I saw that too. I emailed Trump and told him not to take it down. no idea where to email him so I did it too <brokerage@trumporg.com> from his website.
It's his property he should be able to do whatever he wants.
"So, you must really love Led Zeppelin. That’s the oldest shirt I’ve ever seen on someone who wasn’t a bum."
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
I saw that too. I emailed Trump and told him not to take it down. no idea where to email him so I did it too <brokerage@trumporg.com> from his website.
id pay $250 a day if i were him. it's not like his pockets aren't deep.
would that be considered civil disobediance?
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
I figure since The Donald has made it apparent that he prefers to live in a neighborhood with no aesthetic standards, I would accomodate him and decorate my own property accordingly with whatever struck my fancy at the moment. You know ... huge pirate flags, giant inflatable pink flamingos, flashing billboards for The Donald's competitors ... that sort of thing. After all, it's MY property.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I figure since The Donald has made it apparent that he prefers to live in a neighborhood with no aesthetic standards, I would accomodate him and decorate my own property accordingly with whatever struck my fancy at the moment. You know ... huge pirate flags, giant inflatable pink flamingos, flashing billboards for The Donald's competitors ... that sort of thing. After all, it's MY property.
make your place look like ridiculous circus to spite donalds flag. fun
I figure since The Donald has made it apparent that he prefers to live in a neighborhood with no aesthetic standards, I would accomodate him and decorate my own property accordingly with whatever struck my fancy at the moment. You know ... huge pirate flags, giant inflatable pink flamingos, flashing billboards for The Donald's competitors ... that sort of thing. After all, it's MY property.
That sounds like a fun place. I would add a pirate ship to play on and to go with the flag.
Town officials said the real estate mogul has violated zoning codes with a flagpole taller than 42 feet and for erecting it without a building permit and permission from the landmarks board.
so what?...as long as it's an american flag...and not anything else..it's a-ok to break zoning codes? sorry, that doesn't fly with me. such regulations are put in place for the community...and yea....even donald trump should have to follow suit....and sure, even for a display of 'patriotism.'
make your place look like ridiculous circus to spite donalds flag. fun
Just being neighborly. He wants to live in a place that looks like the local auto mile, I'll pitch in and do my part. My place would already be somewhat ridiculous by virtue of being next door to that monstrosity of a flag, so there's little harm done.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Town officials said the real estate mogul has violated zoning codes with a flagpole taller than 42 feet and for erecting it without a building permit and permission from the landmarks board.
so what?...as long as it's an american flag...and not anything else..it's a-ok to break zoning codes? sorry, that doesn't fly with me. such regulations are put in place for the community...and yea....even donald trump should have to follow suit....and sure, even for a display of 'patriotism.'
he'll get the permit, be granted permission, flag will still fly.
Just being neighborly. He wants to live in a place that looks like the local auto mile, I'll pitch in and do my part. My place would already be somewhat ridiculous by virtue of being next door to that monstrosity of a flag, so there's little harm done.
monstrosity of a flag? wow. some americans would rather see a huge american flag then a pirate ship and flamingos or whatever cirus you brought to town.
monstrosity of a flag? wow. some americans would rather see a huge american flag then a pirate ship and flamingos or whatever cirus you brought to town.
I have nothing against an American flag. I own one myself. But that thing! LMAO! How tacky can you get? It's so out of proportion for a residential area, it just looks stupid.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I have nothing against an American flag. I own one myself. But that thing! LMAO! How tacky can you get? It's so out of proportion for a residential area, it just looks stupid.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
using your american flag as a door mat doesnt count.
he'll get the permit, be granted permission, flag will still fly.
and if so, good. but absolutely, if zoning codes are in place...ALL should have to follow them, no exceptions. he FIRST should've applied for a permit instead of blatantly disregarding town codes. i don't care what someone is doing on their property as long as they follow the town codes, get permits, or whatever else. otherwise, it just opens the door to more and morwe blatant disregard.
point is, say it was a polish flag he was flying, ould you still hold the same opinion that it is a-ok? i couldn't care less that he is flying the american flag or any other...the point is....working with the community you choose to live in...not going agains t it.
point is, say it was a polish flag he was flying, would you still hold the same opinion that it is a-ok? i couldn't care less that he is flying the american flag or any other...the point is....working with the community you choose to live in...not going agains t it.
using your american flag as a door mat doesnt count.
