More money should be spent on cancer research.

This is my first time posting a thread on ''A Moving Train''. I think this is where this one belongs. I was told by my father that our neighbor three houses down passed away on Nov 30th. The day I left for Hawaii to see Pearl Jam. His name was Robert, but went by the name of ''cowboy''. Cause he was from Texas and loved the Dallas Cowboys football team. Living in Wisconsin he heard alot of shit from people about his Cowboys. We always joked back and forth and always laughed about it. He died of pancreatic Cancer, after a hard 6 month battle. I saw him maybe a week or so b4 he died and he always was in a good mood. Even though he was facing a very tough battle.
After being told of his passing I started to think about something. With all the money our goverment is spending on the war in Iraq. Why can't they spend the same amount or just some of that money on finding a cure for cancer? It's very sad thinking of all the people I know that have been affected by some form of cancer. I'm sure some money is spent , but its just not enough. I myself had a scare not too long ago. I was lucky and plan on going in for a check up every yr. I feel very sad for his family cause the holidays are near. He always put up alot of lites on his house for Christmas. I will miss that this yr. I plan to read more about what I can do to help and just help in any way. For anyone reading this that has lost someone from some form of cancer. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope someday a cure is found and no more people have to suffer. I should be happy after seeing PJ in Hawaii a few days ago. Today I'm very sad and shocked by my neighbor's passing. Thanks for listening.
Rest in peace ''Cowboy''
After being told of his passing I started to think about something. With all the money our goverment is spending on the war in Iraq. Why can't they spend the same amount or just some of that money on finding a cure for cancer? It's very sad thinking of all the people I know that have been affected by some form of cancer. I'm sure some money is spent , but its just not enough. I myself had a scare not too long ago. I was lucky and plan on going in for a check up every yr. I feel very sad for his family cause the holidays are near. He always put up alot of lites on his house for Christmas. I will miss that this yr. I plan to read more about what I can do to help and just help in any way. For anyone reading this that has lost someone from some form of cancer. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope someday a cure is found and no more people have to suffer. I should be happy after seeing PJ in Hawaii a few days ago. Today I'm very sad and shocked by my neighbor's passing. Thanks for listening.
Rest in peace ''Cowboy''
Post edited by Unknown User on
I've been saying this since my best friend died form a brain tumor almost 5 years ago. So far the US has spent over 370 billion dollars on the war and I'm sure plan on spending more regardless of the democrats or not.
But there is hope. My mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer 2 years ago and just yesterday her doctor told her she is a miracle. No cancer what so ever. I guess that's why they named the hospital "City of Hope".
Thank you for sharing.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh wow! That is truly amazing! What a relief!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
They say some people just have an amazing will to live. What joyous news for your family this holiday season!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Right back 'atcha, sweetie:D
Not a problem. Everyone loves to hear the happy endings!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Your mom really is a miracle! Liver cancer is one of the worst. Liver and pancreas are where ovarian cancer is most likely to spread, so I've read a lot on both and there's not a lot of good news there. Give your mom a big hug from me, I'm so happy for both of you
honestly, i don't think there will ever be a cure in our lifetimes. drug companies make entirely too much money on cancer meds to come up with a cure. and drug companies have too many people in their pockets in the government and medical world to be 'forced' to find a cure. it's a financial boon to charge people unreal amounts of money indiscriminately and over time rather than one big payment and you're done. and trust me when i say cancer is EXPENSIVE. I go relatively cheap and mine's about 4000.00 a month...every long as i live.
cutback - many many congrats to your mom and your family! it takes more than chemo to overcome stage 4 cancer...she has to be a fighter!
They came up with a really genius way to cure people of tumors. They inject this weird virus into the tumor, and as soon as it comes in contact with oxygen it dies. Really cool stuff, but that also means it doesn't get rid of the whole tumore.
Anyway, I think much money is spent on cancer research, but not everyone wants to study cancer, so the bottleneck might be the number of people that are in the field.
Environmental science is dismally funded in Australia. I've been struggling for three years with an underfunded project, whereas my colleagues who are involved in cancer research always have buckets of money to work with.
-C Addison
What's more, the American Cancer Society will not fund any research using embryonic stem cells, so they're allowing politics to interfere with their mission. No one knows if this technology will benefit cancer patients, but no one is ever going to know if the people controlling a huge amount of the funding won't research it!
He did an internship where he was part of a crew that researches ways to create anti-cancer agents, chemostuff, you know. He found a whole new way and will get a patent for it.
I'm really proud of him (he's also my best friend
You're right though, more money should be invested in that research (and not only for cancer)
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
Part of me wonders though (politics of gov't and pharmaceutical companies aside) how feasible a cure really is. I mean, we can't even cure the common cold, we can manage it's symptoms well (just like HIV, herpes, etc...) but we can't cure it. I don't think the cure is as simple as throwing more money at more people; but I hope it is that simple.