Bad day Where I Work: NBC News

NBC News is very saddened to report that Tim Russert has passed away suddenly after collapsing at work. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
I was alone and far away when I heard the band start playing!
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
Post edited by Unknown User on
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
on a search for anything pure."
Say Goodbye
jeff aTONEment
"See, he's got me kinda riled already...jerk..."
Stoney, about Eddie, with love! (And to his face!)
general electric can go to hell.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Uncool man. Very uncool. Keep shit like that on the train. Don't post it in a thread honoring a man who just passed away.
I agree.
Hey, off topic, but did you know if your username was Leveddermon and you spelled it backwards, you'd get Nomreddevel, or No More Devil? Crazy.
he was just another media whore puppet!!
fine journalist?
Flame Away,i know the truth hurts.
It is terribly sad, and if you have a problem with the media as a whole start your own fucking thread on it. Don't hijack a thread paying tribute to a man passed to soon. A man with a father, wife, and son who will miss him every day for the rest of their lives---not to mention the millions of lives he touched every week. Tim Russert was a MAN who DIED. While you may not agree with the media, agree with us all as humans that no matter who it is, it is a heartbreaking story.
yeah, he may not have pressed as hard as he could have at times, and he could be biased but i've seen him ask ppl like cheney tough questions and not back down after the first denail or bullshit answer.
there's been a lot of hate on myspace, too. what they don't understand is he's on network tv, look how liberal phil donahue's show was and he had higher ratings than hardball yet he got the can't expect him to have an alex jones type show
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light