
I totally see it as acceptable for survival, or population control..
But as a sport?
People actually get entertained by killing and mounting a creatures head as a trophy?
I was watching a hunting show today and couldn't help but thinking there is some sort of sick gene still stuck in people that gives them pleasure in killing???
I'll admit, as a kid I killed ants with a magnifying glass.. but I was a kid. My brain was still undeveloped. Sure they were only ants, but the sad part was I enjoyed it. I was acting on something unexplainably primitive.. Thats PRIMATIVE, Mr. Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin.
But as a sport?
People actually get entertained by killing and mounting a creatures head as a trophy?
I was watching a hunting show today and couldn't help but thinking there is some sort of sick gene still stuck in people that gives them pleasure in killing???
I'll admit, as a kid I killed ants with a magnifying glass.. but I was a kid. My brain was still undeveloped. Sure they were only ants, but the sad part was I enjoyed it. I was acting on something unexplainably primitive.. Thats PRIMATIVE, Mr. Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Only fired a gun into the air a couple of times out in some local nature trail parks, but that's about it. Like you, the only killings I've done are ants and bugs.
It also makes me wonder how certain animal-related sports/activities are acceptable and others are condemned.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
Most people in America hunt deer.
Deer are overpopulated ... because of human impact on the environment ... and man is now correcting the created imbalance by shooting the problem.
Whats the issue, exactly?
That its republicans doing the hunting?
Creatures kill other creatures all the time.
Is it the glaring nature of this particular reminder that man is no longer "in harmony" (was he ever?) with the natural world?
Surely there are other, more depraved (but possibly less subtle) examples of the same phenomenon.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
And there's an imbalance of deer because we killed off all of their natural predators..
Again, I don't have a problem with hunting, but why do people get enjoyment out of it?
I asked, why do people enjoy hunting? As in entertainment..
It's one thing if you are getting paid to keep population down because we fucked up in the first place by killing off natural predators, but why the hell do people partake in it as a hobby?
Why do people die while hanging themselves in the act of masturbation?
Human beings are complex creatures. Hunting is one of the first activities man engaged in with tools. It is deep rooted. Modern man is just acting out on a long seated prey drive.
Why do dogs who get food in their bowl every night still kill helpless little animals? Why do they get "joy" out of it?
Agreed. I acknowledged this in my original reply.
Look up. Re-read.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I have a relative who does this, but he's not the creme of the crop.. to me it just seems like something that is sick in nature.
I was typing my response when your post appeared.
Why do people like collecting stamps? Beats the hell out of me.
Most hunters I know like the challenge. Non-hunters stupidly think there is no challenge, and it is like shooting fish in a barrel. But the truth is that most hunters have to hike in, track the animal, etc... When I hunted, most of the time I never even had a buck in my sights. In addition, every single hunter I know goes in hopes of filling up the freezer for the winter. I'm happy to eat their deer sausage, venison steaks, deer jerkey, etc...
I just think there's more modern ways to challenge ourselves.. I guess if you are hunting for population control as a challenge its ok, but it all still seems weird to me.
I guess I enjoy running people over in GTA4 so who am I to say..
I don't see why people should be proud of this..
I think the closest thing I've done in comparison to hunting is paint-ball. Somewhat of a novice challenge in comparison to hunting, but I do get a rush out of it. I guess the difference between the two activities is the aftermath of its result.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
I'll tell you the worst kind of hunting for joy, when the pretty much trap a lion in a small amount of land (fenced up) and hunt them down for the kill.
It's popular in africa, funny, many americans go for it. I mean what better joy than to kill the King of the jungle.
As for myself, I'm all for people hunting just for sport. On one condition, no weapons.
"most people in america hunt deer"? i hope you were kidding. couldn't tell
and dogs get food in their bowls every night but still kill harmless little animals for "joy"? animals don't know that you plan to feed them later. animals have no concept of plans for the future, or where their next meal is coming from. it is instinctive for them to chase and kill prey. i don't believe they do it for the "joy"
re: hunters. most of the hunters i know do eat the deer they kill. the "trophy" part of that is the modern-day version of the sort of chest-pounding, alpha dog kind of boasting that existed as part of human peer relations since the dawn of humans. you know, "look what i did! i killed the biggest deer that will provide the most meat for the group! i am the greatest hunter of all!" kind of thing
and trophy hunting purely for sport? i don't get it either, honestly. i think it is yet another manifestation of dudes with tiny penises trying to overcompensate for their own insecurities
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I mostly agree with you...but I live around many peole that do hunt.
