Glenn Beck vs RFK Jr tomorrow?

apparently they will debate over the issue of why calling people you disagree with as fascists and traitors is or isn't constructive....can't wait!
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Post edited by Unknown User on
But, whatever floats your boat, rocks your socks, or whatev.
yeah, getting us out of iraq...what floats the boat more than mass genocide?
enjoy that position.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
like the clip they played of michael moore's "melt-down" on the situation room and calling it 'irrational bullying just because they showed a well-done piece completely debunking his entire film'
they even showed a clip of michael moore and cnn's dr on larry king...yet glenn left out the part where they admitted this 'well done piece' had errors in it and in truth debunked nothing, let alone they were emailed about these errors before they aired the piece not only on the situation room but on anderson cooper 360
or, maybe they can discuss how things are only wrong when it's something you disagree w/?
like w/ the immigration bill he cried about how they were going against public opinion, it's their job to listen to what the ppl want and act on that behalf....but when it comes to republicans talking about a withdrawl suddenly he says they are being weak by listening to public opinion polls and it's their job to lead, not listen to polls...
orrrrrrrrrrr....maybe they can discuss how he says pretty much whatever he wants, like refering to hugo chavez as a dictator....even tho he was democratically elected...granted he has done some bad shit, but would you take anyone serioulsy who referred to bush as a dictator??? i didn't think so
but! i must say, he is far more entertaining to have on tv during my break at work than crusty, ol larry king
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
the conservative talking point now is if we pull out a massive genocide will happen and it will all be our fault
they even brought cut and run, running away...back
what they don't realize is they look like the child who broke his parents lamp and altho many pieces are mere dust he keeps declaring "i can fix it, i can fix it!!"
tonight on glenn beck they said if we pull out then other areas will begin to fall and like a domino....hey, doesn't that sound like vietnam???
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Low Traffic CIO MIW
care to expand?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i thought it was funny glenn actually tried to make the arguement that he wasn't funded by corporations when the whole week a few times an episode he'd 'remind us that tonight's episode was brought to us by sleep number beds'
and granted, sleep number beds doesn't seem very nefarious, but it's the concept that he is sponsored, funded, bought by corporate in essence, how isn't he a corporate spokesperson?? and different drug ads have run at commercials
how does he think his show makes money???
and he used to always preach that he was nothing but an, suddenly he's not, he's 'a thinker'
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
it's not a "talking point" it's reality.
i know that you're a smart guy, and the fact that you'd let politics asuage your guilt of a mass genocide says a lot about your convictions.
seriously, are you going to let your hatred of evil corporations and the supreme terrorist bush get in the way of stopping more parents having their children baked in ovens with apples in their mouths served to dinner for them?
you willing to have the blood on your hands with that position?
i'm guessing no and you'll blame halliburton.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Do you think that us being there will make a huge difference? It seems to me there's plenty of mass killings going on everyday whether we are there or not.
i don't think this will happen but even if it does - why not engage the UN and ask for an international peacekeeping force to transition over?
stop building those military bases and huge embassy ... do you think the US presence is NOT part of the problem?? ...
it's time for the US to engage in a foreign policy that isn't dictated by greed - when that happens maybe we can actually not play around with innocent lives ...
It's not reality it's a prediction. And seeing how the same people that today predict a genocide didn't forsee the civil war, I wouldn't be so confident.
But anyways, with the insane amount of money that is being spent for limited results the least the administration could do is aknowledge the efficiency problem and try to solve it (like asking for help).
you act like ppl are saying everyone cut out and leave the iraqis to themselves...that's not what anyone is saying, that is just how the talking point is worded to appear to have a shred of credibility and give the appearance they are being compassionate and care oh so much...but the reality is it's just more fearmongering by the republicans
right now it's pretty much all being run by the US and some private security (ie mercinaries) companys...what ppl want is for the UN and international forces come in...but it won't b/c the US refuses to give up it's power over the region and its resources.
all the other countries really don't wanna fight and die to protect our contracts. this is why we refuse to reduce forces and let in an international group
now, if you guys are really so worried about genocide and all this then perhaps you should take a look at our foreign policy from decades ago to present and see what kinda trouble comes from helping arm and keep in power tyrants just so we can make some $
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
the part came on after the 1/2 hr break, so roughly 1/2 way thru the transcript
KENNEDY: Well, you know, Glenn, you`re saying that now, but what you`ve done on your show, as I`ve said, you`ve turned the issue...