Don't be silly. I was raised by WWII vets, I know better than to let my flag touch the ground. It's safely and respectfully stored away, ready to be flown if and when the ideals it represents once again become a reality.
As for The Donald, what happened to personal responsibility? It's a free country, he can live where he likes. He CHOSE to live in a community that has standards and laws in place to enforce them.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Don't be silly. I was raised by WWII vets, I know better than to let my flag touch the ground. It's safely and respectfully stored away, ready to be flown if and when the ideals it represents once again become a reality.
I am a City Planner and about a third of what I do is taking away property rights. Another third probably indirectly leads to taking away property rights. I am totally comfortable with that.
Zoning codes are very specific and at times do not seem to be about common sense. Sure, who does not like to see an American Flag that is the same size as the ones that they fly at Perkins? But what if that became a North Korean flag? I assure you that any City in America would not be able to make an exception for this just because it's an American Flag.
I know that at least one person on here will disagree with any argument I make for zoning, but here 'goes. Hippiemom's point is that these rules exist to protect neighbors from each other. If he wants to say "that rule sucks" then she will start putting cars up on blocks in her yard. Hey, who's going to stop her?
The reason zoning (which make no mistake, is the taking of propery rights) exists is so that your neighbor can't put a rendering plant or a pig farm in his back yard and expose you to annoying or even dangerous things (plummeting your property value). Zoning exists because you can't just leave it to neighbors and the market to even this stuff out. Most of you would be appalled if your next door neighbor started selling porn 24/7 and some "interesting" people were around at all hours.
Now this flag issue is not that blatant. It is not dangerous. The rules exist because 50 foot tall flags were deemed unsightly. I can see that. I am glad my neighbor does not have one. Just because it's the American Flag does not mean people can break these rules. Is it a good rule? Debatable. Again, if the rule disappears, it cannot just be for the US flag, but for a UN flag or a peace logo flag, or heavan forbid, a rainbow flag.
My City does not require a permit for a flag pole and does not have a height limit that I know of (it has not come up in the 15 months I have been here), so the rule is not universal.
I tend, however (liberal commie that thinks property rights are overrated that I am) to think that it is good because I find that to be unsightly--not an indictment on the US flag itself, just the size/height of this particular one, which does not fit in with the area.
Edited for Grammar
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Does that not apply to those who are challenging Mr Trump?
the code is already in place...so they are simply asking him to comply to the community he chose to live in. and in fact, since one is allowed to allpy for permits, perhaps one would be granted in any case...so to me, the point is to respect your community and comply to the codes of your community. pretty clear-cut to me....but i am sure you can mange to talk round and round...and yea, i have no desire to do so. i think my opinion is clear enough and i'll leave it at that.
and in fact, since one is allowed to allpy for permits, perhaps one would be granted in any case...
Doubtful. If the rules do not allow the height or size, the City staff would have no leg to stand on in granting it. However, he could apply for a variance to the rules (you need a hardship, in theory, which he does not have, but these thigns tend to be decided politically and by volunteer boards of people who want to be nice) and he may or may not get it.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
I am a City Planner and about a third of what I do is taking away property rights. Another third probably indirectly leads to taking away property rights. I am totally comfortable with that.
Does that fit on a business card?
Zoning codes are very specific and at times do not seem to be about common sense. Sure, who does not like to see an American Flag that is the same size as the ones that they fly at Perkins? But what if that became a North Korean flag? I assure you that any City in America would not be able to make an acception for this just because it's an American Flag.
I think flying a North Korean flag on your property should be your right. Call me crazy.
I know that at least one person on here will disagree with any argument I make for zoning, but here 'goes. Hippiemom's point is that these rules exist to protect neighbors from each other. If he wants to say "that rule sucks" then she will start putting cars up on blocks in her yard. Hey, who's going to stop her?
