The purpose of UN resolutions? (1559)

And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Post edited by Unknown User on
Security Council Vetoes/Negative voting 1983-present
Occupied Arab Territories: Wholesale condemnation of Israeli settlement policies - not adopted 1983
S. Lebanon: Condemns Israeli action in southern Lebanon. S/16732 9/6/1984 Vetoed: 13-1 (U.S.), with 1 abstention (UK)
Occupied Territories: Deplores "repressive measures" by Israel against Arab population. S/19459. 9/13/1985 Vetoed: 10-1 (U.S.), with 4 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, UK, France)
Lebanon: Condemns Israeli practices against civilians in southern Lebanon. S/17000. 3/12/1985 Vetoed: 11-1 (U.S.), with 3 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, UK)
Occupied Territories: Calls upon Israel to respect Muslim holy places. S/17769/Rev. 1 1/30/1986 Vetoed: 13-1 (US), with one abstention (Thailand)
Lebanon: Condemns Israeli practices against civilians in southern Lebanon. S/17730/Rev. 2. 1/17/1986 Vetoed: 11-1 (U.S.), with 3 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, UK)
Libya/Israel: Condemns Israeli interception of Libyan plane. S/17796/Rev. 1. 2/6/1986 Vetoed: 10 -1 (US), with 4 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, France, UK)
Lebanon: Draft strongly deplored repeated Israeli attacks against Lebanese territory and other measures and practices against the civilian population; (S/19434) 1/18/1988 vetoed 13-1 (US), with 1 abstention (UK)
Lebanon: Draft condemned recent invasion by Israeli forces of Southern Lebanon and repeated a call for the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Lebanese territory; (S/19868) 5/10/1988 vetoed 14-1 (US)
Lebanon: Draft strongly deplored the recent Israeli attack against Lebanese territory on 9 December 1988; (S/20322) 12/14/1988 vetoed 14-1 (US)
Occupied territories: Draft called on Israel to accept de jure applicability of the 4th Geneva Convention; (S/19466) 1988 vetoed 14-1 (US)
Occupied territories: Draft urged Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention, rescind the order to deport Palestinian civilians, and condemned policies and practices of Israel that violate the human rights of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories; (S/19780) 1988 vetoed 14-1 (US)
Occupied territories: Strongly deplored Israeli policies and practices in the occupied territories, and strongly deplored also Israel's continued disregard of relevant Security Council decisions. 2/17/1989 Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Occupied territories: Condemned Israeli policies and practices in the occupied territories. 6/9/1989 Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Occupied territories: Deplored Israel's policies and practices in the occupied territories. 11/7/1989 Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Occupied territories: NAM draft resolution to create a commission and send three security council members to Rishon Lezion, where an Israeli gunmen shot down seven Palestinian workers. 5/31/1990 Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Middle East: Confirms that the expropriation of land by Israel in East Jerusalem is invalid and in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions and provisions of the Fourth Geneva convention; expresses support of peace process, including the Declaration of Principles of 9/13/1993 5/17/1995 Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Middle East: Calls upon Israeli authorities to refrain from all actions or measures, including settlement activities. 3/7/1997 Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Middle East: Demands that Israel cease construction of the settlement in east Jerusalem (called Jabal Abu Ghneim by the Palestinians and Har Homa by Israel), as well as all the other Israeli settlement activity in the occupied territories
3/21/1997 Vetoed 13-1,1 (US)
Call for UN Observers Force in West Bank, Gaza 3/27/2001 Vetoed 9-1 (US),
with four abstentions
(Britain, France, Ireland and Norway)
Condemned acts of terror, demanded an end to violence and the establishment of a monitoring mechanism to bring in observers. 12/14/2001 Vetoed 12-1 (US)
with two abstentions
(Britain and Norway)
On the killing by Israeli forces of several UN employees and the destruction of the World Food Programme (WFP) warehouse
12/19/2002 12-1 (US)
with two abstentions
(Bulgaria and Cameroon)
Demand that Israel halt threats to expel Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat 9/16/03 Vetoed 11-1 (US)
with three abstentions
(Britain, Germany and Bulgaria)
Seeks to bar Israel from extending security fence 10/14/03 Vetoed 10-1 with four absentations (Britain, Germany, Bulgaria and Cameroon)
Condemns Israel for killing Ahmed Yassin 3/25/04 Vetoed 11-1 (US)
with three absentations
(Britain, Germany, Romania)
Calls For Israel To Halt Gaza Operation 10/05/04 Vetoed 11-1 (US)
with three absentations
(Britain, Germany, Romania)
Calls For Israel To Halt Gaza Operation 7/13/06 Vetoed 10-1 (US)
with four absentations
(Britain, Peru, Denmark and Slovakia)
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
who do you mean by "them"...? if you are referring to the seems the US took them seriously enough to "enforce" resolution 1441...
I would have to agree with veddie, "only when convenient"...
what i was about to post, but the citizens disagree with the PM, at least... which is not the case in the USA...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i'd say most citizens are asleep on this one ... as like most issues ... only ones saying anything are arab-canadians ... those conservative fockers won't answer my emails ... i guess they don't have to be held accountable to me ...
look at this great Ottawa citizen article (sorry if it's off topic), it's disgusting:
Thursday 20 July 2006
Quebec’s ugly little bias by Brigitte Pellerin
Quebec’s ugly little bias
by Brigitte Pellerin, The Ottawa Citizen
If I were the praying type, I’d be asking God to prove me wrong today. But I’m not, which means I’ll have to settle for hoping my fellow human beings do it instead. For I am afraid that doing the right thing in the latest Middle East crisis is not going to help Stephen Harper at all politically, and may even hurt him in Quebec.
