Is anyone actually scared about a terrorist attack?

In the news and political world in the US, it seems a majority of the discussion is about terrorism, fighting terrorism, preventing attacks, etc, like it's the number one cause of death in this country. Are people actually scared of getting killed by terrorist in their daily lives?
Besides the first time that I flew after 9/11 (like a month later) I thought about it for a minute, but besides that, I don't think I have spent a second of my life worrying about being killed in a terrorist attack. There is probably more of a chance that I will get killed by a runaway elephant on street than a terrorist. I just can't understand why terrorism is THE issue in our lives today.
Besides the first time that I flew after 9/11 (like a month later) I thought about it for a minute, but besides that, I don't think I have spent a second of my life worrying about being killed in a terrorist attack. There is probably more of a chance that I will get killed by a runaway elephant on street than a terrorist. I just can't understand why terrorism is THE issue in our lives today.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Post edited by Unknown User on
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
As to the question, the day after 9/11 (for that matter even during the day i wasn't) I still wasn't scared and still am not....
I dont know where you live. if I lived on a farm in central Iowa, no, it wouldnt really cross my mind.
I live in downtown chicago. I live in a high condo next to the next trump building which will be 90 stories high. I work in a high office tower 3 blocks from the sears tower. I ride the subway regularly as well as chicago mass transit system. I also fly on business 5-10 days a month. I wouldnt go as far as saying i'm scared to walk out my door, but I am concerned that it could happen in my city. and I support the government for going overseas to fight them on the streets of baghdad and khandahar instead of the streets I live on. terrorists are determined to attack us, even if you choose not to believe that.
That said, for most of us, the actual threat of a terrorist attack is quite small. Not much chance they'd hit some small town in the midwest, you know?
For those who live in the areas which would be desireable targets, I can sort of understand being a bit apprehensive (living in the DC area, you do think about it on occasion). There are certainly more people who want to hurt us now than prior to 9/11. I certainly don't let it affect my daily life though.
I think if you are scared, they win right? Seems that the current administration and the terrorists have something in common in that respect.
However does that not leave the door open for them to attack you since effectively your country is attacking them???
To me that gives them more ammo. than before.....such that they can come overseas and take the battle to you....funny as this pro-war logic, to me at the very least, can go both ways...two sides bent on killing each matter where you are they want to kill you....both sides the pro-war and Fundanutalists go hand-in-hand with each other....both with the same idiotic goals that will only lead to innocent death.....makes me shake my head everytime....
I live in Albany now, but have lived in Pittsburgh until this past year. Since 9/11 every job I have had was either at an airline, or in a sports arena/stadium. Not exactly in a high rise in NYC, but it's not like I have been in the middle of nowhere.
That line of thinking blows me away... Going overseas to fight them on the streets of baghdad is actually producing more terrorists that want to kill us.
edit - I originally forgot to take out "khandahar" when I cut an pasted... I actually agreed with going into Afghanistan
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I cant argue with "fighting" for peace. peace is a good thing. what I am refering to is el queda. If we didnt go to afghanastan, osama and co. would still have a base of operations and camps to train people to come to america and attack.
If I were you I would feel better in knowing that Larry Silverstein, who owned the World Trade Center Building, now owns the Sears Tower. I hope that building isn't an investment like the previous was, I think that man knew something was up, and he saw billions of dollars could go into his pocket very easily
thats an unbelieveable thing to say. you actually believe he plotted to destroy the trade center, and according to you, now the sears tower?
I will give you that the Taliban ran the country and openly houses Al Queda..I respect that aspect of your arguement (as you alluded to in a response in the Bush thread)...
To me though "fighting for peace" in this current Iraqi scenerio is a pipe win I believe you need to drop the fight and ante up the peace.....
for Iraq yes. to a safe haven for the taliban and el qeuda, no.
I believe once Iraq can defend itself and work out its relgious differences we should leave. more and more I'm starting to hear about iraqis killing iraqis. el queda seems to have died out since we got the leader. its sad what has happened to that country. and yes, we are partially to blame. we should now do what we can to build a country and leave. IMO
great line but I think they (americans) are just too far in now to worry about diplomacy, I'm not sure they ever could have done that anyways there must be some middle ground between where we are and where we should be that we can at least work towards as a start though.
Chris Cornell
With what I have come to conclude after my studies of this whole "9/11 Conspiracy" is that this man decided to "pull" World Trade Center 7, there is some evidence of a possible pull on the twin towers (that I am not sure of).
It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings.
Silverstein took out a $3.5 billion dollar insurance policy against terrorism not long before the towers fell. After the buildings came crashing down, he filed 2 seperate claims for the maximum of $3.5 billion because of there being two seperate acts of terror. He was trying to make $3.5 billion off of this national tragedy. That doesn't speak a lot for the type of person he is.
that's b/c you live in Northern canada...nobody wants to go up there...there's nothing to hijack...they gonna melt your igloo?
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm not scared of a terrorist attack, the thoughts creep in, but to me, fear of a terrorist attack is when you purposely don't do things b/c of the threat of attack. You can't live every day in fear of something. I'm much more likely to do driving on the road, and that doesn't stop me or cause me fear.
