paper towels vs. air dryers

so i've been in the library all day studying for two exams tomorrow. there are easily over 500 students in the library, probably a lot more. well, in the men's room there are paper towels overflowed from the trashcan,... all over the damn place. it's funny b/c there are two air dryers that have writing on them about how much they help the environment. there were like five dudes in line to wash their hands and none of them, exluding myself, used the air dryer. i wanted to scream at them! but this isn't the first time i've noticed this trend. everywhere i go, dudes never use the air dryers. why not? is it not cool or something, b/c i've had people give me funny looks before,... it's so weird. i can't imagine how much waste that ends up being,... and anyway, it feels refreshing to have that hot air blowing all over the place. it's almost like putting on hot clothes that just came out of the dryer. (boy that's ironic,... i hang dry most of my clothes). anyhow,... what are your thoughts on this? i figured i could try and get away from all the TERROR this and TERROR that for a bit. im going to go study for a bit and see if anyone has something to say,...
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
~Ron Burgundy
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but seriously, i think air dryers kind of suck. i end up standing there forever and my hands are still wet. so i'm guessing other people run into the same problem.
but something that I notice whenever I use public restrooms is, not many people wash their hands, after they pee they'll tuck in a shirt or comb the hair but not wash up. pretty dirty.
and if you see paper towels laying near the door of the restrooms, it was probably from someone like me who used it to open the door not wanting to touch the dirty handle.
Suicide air dryers, dude ... They suck inward instead of blowing outward, and thereby blow up unsuspecting hand washers. If only Israel would smarten up, this sort of thing would stop!
But don't people worry about touching the dirty door to get into the bathroom before they touch themselves?
Some people are terrified of germs.
Seriously......................if you go to the bathroom, unzip your pants, grab your willie, enjoy a pee, tuck your willie back into your pants, zip up and haven't dripped on yourself. Why do you have to wash up? Is your penis that dirty an object? Not you in general but I would like to hear from some people on that thought.
Haha ... I guess it depends on the penis in question, no?
And... how many people actually wash their hands at home when they go to the bathroom?
You're missing the point. Take the stalls for example. Some guy drops the kids off in the pool, then cleans himself up, and opens the door. Then you walk into that stall, take a wiz, then touch the same door handle that the guy just touched who shit on his hands.
I'm gonna wash my hands because I touched the disgusting door handle, not because my penis is dirty.
Sometimes the entrance does'nt have a door or you could just push it open with your foot, hehehe,I always work around it.
but as far as washing up, this is a true example from the last time I was out to see a movie, this guy just did his job in the toilet, walked out the door without washing, a later saw this same guy enjoying some popcorn with his family, gross eh?
and unlike the rest of a persons body the dick is like kinda a "wet zone", it's just different from say ummmm, an elbow.
I'm not really one of those germaphobes? I just don't like the idea of touching my south america then eating.
Doesn't the whole oral sex thing kind of contradict that somewhat though?
1. Push button to start.
2. Rub hands together under air flow.
Underneath that, someone has written in the last step:
3. Wipe hands on pants.
I worked at an Elementry School last year and they just placed new air dryers in the kids bathrooms (without the option of papertowels) and it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. they had to have been make from jets. I mean, the skin on your hand would flap b/c the dryer was soooooo strong, and it sounded like a jet taking off too. You could hear them down the hall and in a classroom with the door shut. They sure dried you hands though, in the matter of like 3 sec! I was scared to use them, I can't imagine what a 5 year old thought about them. LMAO!!!!
