yhow can GOP change position in September?????

if you believe the talking heads on television, they seem to all be in agreement that the repubs will change their stance on the iraq war when things are still out of controll, and it is obvious the the surge is not working.... HOW CAN THEY DO THAT?????? they are taking the position that leaving iraq is SURRENDER TO TERRORISTS.... they say if we leave "they will follow us home" how can this possibly change come september? you would think that the worse things get, it would make it even more like surrender when we leave. they know that if they want to be re-elected, they cannot continue to support bush and his insane war, but having stated that leaving is surrender, that would mean that they would prefer to surrender to terrorists than not be re-elected. the dems have stood by their argument that it is a civil war and there is nothing US troops can to to stop it. so, they can continue to be anti-war, and for withdrawl, but the GOP seems to have painted themselves into a corner. dont they need to go down with this ship? is it possible that the GOP base is so stupid that they can be spun to believe that if we leave now it is surrender, but if we leave when it is even worse it is not surrender?