goddamn the war is funny!

i just don't get the joke i suppose, but george bush seems to find it hilarious. have you noticed that awful smirk/chuckle he has every time he talks about the war? just today when he was talking about not gracefully leaving iraq, and staying until the job is complete, he had that ridiculous smirk on his face again. he will pause after every sentence and give a big smile and chuckle as if he is a stand up comic waiting for the audience to laugh along with his ideas about getting more of our children killed for his halliburton buddies. the least he could do is ACT as if he takes this seriously. i bet none of the soldiers that are having to serve a 3rd or 4th tour of duty are smirking or yukking it up when they hear the news that they will be in that nightmare for at least 2 more years. i wonder how hard the parents laugh when they get a knock on the door saying their child died for nothing. it is so gross that he is so flippant about the situation.
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i wish just once a reporter would ask him what is so goddamn funny when he is up there chuckling about people dying in his war. wouldnt that be an honest question? "mr. president, what do you find so amusing about this situation?" i find myself screaming at my television everytime i see it. would it be too much trouble for him to ACT somber or serious?
hahha good times
there is a difference between being a poor speaker and stading up there in front of the world with a shit eating grin on his face waiting for us all to laugh along as he talks about commiting his country and our children to more years of unnessecary war. it is unforgivable. so really, if any of you get the joke please explain it to me, because my son turns 8 tomorrow, and i dont need him to die in iraq 10 years from now because george bush thinks war is a rootin tootin good time.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA........ wonderful post! you nailed me on the man boobs cause i asked santa to take them away in another post. brilliant! now if george bush was up there busting my balls about my man tits, i would be ok with him chuckling..... but i still fail to follow his humor about the war....
whatever dude. its called nervous laughter. Nervous laughter is used to describe laughter evoked from an audiences expression of embarrassment, alarm, or confusion, rather than amusement.
it really must suck to live in the head of yours. you are actually worried your 8 years old son will fight in Iraq.
all that rage and hate....scary.
too bad he cant contain his laughter when he is talking about his war. and as for my kid, if we stay there until the "mission is complete" it will take over 10 years from now..... and the military WILL not be able to sustain this war for another 10 years with all volunteer troops.... they will HAVE to draft people to fight in this nightmare when it goes on that long. if the neo-cons have their way WE WILL BE THERE IN TEN YEARS.... EVEN IF IT IS CALLED IRAN BY THAT TIME, WE WILL STILL BE THERE. and the though of my son dying for halliburton is nowhere near as funny as george bush thinkas it is. and if my son dies over there I WILL KILL WHOEVER PUT HIM THERE.
seek help. do it quickly
I remember the pretzel incident, and his dog just sitting there on her haunches calmly watching the President choke to death.
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Regardless of the smirks and shit... which, I personally don't care about, one way or the other. It is his words and decisions that bother and upset me.
I know a 'timeline' is not a good idea because if I were Joe Terrorist, i would stash away my Jihad until after that day and break it out the following day.
BUT... some GOALS need to be put into place. The 'No Timetable' thing keeps the Iraqi government form taking action. Why run the risk of being held accountable for security when the Americans are willing to? No wonder they sit on their asses doing nothing... to do something means they assume the risks and responsibility... fuck that.
Our 'When the Job is Done' plan is idiotic when the Job is not defined and milestones aren't identified and goals to achive them are not set.
Imagine telling your kid to mow the lawn... sometime... in the future... and when he's done, he has to pay you 50 bucks. When do you think that kid is going to cut the grass?
Hail, Hail!!!
i dont get it. every time i make a post about something we as americans are SUPPOSED to be angry about ( loss of civil liberties, condoning torture, doing away with habius corpus, the president laughing about our kids getting killed in iraq) you tell me i need help. you arent angry about these things? how can you NOT be angry about these things? your apathy is astonishing. do you remember when george had some stupid dinner with all his rich neocon contributors and he acted like he was looking around the room for weapons of mass destruction? i just dont see the joke. i fail to see what is so motherfucking funny about this war. it is not nervous laughter, he waits after every sentence and smiles looking around the room like everyone else is supposed to find his murderous war amusing. looking around a banquet hall for weapons of mass destruction to mock the deaths of all the kids he sent over there is not "nervous laughter" he finds the whole thing amusing. and i think he is the one that needs help. goddamn if these things dont make you angry what does???????
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
exactly. and because the most avid war supporters and bush supporters are too afraid to go fight in this war they find so magnificent, who will be left to fight it 10 years from now? do you really think people will still be joining the armed forces in enough numbers to sustain this occupation for another decade? i will move my son out of the country before he has to die or murder for halliburton, but it does make me angry that it will have to come to that.
I never said one word about the draft, this war will still be going on. That worries me.
i've already been planting the seeds of thought into my nephew's head... he's a good kid... but he's a 'C' student and we don't have the money to send him to college. He's been talking about the military... I say, "Go Air Force". He can get trainning on ground maintenance and get a job working for manufacturers or airlines, working on commercial jets. The job market for artillery gunners are not as available.
Hail, Hail!!!
This is a great post. I would put this in the top 5 of the great posts i've read over the years on this matter.
The thing is, anger alone doesn't get it too far. I sure don't mind that someone like you comes along and shakes it up a bit now and then, though. I have a nephew graduating from high school this year.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Tell him, "Go Air Force"... if college is not a viable option to him and he is considering the military.
The world is always going to have commercial airliners and people to fix them.
Hail, Hail!!!
I think he found philosophy between a couple lines of coke and a shot of Jack Daniels.
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well if he cant keep a straight face when he is talking about this disastrous war something is mentally wrong with him. did LBJ chuckle and smirk every time he talked about kids dying in Vietnam? i mean the subject matter we are talking about is the leaked report from the iraq committee recommendations on the situation in iraq. and george bush's response to their suggestions is to laugh and say there is no way we are getting out of iraq in the foreseeable future. how many kids are going to die in that time span? lose libms, kill innocent civilians? kill people fighting for power in their own country through civil war? none of this is humorous. and if the president of the united states cant refrain from laughing while discussing such matters he needs mental help. he is the most disgusting pig that has ever represented this country.
I think he cares... but, I don't think he knows how to accomplish it. He has that macho shithead mentality that shooting up the place make you a big man or something.
I seriously think that he really believed in the one outcome... Gulf War II. Liberation and parades and F-16 Fly-bys and boulevards in Baghdad named after him... just like Dad's boulevard in Kuwait.
Too bad he didn't seek advice from his Dad (until now). Turns out, Jesus Christ is not the best source of advice when it comes to creating and execution a battle plan that cause the deaths of others in a foriegn land.
Hail, Hail!!!
lets see, you have 150 posts and this is a top 5 post you read in YEARS? you people are funny.
He has a certain belief in the model of an American President, and in that, I think he cares. I don't think the macho shit really appeals to him personally.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Think of it like this... George W. Bush is proof that modern humans evolved from chimpanzees. Then, it'll all makes sense to you.
Hail, Hail!!!
This isn't the only message board, darling.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
and thats a top 5 post? where are you posting? http://www.moveon.org/forums
you people are hliarious