How are "protection" and "putting cars up on blocks" related?
The reason zoning (which make no mistake, is the taking of propery rights) exists is so that your neighbor can't put a rendering plant or a pig farm in his back yard and expose you to annoying or even dangerous things (plummeting your property value). Zoning exists because you can't just leave it to neighbors and the market to even this stuff out. Most of you would be appalled if your next door neighbor started selling porn 24/7 and some "interesting" people were around at all hours.
How am I entitled to a property value?
Now this flag issue is not that blatant. It is not dangerous. The rules exist because 50 foot tall flags were deemed unsightly. I can see that. I am glad my neighbor does not have one. Just because it's the American Flag does not mean people can break these rules. Is it a good rule? Debatable. Again, if the rule disappears, it cannot just be for the US flag, but for a UN flag or a peace logo flag, or heavan forbid, a rainbow flag.
I like rainbows.
My City does not require a permit for a flag pole and does not have a height limit that I know of (it has not come up in the 15 months I have been here), so the rule is not universal.
Sounds like a good city.
I tend, however (liberal commie that thinks property rights are overrated that I am) to think that it is good because I find that to be unsightly--not an indictment on the US flag itself, just the size/height of this particular one, which does not fit in with the area.
Houses, at some point, "didn't fit with the area". Should we get rid of those?
Doubtful. If the rules do not allow the height or size, the City staff would have no leg to stand on in granting it. However, he could apply for a variance to the rules (you need a hardship, in theory, which he does not have, but these thigns tend to be decided politically and by volunteer boards of people who want to be nice) and he may or may not get it.
thus why i said...'perhaps'.
and yes, variances do get issued...but i think the main point is...ALL should follow the rules in place for their community, it is FOR the community that they are there...and if you don't like em, well then, don't live there.
and this sort of comment:
Trump responded in a letter last week saying that "anyone who objects should not, in my opinion, hold a public office of any kind -- at least not in this country."
rubs me the wrong way....just b/c you choose to display a flag does not make you immune...and perhaps some don't want to live right near a flag that blocks out the sun?
the rules ARE there, clearly...and ALL within the community should follow, and certainly not think they are above compliance. if his flag is allowed....what next?
so i do agree....a permit probably wouldn't be granted...and maybe that's why he chose to do what he did and how he did it....b/c a $250 fine a day, how much of a hardship is that for trump in any case? so it's his choice..but at the very least...the community must inforce the consequences.
funny...this all just reminded me of that thread not too long ago about i think? mos def and his improv, and non-approved, performance outside the grammys. to me, same principle. not to rehash that debate, just sayin'.
alrighty, i'm out before i get sucked into talking round and round an issue that to me, pretty clear-cut...but you all have fun!
Personal property is a relic of the past............
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
id pay $250 a day if i were him. it's not like his pockets aren't deep.
would that be considered civil disobediance?
~Ron Burgundy
I'd put a car dealership in my front yard, if I were him.
that would be hilarious.
means, motive and da goods
~Ron Burgundy
enlighten us. what would you do?
make your place look like ridiculous circus to spite donalds flag. fun
That sounds like a fun place. I would add a pirate ship to play on and to go with the flag.
so what?...as long as it's an american flag...and not anything else..it's a-ok to break zoning codes? sorry, that doesn't fly with me. such regulations are put in place for the community...and yea....even donald trump should have to follow suit....and sure, even for a display of 'patriotism.'
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
he'll get the permit, be granted permission, flag will still fly.
monstrosity of a flag? wow. some americans would rather see a huge american flag then a pirate ship and flamingos or whatever cirus you brought to town.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
using your american flag as a door mat doesnt count.
and if so, good. but absolutely, if zoning codes are in place...ALL should have to follow them, no exceptions. he FIRST should've applied for a permit instead of blatantly disregarding town codes. i don't care what someone is doing on their property as long as they follow the town codes, get permits, or whatever else. otherwise, it just opens the door to more and morwe blatant disregard.
point is, say it was a polish flag he was flying, ould you still hold the same opinion that it is a-ok? i couldn't care less that he is flying the american flag or any other...the point is....working with the community you choose to live in...not going agains t it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
As for The Donald, what happened to personal responsibility? It's a free country, he can live where he likes. He CHOSE to live in a community that has standards and laws in place to enforce them.