BECK: Is said that.
KENNEDY: Instead of getting serious people to seriously debate this issue on your show -- and there`s incredible scientists out there...
BECK: Yes, and I`ve had several of them on.
KENNEDY: No, you`ve brought people on like Jorn Wanberg (ph) and John Christy and these people from the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the American Enterprise Institute without identifying ever to your audience that these people are on the payroll of Exxon and...
i believe in the crosstalk kennedy also mentioned bp
it was very interesting, beck tried to be a smartass a lot and kennedy handled it pretty well, i hope it gets posted somewhere soon
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
agreed, the unedited version was MUCH better, and illustrated the fraud of rfk.
curious, why don't you post the part of the transcript where rfk somehow sees the sierra club as a pure prestine organazation with no political agenda.
rfk was embarrassing. a lot of conservatives have problems with corporations but people like him could care less about actually discussing's all about demonizing and avoiding SUBSTANTIVE debate.
speaking of which...i'm an academic, i know that it only takes a paragraph to sum up scientific findings...why cant the global warming crowd do so? why do they obfuscate? if the science is setteled, why can't they give me a 1 page report like most scientists can?
as far as my fave points of the about rfk jr's definition of fascism? can we agree he is spewing bull crap from his mouth? why are leftists more interested in painting conservatives as hate mongers than they are discussing issues? have you ever asked yourself this question?
the thing i took from the interview was that beck was interested in dialogue, rfk jr was interested in talking points.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
-i posted the link and even said where abouts on the page of the transcript the interview was, i did not feel i had to post the obvious (that rfk works w/ the sierra club, how many speeches has he given for them??), what wasn't obvious was some of the scientists glenn beck has on receive their funding or other money from sources like exxon-mobil and bp
anyway, beck did nothing but make wise cracks and cut him off whenever kennedy started to make a point. as soon as kennedy started explaining his ties to sierra club beck cut him off by talking over him
-actually, that definition WAS said in ww2, i can't remember if it was mussolini or not, but he said fascism should be called corporatism....which is what kennedy said
KENNEDY: The American Heritage Dictionary defines fascism as the domination of government by corporate power. Benito Mussolini complained that fascism should not be called fascism. He said it should be called corporatism, because it was the merger of state and corporate power. And you are one of the primary -- you, and John Stossel, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh have made yourselves the primary spokesmen for the domination of corporate power over American government, and that is...
BECK: Sir, I`ve got to tell you -- you know what`s really sad?
KENNEDY: Are you going to let me finish talking?
BECK: No, I`m not
there are several charateristics of fascism...
Italian fascist corporativism
In Italian Fascism, this non-elected form of state "officializing" of every interest into the state was professed to better circumvent the marginalization of singular interests (as would allegedly happen by the unilateral end condition inherent in the democractic voting process). Corporativism would instead better recognize or 'incorporate' every divergent interest as it stands alone into the state "organically", according to its supporters, thus being the inspiration behind their use of the term totalitarian, perceivable to them as not meaning a coercive system but described distinctly as without coercion in the 1932 Doctrine of Fascism as thus;
"… (The state) is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual…" & "…Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State…" but rather clearly connoting "…Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers…"
-it didn't seem like he was interested in a dialogue at all! he repeatedly talked over kennedy when he was making a point or answering a question, he made jokes instead of addressing what he was actually saying!
maybe we watched different interviews?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Well if you're an academic you should know the difference between a theory and a study. A theory is not a study and has no results to sum up in a half a page abstract. A study (for example : Temperature, Temperature Extremes, and Mortality: A Study of Acclimatization and Effect Modification in 50 United States Cities) presents results on a very precise question.
A theory is validated by the validity of its predictions in the various study of its field.