in other news, both good and bad ...

Good news first:
The South Dakota abortion ban is history!
At least five states raised their minimum wage. Colorado is still too close to call as I type this.
Now the down side:
Discrimination is as popular as ever, with five states banning same-sex marriage. Three states are still up in the air on this one.
Colorado failed to legalize marijuana, and it looks as though Nevada will do the same.
The South Dakota abortion ban is history!
At least five states raised their minimum wage. Colorado is still too close to call as I type this.
Now the down side:
Discrimination is as popular as ever, with five states banning same-sex marriage. Three states are still up in the air on this one.
Colorado failed to legalize marijuana, and it looks as though Nevada will do the same.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
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I went to the University of Wisconsin and am disappointed, though not suprised that the gay marriage ban passed with ease. I think there is another decade or two of backwards steps for gays to take before it turns around. All 50 states will pass one eventually. Maybe 20 or 30 years from now, they will start to go away.
I must admit that I do not know much about most states' gay marriage bans, but Wisconsin's also disallows Civil Unions. Do all of the others as well?
Tennessee - no
South Dakota - yes (if it passes, narrowly winning at the moment)
South Carolina - yes
Idaho - yes
Colorado - no (this one appears to be winning, but a separate bill to create domestic partnerships is losing)
Arizona - yes
God bless you hippiemom!! I know where you come from and that is fine, but you are a bit of a hippie and you need to shake that. We could debate all this but the answers to life's issue are not contained in a $.50 raise in a minimum wage or gays being allowed to do a ceremony at St Patricks Catherdral.
I am interested in your points of view, but it has always seemed to me our govt is caught up in non issues that have no real impact, and I think these states issues all represent this. Social issues, like a badge of honor to the sixties generation. But yet, most social change has come in middle America, not Timothy Leary.
I'm sorry, but how are these non-issues? I think an explanation is needed, because I just don't understand.
I mean the price for Herb hasn't changed in who knows how long. Do you think that would be the case if it was legal?
Why is gay marriage an issue?
Why is the minimum wage an issue?
The question itself leaves one feeling a little goofy trying to explain it...
Heterosexual marriage shouldn't be recognized. It's a non-issue. You need to explain the discrimination as it is.
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People who need it, need to endorse it more......and its true as the ad says.."kids can get it everyday at school...but for [her] breast cancer, she can barely obtain it for healing."
People need to keep speaking up, so others can get more educated.
oh, and thanks hippiemom- great to see you.
becos republicans made gay marriage, abortion, and stem cells an issue. who put those initiatives on the ballot? trying to lay the blame for making moral/social causes an issue at the feet of "hippies" is the most ridiculous thing ive heard you say here.
as to minimum wage. it hasn't been raised since clinton in the early 90s. since then, how many times has congress voted themselves a raise... and they make 6 figures? if they're doing it for themselves, what's the big deal about the people doing it for themselves via ballot initiative?
hippiemom made a post summarizing the results of ballot initiatives. she hardly said these were all central issues. in fact, it's called "other news."
WHat you consider the downside i consider the good side.
A. Marijuana not being legalized
B. Still a ban on gay marriage
c.English the official language of Arizona.
Yep ... Its still "acceptable" to discriminate against this group of people, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Here in SC a marriage amendment passed by a whopping margin. Is this all because the bible frowns upon homosexuality? Two gay men pledging their love for one another has no effect on me whatsoever. I just don't get it.
we can now go on killing babies ...........
and we can all sleep well knowing that the teenagers working at mcdonalds will now be making an extra $.50 an hour.....
its a great day in american history!!!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....