future plans and what we have done so far.
important note: I want informations about the soldiers out there and not about the political stuff.
Just want to know what are the future plans and what we have done so far.
important note: I want informations about the soldiers out there and not about the political stuff.
-"it's times like these you have to ask yourself, "what would mike mccready do"
Post edited by Unknown User on
So when has canada ever done anything worth mentioning? Seriously as a nation...I dislike nationalism but in this case I am curious...Always supported canada been there quite a few times. One thing I've found is that Canadians are kind full of themselves. Like..I didn't bomb Iraq. Me personally didn't fly a jet over bahgdad or wherver. K. I understand that your country is pretty passive, as far as that goes...fine. But most of the ppl in the US are too. Like Bin Laden, not everyone supports this government..whoever has power.
However, since we don't go barging into other peoples' countries and telling them that we know better, even if everyone has to die needlessly, I'm not not really sure what your point is.
And you know, I think we Canadians were fooled into thinking that this Afghanistan mission was one of peacekeeping...it really is an all out war and I don't think the media gives it the attention it deserves...
why do you care?
how is it yr war?
Wow. I wonder where the notion that Americans are oblivious to the rest of the world comes from?
If Canada hasn't done anything as a nation that is worth mentioning, what the fuck have the States done that is worth mentioning?
liberate Irak??? MMh watch the news...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Hahahaha. There couldn't have been a better comeback. I guess I took your original post a little too seriously. My bad.
And Canada was instrumental in WWI and WWII.
??? from who???