This brings up some interesting arguments. Many human animals are not as intelligent as non-human animals. Many humans are unable to communicate with language or make choices. How about people in a vegatative state? Babies? The mentally handicapped? They all fall into this same category. So is it than morally ok from a human viewpoint to kill them and use them as we please? It's an inconsistency that can't be overlooked. And because of this many scientists and philosphers have said that what defines a sentient creature is not whether it can feel or percieve, but can it suffer. And I don't think there is any question that non-human animals can suffer.
I'm not going to say that cows are as intelligent as humans, but you obviously have never spent time around them. Mother cows are extremely protective of their calves. And ask any dairy farmer how the mother cow reacts when her calf is taken away after two days to be sent to a veal farm. She often will wail and search around for her calf, often for days or weeks.
Ever seen a captive animal once it's escaped or been set free? Their ecstatic! There was an ariticle in the New York Times just the other day about an escaped Emu. Neighbors in the rural area commented on how whenever they saw it it seemed to be playing and having fun. It was caught weeks after escaping and died of a heart attack within hours.
There's no denying non-human animals can feel these senses, just in a different way from us. Non-human animals can communicate, just in a way humans can't understand.
And you mention about dogs and cats being more intelligent. Pigs are as smart if not smarter than dogs. Yet we kill them and use them all the time.
And just because their concerns are more limited why does that make their lives any less important? (Again, many humans have limited concerns as well).
Well, I've watched hours and hours of lectures on Language. I've read up on Broca's and Wernicke's areas. The language of non-human animals is way different. The only close relations to humans are birds, birds make music when they speak and they make the exact same tones every time. But it's most commonly believed that there is little variation in their songs because they aren't conscious of what they are singing.
For your information, when I was on my uncle's farm as a kid. I had to beat a cow with a big chunk of wood while my uncle put a slug in the calf's brain. Yes the mother cow was very protective, up until the point her calf was dead, then it went about it's business. In this particular case, the calf had a birth defect, it's throat was tied in a knot and it couldn't eat or drink anything, it couldn't even get up off the ground. I remember it quite clearly.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i'm sorry.... did you honestly just say that a cow would eat a human? :rolleyes:
they're herbivores for christssake!
Well, I don't think a cow would specifically, although if there was no grass around...
I figured someone would mention that cows are herbivores. Cats and Dogs eat meat, they will eat you if they are hungry.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
lol! well, cows don't have any top teeth, so the best they could do is lick you death....
thankfully, my cat's favorite food is cantaloupe - i think i'm safe...
Have you seen what they can do to those salt-licks?
Be afraid, be very afraid!
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
- nothing compares to hands on experience esp. with something like surgery.
- those cows were probably on the death train to a slaughterhouse anyway, so do as the indians do and use every part.
I'm in AP bio and might have to sit out during the disections too (i dunno if my stomach will take it). I've never been a 'don't hurt the animals' veg. anyway.. It's a personal choice as far as I'm concerned.
plus, some kid in class was talking about how porn is getting really bad and his little brother called him to give him some website to check out a 'hot bimbo'. it was kind of funny and really sad at the same time.
Well, I've watched hours and hours of lectures on Language. I've read up on Broca's and Wernicke's areas. The language of non-human animals is way different. The only close relations to humans are birds, birds make music when they speak and they make the exact same tones every time. But it's most commonly believed that there is little variation in their songs because they aren't conscious of what they are singing.
For your information, when I was on my uncle's farm as a kid. I had to beat a cow with a big chunk of wood while my uncle put a slug in the calf's brain. Yes the mother cow was very protective, up until the point her calf was dead, then it went about it's business. In this particular case, the calf had a birth defect, it's throat was tied in a knot and it couldn't eat or drink anything, it couldn't even get up off the ground. I remember it quite clearly.
i'm sorry.... did you honestly just say that a cow would eat a human? :rolleyes:
they're herbivores for christssake!
Well, I don't think a cow would specifically, although if there was no grass around...
I figured someone would mention that cows are herbivores. Cats and Dogs eat meat, they will eat you if they are hungry.
lol! well, cows don't have any top teeth, so the best they could do is lick you death....
thankfully, my cat's favorite food is cantaloupe - i think i'm safe...
Have you seen what they can do to those salt-licks?
Be afraid, be very afraid!
- nothing compares to hands on experience esp. with something like surgery.
- those cows were probably on the death train to a slaughterhouse anyway, so do as the indians do and use every part.
I'm in AP bio and might have to sit out during the disections too (i dunno if my stomach will take it). I've never been a 'don't hurt the animals' veg. anyway.. It's a personal choice as far as I'm concerned.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
extra pickles..........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
ohhh haha i see.
edit: ooh this is my 4,000th post. yay me:D