All those who question....

Eva7Eva7 Posts: 226
edited December 2006 in A Moving Train
Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • that is a lot of people,...

    i still don't understand why nothing has been done. zero accountability and nobody fucking cares,...

    oh wait, jesse jackson called keith richards a honky! whoa, johnny depp and the cracken are gonna eat 'em up,...
    you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
    ~Ron Burgundy
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    that is a lot of people,...

    i still don't understand why nothing has been done. zero accountability and nobody fucking cares,...

    oh wait, jesse jackson called keith richards a honky! whoa, johnny depp and the cracken are gonna eat 'em up,...

    its like the scene in V for Vendetta ... Do you REALLY wanna know?? ...
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    ha, thanks for the link, eva!

    wow, a lot of ppl involved in terrorism, flying and such saying the story doesn't add up...i particularly liked the air force pilot that flew over 100 combat missions and was a commercial airline pilot for 35 years saying there was no way for that plane to make the manuevers it did to hit the pentagon...or the guy that brought up we have a trillion $ defense budget <or was 1/2 trilliong?> and the missile defense programs and yet these ppl hiding in caves penetrated it for well over an hour!
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_Kabong wrote:
    ha, thanks for the link, eva!

    wow, a lot of ppl involved in terrorism, flying and such saying the story doesn't add up...i particularly liked the air force pilot that flew over 100 combat missions and was a commercial airline pilot for 35 years saying there was no way for that plane to make the manuevers it did to hit the pentagon...or the guy that brought up we have a trillion $ defense budget <or was 1/2 trilliong?> and the missile defense programs and yet these ppl hiding in caves penetrated it for well over an hour!

    Those were the two that really stood out to me as well.

    Thanks for the link, I guess it isn't just us "wacko America hating liberals" who think the official 9/11 stories "dog don't hunt" (I read that on the page, and Senator Long from the movie JFK says the same thing about the Warren Commission)
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    I was banned from an old forum I used to participate on for suggesting within hours of the collapse of the WTC that it was statistically impossible, let alone defying all of the currently accepted laws of physics.

    One need only look at the melt point of steel and the maximum burning temperature of jet fuel to realize that something was terribly wrong. doesn't matter how much fuel there can only burn so hot...especially in an uncontrolled environment. Would have needed to burn a couple of hundred degrees hotter to melt steel...even weakened structural elements don't suddenly melt faster...they can bend/fail from weight once compromised, but that has nothing to do with melting point.

    Uniform collapse would have been a 1 in 1 million shot for one of the buildings...probably 1 in 100 million for both. Controlled demolition was obvious to anyone who has been around them enough to now what they look like.

    Not to mention that a number of the alleged "terrorists" were later found alive and well.

    I am certain that the U.S. government was involved with 9/11, however I do not know the degree of the do i want possessing that knowledge would surely have an adverse negative affect on my ability to continue breathing. :D

    The government had a plan to blow up an airliner full of US citizens and frame Cuba for it back in the 60s. 9/11 is not a stretch in light of that.

    I want to know this...if they really "followed the money", how is it that we have never heard about an investigation into the record level of puts against corporations that were severly impacted by 9/11? There are peopl out there who made a windfall on those puts...and records do not lie. That activity should have flagged the feds right away that something was afoot.
  • Those were the two that really stood out to me as well.

    Thanks for the link, I guess it isn't just us "wacko America hating liberals" who think the official 9/11 stories "dog don't hunt" (I read that on the page, and Senator Long from the movie JFK says the same thing about the Warren Commission)

    No kidding! I get so tired of being told I'm nuts for thinking this stuff just doesn't add up at all. Especially when it's coming from those who refuse to even read up on the issue and compare both sides.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • No kidding! I get so tired of being told I'm nuts for thinking this stuff just doesn't add up at all. Especially when it's coming from those who refuse to even read up on the issue and compare both sides.

    I would like to see those who say it's un-American to question 9/11 say anything about these quotes. These men and woman have made a career out of defending our country at the highest levels and they buy into the "crazy leftist" conspiracy.

    I think it's fair to assume that 4 years ago anyone who though Kennedy was murdered by anyone but Lee Harvey Oswald was considered crazy. Time will tell I guess
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    bump for the new year
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    polaris wrote:
    its like the scene in V for Vendetta ... Do you REALLY wanna know?? ...

    I guess I'm one of those people. I'm not convinced by the official version of events, but (and I know this may sound crazy to some) I really don't want to know. I have very little faith and/or trust in my government as it is. I really don't need to know that they are responsible for the deaths of 3,000 Americans. Like I said this may sound crazy to some but I would still like to hold on to this sliver of faith I have in our government simply because it gives me hope that the ills that plaque our government can and will be cured in the future. Knowing that they are responsible for 9/11 would cause me to loose that hope and I can't imagine living without any hope for a better future.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Eva7 wrote:
    Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report

    i work for state government, and when i tried to ope the link my computer blocked me and said...

    Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Alternative Spirituality/Occult"
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    mammasan wrote:
    I guess I'm one of those people. I'm not convinced by the official version of events, but (and I know this may sound crazy to some) I really don't want to know. I have very little faith and/or trust in my government as it is. I really don't need to know that they are responsible for the deaths of 3,000 Americans. Like I said this may sound crazy to some but I would still like to hold on to this sliver of faith I have in our government simply because it gives me hope that the ills that plaque our government can and will be cured in the future. Knowing that they are responsible for 9/11 would cause me to loose that hope and I can't imagine living without any hope for a better future.

    actually - i think the opposite would be true ... knowing that your gov't and other high profile organizations were somehow linked to 9-11 would free the people to take back what has been stolen ... we all know the gov't acts in the interests of the few now - and it is apathy and ignorance that allows them to keep doing that ...

    this would be a catalyst to take back gov't
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    polaris wrote:
    actually - i think the opposite would be true ... knowing that your gov't and other high profile organizations were somehow linked to 9-11 would free the people to take back what has been stolen ... we all know the gov't acts in the interests of the few now - and it is apathy and ignorance that allows them to keep doing that ...

    this would be a catalyst to take back gov't

    I guess you can view it that way, but in my mind a government that would be willing to partake in the atrocities of 9/11 would be willing to stop at nothing to hold onto their power. Hence the people would really have to ability to take back control. Any attempt would be put down by deadly force if necessary. Me personally I would just loose all hope in a better tomorrow if I knew that our government somehow was involved. Where 99% of the time I want to know the truth, this is that 1% where I would perfer not to.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    mammasan wrote:
    I guess you can view it that way, but in my mind a government that would be willing to partake in the atrocities of 9/11 would be willing to stop at nothing to hold onto their power. Hence the people would really have to ability to take back control. Any attempt would be put down by deadly force if necessary. Me personally I would just loose all hope in a better tomorrow if I knew that our government somehow was involved. Where 99% of the time I want to know the truth, this is that 1% where I would perfer not to.

    i guess it depends on how many people are complicit ... to me, its but a few people (by that i mean its not like everyone who works for the gov't is in on it) ... if the truth was exposed - i don't see a single cop or army officer going out there to squash a revolution of sorts ... right now, day by day the gov't is moving farther away from the people ... if the truth will not set the people free - nothing will ...
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    polaris wrote:
    i guess it depends on how many people are complicit ... to me, its but a few people (by that i mean its not like everyone who works for the gov't is in on it) ... if the truth was exposed - i don't see a single cop or army officer going out there to squash a revolution of sorts ... right now, day by day the gov't is moving farther away from the people ... if the truth will not set the people free - nothing will ...

    Good point. Now let me throw this out there. Do you think that if this conspiracy was true and the truth was reveiled would it cause more harm than good to this country. I can see a mass revolt, even a bloody violent one erupting over something like this. Also regardless of how many people where in on the actual planning you know that there would still be millions of Americans who would refuse to believe and attempt to protect the government. The possiblity, regardless of how small or large, of a civil war exists.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    mammasan wrote:
    Good point. Now let me throw this out there. Do you think that if this conspiracy was true and the truth was reveiled would it cause more harm than good to this country. I can see a mass revolt, even a bloody violent one erupting over something like this. Also regardless of how many people where in on the actual planning you know that there would still be millions of Americans who would refuse to believe and attempt to protect the government. The possiblity, regardless of how small or large, of a civil war exists.

    for sure, it would open a whole can of worms ... but, it HAS to change ... i mean - we're living in a world now where car companies buy all the existing rail lines to replace them with roads to force people to use cars ... conspiracies and manipulation of the people happens at all scales ... the consequences are hard to imagine but i'd much prefer to find out regardless of what may or may not happen ...
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    polaris wrote:
    for sure, it would open a whole can of worms ... but, it HAS to change ... i mean - we're living in a world now where car companies buy all the existing rail lines to replace them with roads to force people to use cars ... conspiracies and manipulation of the people happens at all scales ... the consequences are hard to imagine but i'd much prefer to find out regardless of what may or may not happen ...

    Well let's just hope that change does happen and that violence is not the road by which we get there.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    mammasan wrote:
    Well let's just hope that change does happen and that violence is not the road by which we get there.

    violence summarizes the world now ... its just happening far away at the expense of others lives ...
  • my2hands wrote:
    i work for state government, and when i tried to ope the link my computer blocked me and said...

    Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Alternative Spirituality/Occult"

    long time not here, but when I saw a post by Eva I had to jump the Train again., I gave up on thinking about the origins or conspiracies around 9/11.
    Here, where I live, we take the official version for granted and focus now only on questioning the disaster, that came after the attack and through the decisions of the Bush group.

    anyway, what made me writing this now was your comment my2hands. :)

    Alternative Spirituality/ Occult.

    I have read lots of articles by Eva and I guess I know Eva even, so I can assure that she and her sources are everything BUT NOT occult.

    ... it would make me smile if it would be not so serious.
    It is effective to call the site/ resource Alternative Spirituality or Occult. Those names take away every seriousness or any science ...

    to me it seems that the US government knows exactly how to call things and what to do to let the illusion (or is it disillusion) rule.

    but thanks for the post!
    there is no way to peace, peace is the way!
    ...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
  • bryanfurybryanfury Posts: 461
    has anyone read Crossing the Rubicon?

    700 pages going deep into the FACTS behind 9/11. the war games, mossad, the various players, oil, etc etc.

    it all cannot be coincidence.

    it cannot be coincidence that out of the millions and millions of people in the world, the guy who supposedly attacked us is from a family with extremely close ties to 2 of our presidents. no fuckin way.
    those undecided, needn't have faith to be free
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