Media Avoiding the "M" Word With Omeed Aziz Popal

The media is shying away from the calling Omeed Aziz Popal (Tuesday’s deadly driving rampage) a Muslim, as if it were radioactive. Here’s a story that uses the predictable excuse that he was normally kind but stress caused him to develop mental illness:
Oh my, I feel so sorry for Mr. Popal. He's such a nice guy:rolleyes:
Interestingly, this is a similar approach with the jack-off in Seattle, who went on a Jew-Shooting Spree. And the same approach a while back here in North Carolina, with the nutjob who drove his car through a window, to kill a few non-believers and extend revenge against America; for his god.....Alah.
Eventually, in all prior cases the media had no choice but admit they were crazed Muslims. How long before the clock ticks to midnight, for Omeed Aziz Popal?
Oh my, I feel so sorry for Mr. Popal. He's such a nice guy:rolleyes:
Interestingly, this is a similar approach with the jack-off in Seattle, who went on a Jew-Shooting Spree. And the same approach a while back here in North Carolina, with the nutjob who drove his car through a window, to kill a few non-believers and extend revenge against America; for his god.....Alah.
Eventually, in all prior cases the media had no choice but admit they were crazed Muslims. How long before the clock ticks to midnight, for Omeed Aziz Popal?
Post edited by Unknown User on
question: what religious affilation was John Mark Karr...? how about this guy : ...?
That was clearly a pre-meditated abduction for the purpose of sexual assault. It's obvious the guy had his sights set on her and her only.
These other attacks and killings are random attacks by guys looking to take anyone down, they could get their cars on, or bullets on; because of their religious loyalties (Islam). The shooter in Seattle didn't have anyone in particular targeted, as long as they were Jews, that's all that mattered to him.
The other kooks were targeting Americans in general and any 'ole American would do.
Big difference here.
The very essence of the attacks, itself, was rooted in religion.
while I understand there is a difference is the scope of these crimes...but I wonder, do we have to add religious affiliation information to every crime...? where does the line end...? my point: a crime is a crime...and yes, motives are different...but do we need to add religious information to each...?
I guess, at least for me, I really don't care what the motive was, I just see the crime as wrong and the person conducting that crime should held's kinda like the labeling of some crimes as "hate-crimes"...isn't a crime a crime...? aren't all crimes hateful...?
don't get me wrong, I do get you point, I just don't see the need to add another won't change the crime...
It could also be rooted in racism... no?
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Basically, yeah ... Although I think to these guys, race and religion translate into the same thing -- The enemy.
Huh. I had seen this "media gotcha" on some other blogs and just took it in stride, but you've made me ponder! Of course the answer is no, we don't need religious affiliation for every crime -- do we need them for any?
When they appear to be religeously motivated, I would say that's pertinent to the story. The who, what, where, and when are all just factual points ... but the meat of the story is in the "WHY?"
And from what I've heard, some of the recent attackers WANTED to be known as muslim during/after their attack. It's their intent to gain the publicity for Islam.
So are we in the clutches of the drunken sports fan running onto the field of play and the TV station won't show his escapades to give him the publicity he desires? That might be a worthwhile argument....
But I doubt that's the reason. I'd say it's FEAR of a backlash against the writer, reporter, paper, tv station, etc.... and a desire to coddle the masses.
Thu, August 31, 2006
Warrant to comb rubbleExperts examine blasted home
Investigators are now sifting through the wreckage of a levelled home with a Criminal Code search warrant to determine if there's anything more to a strange coincidence.
The two-storey brick house was blown to smithereens Monday in a spectacular explosion that rocked a quiet Mississauga neighbourhood. The house, which sold in less than two months, was due to close the same morning.
Police would only say the search warrant is a precautionary move and refused to comment on why they made the application saying, "it didn't happen overnight."
"We're gathering evidence to support the investigation but we need to do it lawfully," Peel Regional Police spokesman Jennifer Bryer said. "It's just an authorization to search for proof or evidence that may support the investigation or substantiate the investigation later on."
Police obtained the warrant at 5 p.m. Tuesday, but the acting supervisor of the fire marshal's office said that won't affect the way the investigation is conducted.
"The investigation would be the same whether we had done it under the FPPA (Fire Protection and Prevention Act) or a Criminal Code search warrant," Bill Hiscott said at the site of the Duchess Dr. home near the QEW and Cawthra Rd.
The home owner, John Walkiewicz, 54, was pulled from the burning rubble and remains in intensive care with broken chest bones. No charges have been laid.
Bryer said police are questioning the man and "looking into all those associated to the residence."
Walkiewicz's son, Casey, 26, said he was last questioned by police Monday after the blast, and he told them about the estranged relationships his father had with himself and his mom.
"I'm waiting like everyone else," Casey said of the probe.
Walkiewicz's former wife, Eva, co-signed the $189,000 mortgage on the home. The couple went through a messy divorce.
According to documents, the property at 762 Duchess Dr. was valued at $342,000 as of January 2006.
The home was originally listed at $399,000 on June 7, 2006, and subsequently dropped to $389,000.
The home sold July 22 for $375,000 but is still listed under Walkiewicz's name.
There are back taxes of $18,367 owing on the property. Legal Aid Ontario also placed a lien on the house.
One long-time neighbour who would only identify himself as "Bill," said Walkiewicz often complained he had no money to buy food.
"Lots of times he said, 'I have no place to go, no money for an apartment, shoes or food,'" Bill said. "He never showed signs of anger ... he was the most polite person I ever met."
Walkiewicz likely survived the explosion because he was at the centre of the blast, Hiscott said. A blast of this magnitude demands "optimum" conditions, he said -- the right mix of fuel and oxygen.
Asked if it was possible to create the "optimum" conditions, he said: "I would think you'd have to be pretty good in chemistry to do that."
Of course you dont have to add religious affiliation to every crime, as most crimes have nothing to do with religion. But you bring up motives, which are often times major part of the prosecuting of criminals, or the defense of the accused. So if the motive for the crime came out of religion, then it should most certainly be brought up and discussed. In saying that however, the article posted seems more like the guy just went crazy, so in that situation then no, I dont see the big deal about his religion not being discussed.
Your article has nothing to do with religion. The motive had nothing to do with religion. So who cares about religion in this case? Nobody.
When a guy shoots up a bunch of Jews in the name of Allah, then religion matters, you silly Canadian.