One day it's our policy in the mideast, next it's Palestine specifically, then lebabon, then troops on "holy ground," then treatment of muslims in Russia -- Why they even slammed us for going into Kosovo and HELPING the muslims there! We got no credit for that! There's always something their gonna wanna complain about and rather than (or as well as) work it out in discussion, they resort to violence. Talk about old men sending the young off to die....
I am not scared personally about getting taken out in a terrorist attack, but yes, I do fear them striking Western Civilization again. I live near a major port and some major American icons that could probably be on a target list. I fear what one nuke on a container ship could do. I fear that a nuke will go off within the next five to ten years near a major city in the world.
I do not duct tape my windows, avoid ballgames or theme parks, but I keep my family emergency supplies up-to-date (heck I live in earthquake country, no-brainer) and have an emergency kit in my car trunk at all times. I keep my gas tank nearly full at all times (again, earthquake country).
The only change in my life personally is that I am a lot more vocal like thus.
And yes, I think the Islamic Fascists are winning right now. But not because I fear them, but because too many folks do not.... We have absolutely nothing in place to deal with their 10-20-50-500 year plans. We are concerned with quarterly profits, seasonal tv series, yearly taxes, and electing officials every few years.
We'll pass on huge debts to our grandchildren with out blinking an eye, why would this issue be any different?
I have on idea if the trade center was on a list to be demolished. I find that hard to believe. but since you say it, it must be true.
so what that he took out a policy against terrorism. its no secret those buildings were targets. happened in 93 remember. he filed the claims becuase he paid for the policy. and guess what he plans to use the money for? ready for this shocker.... please read the last line carefully.
September 11, 2001 attacks
When the attacks occurred at 9:30AM, Silverstein was at home debating with his wife about plans to move his headquarters to the 88th floor of the North Tower (One World Trade Center). His son Roger was at 7 World Trade Center but was not hurt. [citation needed]
Dispute with Insurers
As a private developer with a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center, Silverstein insured the property. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, he sought payment for the destruction of the towers as two incidents. The two dozen insurers held that it was one incident. If it were considered to be a single incident, the payout would be $3.55 billion and if it were two incidents, it would be $7.1 billion. Silverstein sued the insurers. On December 6, 2004, a federal jury ruled in favor of Silverstein giving him an additional $1.1 billion from nine insurers, declaring it to be two "occurrences". [6] However, in a previous trial, a different federal jury delivered a mixed verdict which highly favored insurers on April 29, 2004 [7]
At dispute in the trial were interpretation of standard forms used in the application for property insurance and when particular insurers saw which documents.[8]
In total, Silverstein was awarded nearly $5 billion in insurance money following the destruction of the Twin Towers [9]. He plans to use some or all of the settlement to rebuild. [10]
what did you thing he was going to do with the claim? split it up between him and George W and all the other conspirtors?
3000 people killed in the WTC disaster on 9/11
More than half of that number killed on the streets of Baltimore by our fellow American's since 9/11
Seems to me, terrorists aren't the problem :(
old music:
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I am sure he will rebuild the towers and lease out the offices for free then?
Do you honestly believe that taking the fighting to the soil's of other countries is the best course of action....hardly seems justifable in the eyes of those civilians...its like trying to justify the killing (which is not purposely done) of innocents in Iraq has a defence for your freedom...that to me is shelfish to believe that...I am not one who buys the deaths of a few innocents will lead to a greater good....I am a staunch believer that these deaths will play into the hands of the Fundanutalists....which is giving them more ammo. for recrutiement and to further their crazy idealogy that America wants to destroy Islam....
My whole point is that this current strategy to combat terror is not useful. Problem being is why cannot another plan be brought to light....if the fighting continues I would expect something bad to way in a 1000 years will your military strike down every terrorist that wished to harm your countries citizens....its a pipe dream...right now in Iraq the only people being punished is the innocent the price of your freedom????
You cannot combat a force that is a minority through open warfare and expect to win especially with the amount of innocent causalties that are occurring....the current arguement to keep the course in Iraq to defend American freedom is absurd and fear tactic to keep the Republicans in power.....there was no threat from Iraq...however now there is and why...well that is simple enough I do not need to maybe the Republicans actually are right they did create a bigger problem than what existed.....
Going into Afganistan to dismantle a regime bent on supporting Fundanutalism was a good cause....why America did not stay the course (meaning the troops in Iraq all being there instead) is a very concerning question. Going to Iraq has made the world a more dangerous place because Bush was simply incompontent to look at other factors that may arise...he saw Iraq through the eyes of my military vs. theirs'....which is cake walk on paper...he failed to see what distress would be caused by occuping the country for an extended period of time...he overlooked the strife between different sects of Islam and all that fun stuff....simply put I think he believed it would be easy...however it is the opposite and now anti-Americanism is at an all time high because of it....
To go into another persons country to bomb a small minority of people, while the majority of the populace has nothing to do with anything, on the guise of defending YOUR freedom is concerning to me....not only that but shelfish....
now that I can uderstand. well said
fear and consumption
well with short sentences, you have a better chance of making sense. even this sentence is borderline jiberish.