some times the truth just smacks you in the forehead

interesting link. the chick is pretty hot too.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Both sides are at fault........
I thought she was pretty ugly in my honest opinion, and her voice was annoying
old music:
That's a good way to get a well rounded view of things.
I guess if you have breasts and can read from a cue card you'll find a job somewhere.
It's obvious to anyone with an objective mind, that Hizbullah is staging a lot of crap and their propaganda machine is in full swing.
Just like they staged the Quana disaster...home at lunch release from the Israeli government saying sorry for the mistake it made and would revise some military strategy....
I guess jsand's thread the other day has even less crediability.....
How has my thread lost credibility? Did you know that the death toll numbers have been significantly decreased? I already told you that Israel apologizes because people such as yourself have such a blame-Israel-first mentality that they have to cover their ass even when they aren't responsible for things.
No they apologize b/c THEY made the mistake, in their message they took responsability and did not blame Hezbollah for THEIR mistake.....and you have a blame everything on a Muslim attitude; if you want to play this game of nonsense I will.....
And the pot calls the kettle black. So long as you continue to blame everything on the Jews...
she had breasts?
Mind your manners!!!!!
San Diego and LA 2
Blindness, willful ignorance, or plain stupidity?
Or all of the above?
There have been some. Most here see them as truth though instead of anti-Israel.
Keep have labelled me time and time again and yet you have nothing to show where I blame the Jews...actually I do blame Israel for this current mess but I have stated they have a right to defend themselves...just not in overkill mode....but I hold nothing discrimatory against them....which you try and try to say I that your strategy, try to smear your oppostion....well I could see you using that tactic it was well used by a certain party in your last elections...
I enjoy your posts it gives me humour day in and day out....trying to paint a portrait of me based on lies....
Because he/she has nothing productive to soon as a point is made that he/she cannot conjure up an respone to, he/she goes into blame mode...makes me laugh everytime...especilly since he/she guaranteed to me he/she had more intelligence than me...another humourous moment....
Could you give us some examples?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
larry elder = da man
All arguements with the pro-war side always come back to anti-Israel, anti-Semite, anti-insert word here........once you hit them with a point they try to paint this picture...the media in my country is doing great coverage from both sides and does not try to sympathize with Hezbollah....but they also quesiton the need for the abundant Israel attack (however to some that must mean you are anti-Israel) has come to the point around here that if you say a) neutral or b) state Israeli attacks are overboard; your anti-Israel and therefore an anti-Semite end of story....I thinks its an excuse to avoid further arguement and/or discussion...I just find it funny how this side always resorts to this smearing of the peaceful side.....
I have seen the bias stem from the fact that many in the media refuse to acknowledge that this is not an isolated incident that caused this retaliation. There was a build-up to this. I can't look for the actual writings right now. I will find some when I can.
I see a huge difference between anti-Israel and balanced. I consider you balanced and many around here are the same. I think there are only one or two who I would consider to be anti-Israel here. I will not name names and would not resort to calling them names on this board.
Thank-you for that and I was not trying to call you out...however there is a certain individual out here that seems to respond only to me with you hate Israel and that crap.....which makes me its so far from the truth....