Steve Loucks, a spokesman for Carlson Wagonlit Travel, the travel agency, said parents need to realize that, "in the post-9/11 world, there's no room for error on airplanes. Unruly passengers, regardless of who they are, whether it's an elderly person or a young child, can be grounds for turning the plane around and letting them off. ... If ever there were a place where you need to make sure your children were behaving, this is the place."
Steve Loucks, a spokesman for Carlson Wagonlit Travel, the travel agency, said parents need to realize that, "in the post-9/11 world, there's no room for error on airplanes. Unruly passengers, regardless of who they are, whether it's an elderly person or a young child, can be grounds for turning the plane around and letting them off. ... If ever there were a place where you need to make sure your children were behaving, this is the place."
Now this I have a problem with. Let's not try to make it sound as though an unruly child is a "post-9/11" issue. This has nothing to do with our safety, no one thought their life was at risk because of a screaming three year-old! Their sanity maybe, but not their lives.
It's simple ... the airlines have a schedule to keep. One delayed flight can trigger delays all over the place, as anyone who flies knows all too well. It's unreasonable to inconvenience hundreds, or even thousands of people because of one kid.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
9/11 seems to be the excuse and justification for everything, now.
And our government.....this Administration are leading the race to use 9/11 as an excuse for everything.
We as Americans need to toughen-up and realize that 9/11 does not justify all the crap these politicians and corporate interests are planning and doing.
Now this I have a problem with. Let's not try to make it sound as though an unruly child is a "post-9/11" issue. This has nothing to do with our safety, no one thought their life was at risk because of a screaming three year-old! Their sanity maybe, but not their lives.
It's simple ... the airlines have a schedule to keep. One delayed flight can trigger delays all over the place, as anyone who flies knows all too well. It's unreasonable to inconvenience hundreds, or even thousands of people because of one kid.
That's why I posted it. I thought that was hysterical.
My god, a 3 year old is SO easy to pick up and buckle in without having to slap… or make it look like you’re in any way abusive.
If it were an adult acting the way the kid did, this would never have made the news. Can you imagine an adult screaming, crying, slapping people and running under seats... there'd be no discussion. Get them off the plane, they can't disrupt other passengers like that.
‘guess I'm replying to the negativity and lack of inderstanding towards the kid and the parents. People seem so quick to get grouchy and annoyed’
Abook, kids are noise pollution. Think of it like cigarettes, I smoke, you choose not to (I don’t know but let’s just say), I respect that so I keep my cigarette smoke away from you. All I ask is that people keep their fucking kids away from me when they’re screaming and making noise. I choose not to have any so I don’t want to have to put up with the kids of those who have chosen to have them. A plane is not a crèche so ya shouldn’t have to put up with it. In saying this, I’m actually GOOD with kids and have worked in a kids club and a crèche… even the WORST of kids are quite easy to control. I’ve never had ONE child I couldn’t shut up… without using physical means ! Kids are very very easily bribed
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
i challenge everyone here to attempt flying on a family trip with a three year old daughter and then to reconsider their posts. sometimes no matter how good a parent the child cannot be calmed.
travelling with kids is extremely stressful.
we have a duaghter of our own, she's only 3 months and an absolute angel, and travelling with her, although very very stressfull, went really well.
on the one hand yes, i've thought in my head many a time "shut that f***** kid up" while flying with a screaming kid next to me. but put yourself in the parents' shoes. it must feel horrible.
i'm stuck in the middle of this too. i don't know the details but getting thrown off a flight seems a bit harsh. if i were the dad i would have took my daughter, picked her up and physically placed her ass in her seat.
ask me in three years again what my opinion is, hopefully our little angel still is an angel then touch wood
I have flown on trips with a 4 year old. Then again with a 7 year old and a two year old. Then yet again with an 8, 3, and 1 year old. There are ways to calm your child down in situations like this, any good parent knows that. I obviously don't know how these parents raise their child but it seems to me that she is spoiled and probably allowed to act in what ever manner she seems fit. My kids throw temper tantrums, but I will tell you this much it is short and after they sit their asses down quitely. Also if all else fails a little bit of Benedryl right before the flight gets them nice and sleepy.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Now this I have a problem with. Let's not try to make it sound as though an unruly child is a "post-9/11" issue. This has nothing to do with our safety, no one thought their life was at risk because of a screaming three year-old! Their sanity maybe, but not their lives.
It's simple ... the airlines have a schedule to keep. One delayed flight can trigger delays all over the place, as anyone who flies knows all too well. It's unreasonable to inconvenience hundreds, or even thousands of people because of one kid.
i dont think the article was implying that kids are a security issue. they're just saying that after the hijacking, you dont fuck around on an airplane. they dont take shit from anyone for anything anymore. screaming kids, stupid jokes about bombs, breast-feeding mothers... when you board a plane, you're on their turf and you will take it and like it!
i dont think the article was implying that kids are a security issue. they're just saying that after the hijacking, you dont fuck around on an airplane. they dont take shit from anyone for anything anymore. screaming kids, stupid jokes about bombs, breast-feeding mothers... when you board a plane, you're on their turf and you will take it and like it!
I just thought it was stupid to even bring up 9/11 in a discussion about a screaming kid. If this had happened in 1975, the airline should have done exactly the same thing, 9/11 has nothing to do with it. It's like you can't have a discussion about an airplane in this country anymore without mentioning terrorism, it's crazy.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I just thought it was stupid to even bring up 9/11 in a discussion about a screaming kid. If this had happened in 1975, the airline should have done exactly the same thing, 9/11 has nothing to do with it. It's like you can't have a discussion about an airplane in this country anymore without mentioning terrorism, it's crazy.
i cant speak to 1975, cos i wasnt around then. i just kinda figured these people would not have been kicked off prior to then. i remember flying as a kid in the 80s/90s and screaming kids and whatever else didn't matter. they'd have let the plane be delayed and tempers rise. shit, weren't you even allowed to smoke on airplanes once?
Steve Loucks, a spokesman for Carlson Wagonlit Travel, the travel agency, said parents need to realize that, "in the post-9/11 world, there's no room for error on airplanes. Unruly passengers, regardless of who they are, whether it's an elderly person or a young child, can be grounds for turning the plane around and letting them off. ... If ever there were a place where you need to make sure your children were behaving, this is the place."
It's simple ... the airlines have a schedule to keep. One delayed flight can trigger delays all over the place, as anyone who flies knows all too well. It's unreasonable to inconvenience hundreds, or even thousands of people because of one kid.
9/11 seems to be the excuse and justification for everything, now.
And our government.....this Administration are leading the race to use 9/11 as an excuse for everything.
We as Americans need to toughen-up and realize that 9/11 does not justify all the crap these politicians and corporate interests are planning and doing.
That's why I posted it. I thought that was hysterical.
If it were an adult acting the way the kid did, this would never have made the news. Can you imagine an adult screaming, crying, slapping people and running under seats... there'd be no discussion. Get them off the plane, they can't disrupt other passengers like that.
‘guess I'm replying to the negativity and lack of inderstanding towards the kid and the parents. People seem so quick to get grouchy and annoyed’
Abook, kids are noise pollution. Think of it like cigarettes, I smoke, you choose not to (I don’t know but let’s just say), I respect that so I keep my cigarette smoke away from you. All I ask is that people keep their fucking kids away from me when they’re screaming and making noise. I choose not to have any so I don’t want to have to put up with the kids of those who have chosen to have them. A plane is not a crèche so ya shouldn’t have to put up with it. In saying this, I’m actually GOOD with kids and have worked in a kids club and a crèche… even the WORST of kids are quite easy to control. I’ve never had ONE child I couldn’t shut up… without using physical means
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I have flown on trips with a 4 year old. Then again with a 7 year old and a two year old. Then yet again with an 8, 3, and 1 year old. There are ways to calm your child down in situations like this, any good parent knows that. I obviously don't know how these parents raise their child but it seems to me that she is spoiled and probably allowed to act in what ever manner she seems fit. My kids throw temper tantrums, but I will tell you this much it is short and after they sit their asses down quitely. Also if all else fails a little bit of Benedryl right before the flight gets them nice and sleepy.
i dont think the article was implying that kids are a security issue. they're just saying that after the hijacking, you dont fuck around on an airplane. they dont take shit from anyone for anything anymore. screaming kids, stupid jokes about bombs, breast-feeding mothers... when you board a plane, you're on their turf and you will take it and like it!
i cant speak to 1975, cos i wasnt around then. i just kinda figured these people would not have been kicked off prior to then. i remember flying as a kid in the 80s/90s and screaming kids and whatever else didn't matter. they'd have let the plane be delayed and tempers rise. shit, weren't you even allowed to smoke on airplanes once?