A Letter to the Editor

This was in a local paper yesterday...
I’m a 25-year-old veteran of the war on Islamic fascism. I was with the first infantry units to cross the border and move north into Iraq. While I was serving my country proudly in the USMC, I had met some of the most intelligent minds in the nation. After hearing about John Kerry’s comment I was outraged.
From the looks of his military photos he was an undisciplined puke ball, and he has the nerve to talk about us like he did? Later in the afternoon I heard he had an apology posted on his Web site. To much of my dismay he had taken the opportunity to turn his apology into a political statement bashing the Republicans.
And who wrote this apology? Probably his staff. Who put this on his Web page? Probably his Web master. I don’t believe it to be sincere, and as a veteran will not be satisfied until he has typed personal apologies to all veterans and active service members, included within I demand a picture of his hands and fingers blistered and bleeding from the keystrokes. Then and only then will I accept his apology and believe it to be genuine.
As far as aiming the joke toward my president, George Bush, I find it just as disgraceful. Mr. Bush is the leader of this nation and deserves his utmost respect regardless of his political views. He has a title, America, I suggest Kerry use it accordingly. You may think my attitude is outlandish, but I believe it to be the attitude of our founding fathers. This nation wasn’t built on diplomacy and will not be held together by peace talks, in contrast it was built with the blood and sweat of warriors and laborers and in all will be held together by the same.
and a response...
Well, as you might know, I vote Green and Blue, unless, like my father (in regards to the Dems), the Red guy is just better. I used to feel that the GOP had my best interests in mind, but, with this administration, I have to think otherwise. The actions of the whole point to a selfish goal. With that said, I found John Kerry's little joke to be inappropriate and his subsequent apology to be nothing more than a rich, entitled individual getting what he wanted and not having to face the consequences of his actions. But, we long ago left behind the brutal warrior mentality. We educate ourselves in order to avoid bloody wars by intelligent compromise. We have never been the deed holders of he world, and we have never been the law enforcement arm of planet earth. The rest of the civilized world has caught up with us, for the most part, and it is time to allow them to sit at our table and be considered. If you look at statements regarding government and leadership made by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, you will see men who believed in representation, compassion, intelligence not fear, war, deception, and unaccountability. While I found Kerry's comment dispicable, I hope that this nation demands that this entire Bush, Jr. presidency be scrutinized just as harshly and fervently as a botched "joke". It is long past time for us to focus on that which matters and leave the fluff in the dust where it belongs. We have soldiers dying everyday in a country that never asked to be liberated. We left out military stretched thin over two countries when we only needed to be remain in Afghanistan. If this administration wants to rely on the notion that they are fighting the terrorists in Iraq instead of on our home soil, then the same should follow for Afghanistan. If we would have stayed there then we would be fighting these terrorists there. Instead we are fighting terrorists in Iraq, a war in Iraq, and a war in Afghanistan. When will it end? It will not end with more bloodshed. We can thank Newton for the ever-so-fitting "any action will receive or equal or opposite reaction". This is exactly what is happening today, and war and death rages on.
I’m a 25-year-old veteran of the war on Islamic fascism. I was with the first infantry units to cross the border and move north into Iraq. While I was serving my country proudly in the USMC, I had met some of the most intelligent minds in the nation. After hearing about John Kerry’s comment I was outraged.
From the looks of his military photos he was an undisciplined puke ball, and he has the nerve to talk about us like he did? Later in the afternoon I heard he had an apology posted on his Web site. To much of my dismay he had taken the opportunity to turn his apology into a political statement bashing the Republicans.
And who wrote this apology? Probably his staff. Who put this on his Web page? Probably his Web master. I don’t believe it to be sincere, and as a veteran will not be satisfied until he has typed personal apologies to all veterans and active service members, included within I demand a picture of his hands and fingers blistered and bleeding from the keystrokes. Then and only then will I accept his apology and believe it to be genuine.
As far as aiming the joke toward my president, George Bush, I find it just as disgraceful. Mr. Bush is the leader of this nation and deserves his utmost respect regardless of his political views. He has a title, America, I suggest Kerry use it accordingly. You may think my attitude is outlandish, but I believe it to be the attitude of our founding fathers. This nation wasn’t built on diplomacy and will not be held together by peace talks, in contrast it was built with the blood and sweat of warriors and laborers and in all will be held together by the same.
and a response...
Well, as you might know, I vote Green and Blue, unless, like my father (in regards to the Dems), the Red guy is just better. I used to feel that the GOP had my best interests in mind, but, with this administration, I have to think otherwise. The actions of the whole point to a selfish goal. With that said, I found John Kerry's little joke to be inappropriate and his subsequent apology to be nothing more than a rich, entitled individual getting what he wanted and not having to face the consequences of his actions. But, we long ago left behind the brutal warrior mentality. We educate ourselves in order to avoid bloody wars by intelligent compromise. We have never been the deed holders of he world, and we have never been the law enforcement arm of planet earth. The rest of the civilized world has caught up with us, for the most part, and it is time to allow them to sit at our table and be considered. If you look at statements regarding government and leadership made by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, you will see men who believed in representation, compassion, intelligence not fear, war, deception, and unaccountability. While I found Kerry's comment dispicable, I hope that this nation demands that this entire Bush, Jr. presidency be scrutinized just as harshly and fervently as a botched "joke". It is long past time for us to focus on that which matters and leave the fluff in the dust where it belongs. We have soldiers dying everyday in a country that never asked to be liberated. We left out military stretched thin over two countries when we only needed to be remain in Afghanistan. If this administration wants to rely on the notion that they are fighting the terrorists in Iraq instead of on our home soil, then the same should follow for Afghanistan. If we would have stayed there then we would be fighting these terrorists there. Instead we are fighting terrorists in Iraq, a war in Iraq, and a war in Afghanistan. When will it end? It will not end with more bloodshed. We can thank Newton for the ever-so-fitting "any action will receive or equal or opposite reaction". This is exactly what is happening today, and war and death rages on.
I'll dig a tunnel
from my window to yours
from my window to yours