It’s not because I worry about Mr. Harper or his government. Not much, anyway. But I do worry a lot about where this country, particularly the part on the other side of the Ottawa River, is going. Especially when it comes to the war on terrorism and the civilized world’s struggle against barbarism. Punishing the prime minister for having the courage, finally, to show moral clarity and support for Israel instead of the usual "even-handed" nonsense would be a sure sign that Canada has really lost its way. Or been dragged out of it by prevailing public opinion in Quebec.
I have never been to the Middle East. As far as I know, I have approximately zero Jewish ancestors. But I would like the record to show that I, too, stand with Israel. Not doing so is almost incomprehensible.
I’m not saying there aren’t decent people elsewhere in the region. There are, and I pity them when they are the victims of violence or bad government. But Israel is the only true democracy in the region and also the only country constantly fighting for its survival against a bunch of maniacal nut-jobs whose only goal is to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every last Jew, no matter what it takes.
It’s quite simple, really. As columnist Dennis Prager so deftly put it, "The Arab and other Muslim enemies of Israel (for the easily confused, this does not mean every Arab or every Muslim) want Israel destroyed. That is why there is a Middle East conflict."
So yes, it was refreshing to hear Mr. Harper support Israel’s right to defend itself unequivocally. For the first time in what seems like forever, Canada has no trouble choosing sides between Hezbollah and Israel.
I only hope the clarity lasts. Some, such as the CBC’s Larry Zolf, seem to think it will. Canada’s new stand on Israel, he wrote this week, could get Mr. Harper "his majority government, even if he does not break through in Quebec." Gosh, what if he’s wrong and it turns out Canadians don’t really support Israel against murderous thugs? Or what if Quebec tips the scales?
You don’t need me to remind you of the province’s unfortunate history of anti-Semitism, which I’m sorry to say hasn’t entirely disappeared. French-language media coverage of the current crisis is overwhelmingly one-sided, with countless pictures and stories about anxious Lebanese-Canadians and very little on Israeli civilians deliberately targeted by the terrorists as opposed to being accidentally hit by the Israeli military. Also, there are few efforts made to ensure Quebecers understand why this latest eruption occurred, or to be certain that published information is complete or even accurate.
On July 14, for instance, veteran commentator Michel Vastel wrote in his blog that the kidnapped Israeli soldiers were "in Gaza, a territory the UN recognizes as autonomous. And in Lebanon, a sovereign country." Wrong. As one reader told him, the soldiers were inside Israel when they were kidnapped. As of this writing, Mr. Vastel has not made a correction.
Even worse was senior Parti Quebecois politician Louise Harel and high-profile Quebec Solidaire party co-president Francoise David attending a Montreal rally against "Israel’s attacks on Lebanon" on Tuesday where protesters, the Montreal Gazette explained, "condemned the Canadian government for backing Israel’s acts of war." The politicians pledged "their support for the Lebanese community both in Quebec and in Lebanon" and Ms. Harel told the crowd, "We share your pain and understand your anger."
Other than La Presse’s Lysiane Gagnon — to my knowledge the only francophone commentator who reliably and consistently sides with Israel — almost every comment I come across these days is at best "even-handed" a la Jean Chretien and at worst, well, at worst you get an op-ed by former Universite du Quebec professor Denis Gaumond in Le Soleil asking Israel whether "killing civilians with impunity" truly is about self-defence or rather because Israel is "jealous" of Lebanon’s "fledgling tourist industry."
Maybe what’s in the media does not at all reflect Quebecers’ opinion on the conflict and the larger issue of terrorism. But I’m afraid it does, and they will punish Mr. Harper at the polls in the next election for standing clearly against a second Holocaust.
Please, folks, prove me wrong.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i don't know but thanks, i can't write them and be comprehensive, i tried with the CBC and they never got back to me (hehe i wonder why), we don't need this crisis to turn into another anti-Quebec thing, or another Quebec vs. Canada thing.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i'm trying to understand your, and veddie's, point. I don't think reasonable people EVER take the UN seriously. Why would you?
My point is is that the UN can pass resolution after resolution. But there is no enforcement mechanism in place. In other words, they are the parent in the grocery store who is having a conversation with their kid on why it's bad to put peeps into the coffee grinding machine.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
EXACTLY. See, the original poster gets it. Not only are most of these resolutions simply intended to harass Israel ... Even the goods ones have no teeth. Where is the mechanism that ensures that they actually translate into something useful?
Right, 'cause we here in Canada don't tolerate a plurality of opinions! Shut up or move to the US!!!
Hmmm ...
But, still... one of the excuses we (U.S.) used to justify the military action against Iraq was the enforcement of U.N. Resolution 1441. Either enforce the fucking resolutions or don't... Don't use them as justification for unilateral military actions when it is convienient. Picking and choosing them as we please makes us look like real assholes.
I beleive that is the point that is being made.
Hail, Hail!!!
You should have sent her the link to these photo's of Lebanese children blown to bits by the benevolent hand of the Israeli military in the act of defending themselves.
she didn't respond to my email ... :rolleyes: ... go figure ...
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Most Canadians DO agree with the PM on this issue.
is that exactly what I thought I read?"
How I choose to feel,...Is how I am.