please conspiracy debunkers, answer this,...

all other bands away. i changed this, but don't know how to erase a thread. i wanted to ask some questions, but don't think it was worded well enough. ill post it later. sorry for the waste.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
~Ron Burgundy
Post edited by Unknown User on
Try hurling a raw egg at a wall as hard as you can. See what happens.
Regardless, this is not extraordinary. Plane crashes rarely leave a neat pile of debris. In early 2001 there was a commuter jet crash that killed 10 people in Colorado. Debris from that plane was found over a mile away from the crash site. Payne Stewart's plane that crashed a few years ago left almost zero debris when it crashed pretty much nose-down -- much of the plane simply vaporized.
The black box from Flight 93 was recovered 25 feet into the ground. Do you understand the amount of force we're talking about here?
I don't have any reason to disbelieve it. Obviously plenty of things survived that crash. Two kittens survived that collapse and were found nearly starved in the rubble pile. Part of an $11 million stock of cash in an 11th floor vault survived the crash. It seems a bit much, for sure, but not impossible.
You might try the search button. Both of those questions have been asked dozens of times on this board in the last few months alone.
~Ron Burgundy
you must have caught his question before he edited?? i didnt. but damn that was a great response
stewart was in a lear jet, not a 757. if you say most of the plane was vaporized, why was an engine found more than 2000 feet away? how could some pieces bounce 8 miles away, and the rest vaporize? im not saying i don't believe you. i just can't comprehend it.
Id love to see the link about the cats and the cash. and yes, that is rather miraculous. but im sure those two cats and the money didn't come in on the plane that was flying 500 mph. if it burned hot enough to weaken such a tremendous structure as the world trade center, it just seems highly unlikely (or unbelievably ironic) that a form of laminated paper survived; especially since the FBI just so happened to find it and use it as evidence.
~Ron Burgundy
I have never seen proof of debris being found 8 miles away. will the consiracy people say that government is hiding it?
And your arm speed ain't 400 miles per hour.
Look, a jet is made out of aluminum. It's hollow and made to flex. It's made light. What do you expect to happen when a jet hurtles into the ground full-throttle in a deliberate crash? Should it just skid and get a few scratches like some bullshit out of Con Air?
It's physics, man. How can a tornado destroy one home while leaving the next one nearly untouched? It's the same question with the same answer. Forces, reactions and conditions. When a tornado destroys yet another mobile home community while just missing the ritzy town down the street, how come we don't accuse our government of steering the tornado because of those "weird coincidences"?
Of course it's unlikely! But the FBI still somehow managed to convince people that the other terrorists were guilty without recovering their passports. Furthermore, a rather unlikely event is pretty stupid to stage. Think about it for a second. If you're going to stage such an event just rent apartments in these guys' names and fill them with terrorist propaganda. Then have your plane crash, pull their names off the manifest, investigate those same apartments and say "look what we found!!!" Not only is that less questionnable, but it's actually better evidence than a half-burnt passport.
Sloppy work. Your post does take away from the point so many make about the admin being a little less than bright so they couldn't possibily pull it off.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
A stupid person doesn't invent a "magic passport" cover. A stupid person has no cover.
the debris was little more than burned papers and trash, contrary to what i thought beforehand.
there are a lot of articles that say the same thing. it was only things the wind could have carried. that piece: debunked. some other things still seem sketchy when you read the eyewitness accounts and what some of them were told by gov't officials. like, don't talk about what happened here.
here's one,...
~Ron Burgundy
Stupid people can often produce stupid ideas.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Most certainly.
Appparently, we all have to think the same here to be considered bright.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
And arrogant people are blind the fact that they do it, as well.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
it's pretty close though. back in 82, i could throw a pigskin a quarter-mile.
i guess what happened to flight 93.
forces, reactions, and conditions. it's just a little hard to believe, naturally. to make it even worse, a lot of people disagree with the official explanation. and to make it really, really bad,... this fucking bush/cheney/rummy thing. they are so crooked. i wouldn't think twice that they didn't orchestrate it. you can't say they don't look suspicious. just look at their ugly asses.
so misleading, misinforming, lying,... that is suppose to make it easier for us to believe our crooked as gov't and their explanation?
i've spent too much time wondering and speculating about this shit. im done,... fuck it
~Ron Burgundy
Most certainly.
Oh, then just the ones who question it here?
No. Everyone has questions to ask.
how's this for a scenario, and plz keep in mind i'm not saying it's what i believe, just something that popped into my head...
the head of the isi had $100,000 wired to mohammed atta shortly before 9/11 <he was also linked to the 7/11 bombers in mumbai> the isi was the middle man between us <and other countries, tho we were the biggest funders> and ppl like bin laden and al-zawihiri in the 80' the isi created this network of cells which were used in afghanistan, in kosovo, the balkans, chechneya...
i've read conflicting articles on whether or not the hijacked planes had this or not but there are boeings that have a flight override system, meaning NORAD or someone else can tap into the computer system of a plane and fly it kinda by remote control. i've also read that the flight system on these planes will not allow it to make such hard turns <as it did before hitting the pentagon> but supposedly if the system is overrided it can...not sure how true that is, but i have read governmental sources saying they have had this technology to fly airliners by remote control since the 70's.
what if they were set up and thought their mission was something different? what if they hijacked the plane and then the plane was taken over electronically and crashed into the buildings?
again, i'm not saying this is how i think it went down, just a scenario that came to mind
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
You definitely get points for imagination here, but you kind of lost me at "flight override system". This is pretty far-fetched. Modern Boeing planes do have a lot of cool auto-pilot features. But they don't have the required technologies to be controlled from the ground. While it's certainly theoretically possible that a Boeing jet could be equipped with such mechanisms and such a ground-controlled flight situation could happen, I don't see any evidence that it did happen. Furthermore, how would you explain the black-box recordings that family members and investigators listened to from some of the jets?
It is funny that you mentioned this. I've always fantasized about starting an airline that has no pilots or crew where the planes are all flown from the ground. My friends have teased me about this for years (with good cause
yeah, i got to thinking after reading some interview w/ some russian...forgot what he used to do, maybe kgb, anyway that doesn't matter...he mentioned something, i think it was called the 'home run' system or something. i've read articles saying certain boeings have them installed other artciles saying only by request...and i have read some military article about them landing some version of boeing by remote control in the 70's.
ok, i did a search and it was a german
some sites on it:
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
again, i ahve no clue, just an interesting theory to kick about
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way's certainly not impossible.