Whoa !!
Does that not apply to those who are challenging Mr Trump?
Zoning codes are very specific and at times do not seem to be about common sense. Sure, who does not like to see an American Flag that is the same size as the ones that they fly at Perkins? But what if that became a North Korean flag? I assure you that any City in America would not be able to make an exception for this just because it's an American Flag.
I know that at least one person on here will disagree with any argument I make for zoning, but here 'goes. Hippiemom's point is that these rules exist to protect neighbors from each other. If he wants to say "that rule sucks" then she will start putting cars up on blocks in her yard. Hey, who's going to stop her?
The reason zoning (which make no mistake, is the taking of propery rights) exists is so that your neighbor can't put a rendering plant or a pig farm in his back yard and expose you to annoying or even dangerous things (plummeting your property value). Zoning exists because you can't just leave it to neighbors and the market to even this stuff out. Most of you would be appalled if your next door neighbor started selling porn 24/7 and some "interesting" people were around at all hours.
Now this flag issue is not that blatant. It is not dangerous. The rules exist because 50 foot tall flags were deemed unsightly. I can see that. I am glad my neighbor does not have one. Just because it's the American Flag does not mean people can break these rules. Is it a good rule? Debatable. Again, if the rule disappears, it cannot just be for the US flag, but for a UN flag or a peace logo flag, or heavan forbid, a rainbow flag.
My City does not require a permit for a flag pole and does not have a height limit that I know of (it has not come up in the 15 months I have been here), so the rule is not universal.
I tend, however (liberal commie that thinks property rights are overrated that I am) to think that it is good because I find that to be unsightly--not an indictment on the US flag itself, just the size/height of this particular one, which does not fit in with the area.
Edited for Grammar
the code is already in place...so they are simply asking him to comply to the community he chose to live in. and in fact, since one is allowed to allpy for permits, perhaps one would be granted in any case...so to me, the point is to respect your community and comply to the codes of your community. pretty clear-cut to me....but i am sure you can mange to talk round and round...and yea, i have no desire to do so.
uncle leo..thank you - exactly!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Hey, it's worked for Atlanta and that EPA fine.
Doubtful. If the rules do not allow the height or size, the City staff would have no leg to stand on in granting it. However, he could apply for a variance to the rules (you need a hardship, in theory, which he does not have, but these thigns tend to be decided politically and by volunteer boards of people who want to be nice) and he may or may not get it.
Does that fit on a business card?
I think flying a North Korean flag on your property should be your right. Call me crazy.
How are "protection" and "putting cars up on blocks" related?
How am I entitled to a property value?
I like rainbows.
Sounds like a good city.
Houses, at some point, "didn't fit with the area". Should we get rid of those?
thus why i said...'perhaps'.
and yes, variances do get issued...but i think the main point is...ALL should follow the rules in place for their community, it is FOR the community that they are there...and if you don't like em, well then, don't live there.
and this sort of comment:
Trump responded in a letter last week saying that "anyone who objects should not, in my opinion, hold a public office of any kind -- at least not in this country."
rubs me the wrong way....just b/c you choose to display a flag does not make you immune...and perhaps some don't want to live right near a flag that blocks out the sun?
the rules ARE there, clearly...and ALL within the community should follow, and certainly not think they are above compliance. if his flag is allowed....what next?
so i do agree....a permit probably wouldn't be granted...and maybe that's why he chose to do what he did and how he did it....b/c a $250 fine a day, how much of a hardship is that for trump in any case? so it's his choice..but at the very least...the community must inforce the consequences.
funny...this all just reminded me of that thread not too long ago about i think? mos def and his improv, and non-approved, performance outside the grammys. to me, same principle. not to rehash that debate, just sayin'.
alrighty, i'm out before i get sucked into talking round and round an issue that to me, pretty clear-cut...but you all have fun!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow