4 liberals indicted for voter fraud - why do Dems get so much support from the dead?

ACORN Workers Indicted For Alleged Voter Fraud
POSTED: 5:02 pm CST November 1, 2006
UPDATED: 10:25 pm CST November 1, 2006
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Four people have been indicted on charges of voter fraud in Kansas City, officials said Wednesday.
Investigators said questionable registration forms for new voters were collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that works to improve minority and low-income communities.
The four indicted -- Kwaim A. Stenson, Dale D. Franklin, Stephanie L. Davis and Brian Gardner -- were employed by ACORN as registration recruiters. They were each charged with two counts.
Federal indictments allege the four turned in false voter registration applications. Prosecutors said the indictments are part of a national investigation.
ACORN and Project Vote recruit and assign workers to low-income and minority neighborhoods to register people to vote.
The Kansas City Election Board told KMBC they found suspicious forms, such as seven applications from one person and an application for a dead man.
"There is some motive behind it -- this is not accidental," said Ray James with the Kansas City Election Board.
Election officials said some of the application cards had false addresses, signatures and phone numbers.
ACORN officials in Kansas City said they turned in the four people who were indicted.
"We're very happy that they were indicted," said Claudie Harris with ACORN.
Harris said ACORN workers are paid by the hour and not by the number of voter registration cards they turn in.
"When you fraudulently defraud this, that gives us a bad name and what we're trying to do a bad name," Harris said.
ACORN officials said the four indicted have been fired.
Harris said ACORN workers check every voter registration card before sending it to the Election Board.
Last month, ACORN claimed to have processed more than 35,000 voter registration applications in Kansas City since the summer.
ACORN Workers Indicted For Alleged Voter Fraud
POSTED: 5:02 pm CST November 1, 2006
UPDATED: 10:25 pm CST November 1, 2006
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Four people have been indicted on charges of voter fraud in Kansas City, officials said Wednesday.
Investigators said questionable registration forms for new voters were collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that works to improve minority and low-income communities.
The four indicted -- Kwaim A. Stenson, Dale D. Franklin, Stephanie L. Davis and Brian Gardner -- were employed by ACORN as registration recruiters. They were each charged with two counts.
Federal indictments allege the four turned in false voter registration applications. Prosecutors said the indictments are part of a national investigation.
ACORN and Project Vote recruit and assign workers to low-income and minority neighborhoods to register people to vote.
The Kansas City Election Board told KMBC they found suspicious forms, such as seven applications from one person and an application for a dead man.
"There is some motive behind it -- this is not accidental," said Ray James with the Kansas City Election Board.
Election officials said some of the application cards had false addresses, signatures and phone numbers.
ACORN officials in Kansas City said they turned in the four people who were indicted.
"We're very happy that they were indicted," said Claudie Harris with ACORN.
Harris said ACORN workers are paid by the hour and not by the number of voter registration cards they turn in.
"When you fraudulently defraud this, that gives us a bad name and what we're trying to do a bad name," Harris said.
ACORN officials said the four indicted have been fired.
Harris said ACORN workers check every voter registration card before sending it to the Election Board.
Last month, ACORN claimed to have processed more than 35,000 voter registration applications in Kansas City since the summer.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don't want to be hostile.
I don't want to be dismal.
But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
I want to believe you,
and I want to trust
and I want to have faith to put away the dagger.
But you lie, cheat, and steal.
And yet
I tolerate you.
Veil of virtue hung to hide your method
while I smile and laugh and dance
and sing your praise and glory.
Shroud of virtue hung to mask your stigma
as I smile and laugh and dance
and sing your glory
while you
lie, cheat, and steal.
How can I tolerate you.
Our guilt,our blame ,
I've been far too sympathetic.
Our blood, our fault.
I've been far too sympathetic.
I am not innocent.
You are not innocent.
Noone is innocent.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Why should you turn voter fraud into a one party thing when both parties clearly do it? Did you forget about Florida and Ohio?
i'm not turning it into a one party thing...all i'm doing is putting information out there so it DOESN't turn into a one party thing.
also, remember how the current democratic senator from SD won the vote among dead people?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
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