I think the best was when I walked into the washroom, and some dude was standing there, using the air dryer as if he had just stepped out of the shower (and this was not a locker room). I mean, thankfully the guy was clothed, but damn ... He's got his head under there, his shoulders ... He's got the nozzle right up against his one of his armpits at one point. Dude, WTF? First of all, what the hell did you just do, fall into the shitter? Why are you that wet? Second of all, these things are for hands only, are they not? Bring a towel next time.
i admit that a lot of the airdryers i have encountered are somewhat ineffective; however, none of them were cheap enough that they wouldn't dry my hands after a little hand rub a dub dub.
i think the airdryers on clemson's campus are like the ones in that elementary school someone was talking about. they will dry your hands almost automatically.
and seriously,... try not to be so impatient and do a little rub a dub dub with your hands to save some trees. i mean, it is more sanitary.
upon entrance, i always push on the tops of the doors, and i use the back side of my shirt to open the doors on the way out.
~Ron Burgundy
I've always said this too... I get up in the morning, take a shower and put pants on. When I go to pee, my willie is a lot cleaner than my hands at that point, it's been in my pants all day. I should wash my hands before I go to the bathroom.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I was just thinking about the whole air dryer/paper towel situation the other day. My dilemma was: Which is better to use? I know that paper towels cause the use of trees, but the air dryers use energy. I'm just wondering which is best. What is everyones opinion on this? And please give me some info that supports this. I just really don't know which is best. Maybe this is a stupid question, but i was always told that their are no stupid questions.
Man, you shower before you pee? How do you do it? You must have the physiological control of a Tibetan monk. Me, I'd find all that running water and the drain WAY too tempting.
Oh I know what those are! They had them at a water park I went to - some kind of accelerated drying - they are really good. The normal ones just take too long is the problem. I read somewhere that using paper towels after washing actually renders the hands less germy than drying them with the dryer - I thought that was surprising. This discussion is probably the best argument for carrying hand sanitizer with you at all times. And guys, don't think its only men that don't wash their hands - I see women leave the bathroom without washing up, and I'm like, I'm so not going near the buffet if that person touches any serving spoons... :eek:
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Turn on water.
Wet hands.
Lather up scrubbing in-between fingers and nails using vigorous friction for 15-20 seconds.
Place lathered hands/forearms under faucet and hold them up at 45 degree angle rinsing from fingertips to mid-forearm.
Do not shake off excess water after rinsing. This causes bacteria to move down the arm on the wet surface. Do not tilt arms below 90 degree angle so you dont run bacteria from the forearm down to hands.
Grab paper towel or 2.
Wipe off one arm then the other from fingertips to forearm. Be sure not to use already wet area on paper towel on areas that not dry. Get another papertowel, but be sure to maintain that 45 degree pointed up angle until hands are completely dry.
Once dry grab another paper towel and use it to turn off faucet.
Grab another paper towel to open bathroom door to get out as many people don't wash after touching their willy and if you just touched the door handle to go out, you need to go back to sink and repeat process.
That's how they taught us in nursing school. But seriously, does it use more energy to run the hand dryer 1 or 2 cycles to get your hands dry then they use to make 1 paper towel? Anyone know?
when we were kids--
we would turn the hand-dryer nozzle upwards--
(some of them were like that; still?)--
turn it on--
and drop a wad of spit into the airflow.--
when it hit the airflow--
it would just go Flying across the bathroom.--
absolutely hillarious if you're a grade-schooler--
"you know, for kids."--
it really Was a simpler time--
--Bill Hicks
id like to see something tangible to support this, if indeed the air dryer is more susceptible to bacteria growth for any other reason than poor cleaning technique. obviously, if the janitor doesn't do his job, everything has bacteria on it.
~Ron Burgundy
If I wash my hands in the bathroom, it's almost always before I pee. It is totally backward logic to wash your hands after you piss.
So you are at the office and you are shaking hands, typing on a dirty keyboard, fumbing through old papers, using a borrowed stapler etc- I think it's disgusting if you dont wash your hands before you piss.
Like you said, my cock has been hiding all day away from the outside world so why would it be more dirty than the door to your office, keyboard, colleagues hands etc to warrant me washing my hands after I pee rather than before?
haha thats awesome ...and exactly what i do ALWAYS! lol
live like your dying today
ya and the powerful ones shoot the water all over me