I think they "enjoy" hunting for many different reasons...part of it just being the adventure...going out with your friends. Others, it's the peace and solitude. To them they are connecting with nature. They view hunting as natural as it can be, so to them it's being a part of the more primitive, natural being and gettign away from the service world of concrete for a period of time. Now, I don;t know any hunters that aren't planning to eat what they kill, so I can;t speak strictly to the "sport hunters".
That being said, I eat meat...but I'm very happy I can get it from the grocery store...I'm a wussy carnivore.
A challenge....really? I live in an area where lots and lots of people hunt. Members of my family hunt. Deer hunting consists of walking or riding a 4-wheeler to a tree stand. Placing deer urine around the tree to attract other deer. Then climb into the stand and wait for something to walk by. Sounds real challenging. As to never seeing a deer - around here all you gotta do is drive down the road at dusk. They are everywhere. The reason you didn't see a buck is probably because the snipers sitting in trees had already killed most, if not all, of the big bucks. As you admitted, that is what people want - the big trophy to brag about - not meat in the freezer. Otherwise they would shoot more does and not sit around waiting for the "big buck."
Sounds like less of a challenge than around here where you pack into a more remote area, watch trails, look for signs of bedding or droppings, pick your spots and see what happens. Shooting down out of a stand on a baited trail does sound more like shooting fish in a barrel. I've never done it and would have no desire to.
Different story out here. You need a specific (and limited) tag to shoot a doe. A deer license allows you to shoot a mature buck. I would always see doe, but rarely see buck during hunting season. I'm sure there are trophy hunters that wait for the "right" buck, but around here, you wait for a buck because that's the law.
Native American style. Pay your respects, and don't waste.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I would also like to address the subject of people going out and blasting away at everything they see. I had a great day last October I estimate in 6 hours I called in approx. 1000 ducks. 25 here 50 there etc. etc. I shot one and only one duck out of the last bunch. Why? Because it's not about blood lust for me or bragging rights or anything else. I simply was enjoying the migration in my own way. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with economic down turns and the latest celebrity mess I cherish my time alone hunting. Just a couple of more things and I'll wrap this up. I will agree there are plenty of idiot hunters out there who have little respect for the animals or anything else and I can't help that I am associated with them. However, the association to me is similar to those of you who smoke weed and are associated with gang banging crack slingers. Your all drug users right? your all the same, right? Of course not you have got to look at the individual. Again, I'm not trying to sway anyone I'm just pointing out how emotion based generalizations aren't always the best way to look at a group of people.
Lastly, I really wish some of you would stop saying that it's republicans that hunt. You sound foolish. I can only assume your city dwellers and don't spend a lot of time in farm country. Nobody but nobody loves a Gov. handout like a farmer. 98% of the ones I know are Dems and they all hunt. Please take a good look at Obamas state of IL. mainly democrats. Southern Il used to be considered the goose killing meca of the U.S. and the vast majority of the people who live down their are dems. Just something to think about.
Sometimes, I fish for big game fish like tuna, and then I keep it and eat the fish. For me, it's not about killing the fish. I figure fish are generally pretty simple animals, and I eat seafood anyway. So I don't have a moral issue with killing the fish myself and eating the meat. But as I said, usually I catch and release for sport.
That said, I could not kill a deer or bird.
I like to fish as well. Almost entirely catch and release. I haven't kept a fish in a couple of year, but I have kept them before. I think it's quite different from hunting.
Someone once put it this way - in fishing, at least the fish has a choice.
And if you let them go, there's really not a problem in my opinion.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I hear you. Although, fly-fishing has started to turn me into more and more catch and release. I went backpacking a couple weeks ago and kept two fish for dinner, and I kind of felt guilty about it because they were such pretty fish.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
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