9/11 Skeptics' Lunatic Fringe

July 16, 2007 -- THIS time, they've gone too far. A group of 9/11 conspiracy theorists - whackos who deny that jumbo jets brought down the World Trade Center - is on the attack. But their latest target isn't the government, which they claim destroyed the buildings with explosives.
They're using a vicious Internet assault to pick on an elderly widow.
"They're dirty sons of bastards! They are not real men," feisty Ellen Mariani, 69, told me. Ellen lost her husband aboard United 175 on Sept. 11, 2001.
"They have no respect for women, no respect for the dead and no respect for little children who now have been orphaned."
Ellen is the subject of a blistering battering on the Web site of an outfit that calls itself "9/11 Researchers." While conspiracy theories are nothing new - Rosie O'Donnell gave voice on "The View" to the belief the government was involved - these bozos blast fellow conspiracy groups for not going far enough.
On their Web site, Ellen's current, private home address is listed for every whack job to see. There also is "evidence" that her husband helped plan the attacks.
How could a retired, 58-year-old deliveryman help plan the destruction of the Twin Towers? The proof, presented as a kind of "gotcha!" smoking gun, is strikingly shallow.
Linked to the Web site is a copy of a deed transferring her husband's real property to Ellen. He took it out on July 26, 2001, 47 days before the trade center was destroyed.
As further "proof" that Louis Mariani - who went by his middle name, Neil - was involved, the Web site posts the lease transferring management rights of the World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein. The lease was taken out two days before Louis Mariani put his property in Ellen's name. Aha!
Confused? So am I.
The Web site is the work of a Rick Siegel, who hawks DVDs that purport to prove the trade center's destruction was an inside job. He is partners with Nico Haupt, who is known for sending blistering e-mail rants to trade-center survivors.
My attempts to reach both men were fruitless.
The odd thing is that the loonies are picking on Ellen. She has been outspoken in insisting that the government knows more about the attacks than it is admitting. But a source familiar with the groups says they tend to target people who fall short of their extreme anti-Semitic, anti-everything views.
On Sept. 11, 2001, Neil, Ellen's husband of 13 years, boarded United 175 from Boston, bound for the wedding of Ellen's daughter. Ellen was flying separately because she had booked her flight months before, and it was full.
She's refused to take a dime from the fund that compensates victims.
"Could you go to sleep at night, knowing you took money for your husband's death?" she asks.
"Try to eat alone. Try to watch programs you both liked on TV without feeling guilty. Try to go to sleep at night while you don't have your honey with you. This is the hell I go through every day.
"I don't need evil people attacking me."
It's gone far enough.
July 16, 2007 -- THIS time, they've gone too far. A group of 9/11 conspiracy theorists - whackos who deny that jumbo jets brought down the World Trade Center - is on the attack. But their latest target isn't the government, which they claim destroyed the buildings with explosives.
They're using a vicious Internet assault to pick on an elderly widow.
"They're dirty sons of bastards! They are not real men," feisty Ellen Mariani, 69, told me. Ellen lost her husband aboard United 175 on Sept. 11, 2001.
"They have no respect for women, no respect for the dead and no respect for little children who now have been orphaned."
Ellen is the subject of a blistering battering on the Web site of an outfit that calls itself "9/11 Researchers." While conspiracy theories are nothing new - Rosie O'Donnell gave voice on "The View" to the belief the government was involved - these bozos blast fellow conspiracy groups for not going far enough.
On their Web site, Ellen's current, private home address is listed for every whack job to see. There also is "evidence" that her husband helped plan the attacks.
How could a retired, 58-year-old deliveryman help plan the destruction of the Twin Towers? The proof, presented as a kind of "gotcha!" smoking gun, is strikingly shallow.
Linked to the Web site is a copy of a deed transferring her husband's real property to Ellen. He took it out on July 26, 2001, 47 days before the trade center was destroyed.
As further "proof" that Louis Mariani - who went by his middle name, Neil - was involved, the Web site posts the lease transferring management rights of the World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein. The lease was taken out two days before Louis Mariani put his property in Ellen's name. Aha!
Confused? So am I.
The Web site is the work of a Rick Siegel, who hawks DVDs that purport to prove the trade center's destruction was an inside job. He is partners with Nico Haupt, who is known for sending blistering e-mail rants to trade-center survivors.
My attempts to reach both men were fruitless.
The odd thing is that the loonies are picking on Ellen. She has been outspoken in insisting that the government knows more about the attacks than it is admitting. But a source familiar with the groups says they tend to target people who fall short of their extreme anti-Semitic, anti-everything views.
On Sept. 11, 2001, Neil, Ellen's husband of 13 years, boarded United 175 from Boston, bound for the wedding of Ellen's daughter. Ellen was flying separately because she had booked her flight months before, and it was full.
She's refused to take a dime from the fund that compensates victims.
"Could you go to sleep at night, knowing you took money for your husband's death?" she asks.
"Try to eat alone. Try to watch programs you both liked on TV without feeling guilty. Try to go to sleep at night while you don't have your honey with you. This is the hell I go through every day.
"I don't need evil people attacking me."
It's gone far enough.
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker
—Dorothy Parker
Post edited by Unknown User on
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
its not funny if you're that widow...
that's how i heard it; anyway.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
It's also very easy for whackos to brainwash unintelligent people with pseudoscience and big words. If you sound like you know what you're talking about, no matter how moronic you are, there will always be people out there dumber than you who'll believe anything you say.
—Dorothy Parker
Especially now that many of the early prophecies are coming to light.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
why because it's mainstream?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
This logic has always befuddled me
If I think someone has committed murder (either directly or indirectly) and I'm not satisfied by someone's answer, (particularly by those who are super secretive about EVERYTHING and have A LOT to gain by their particular explanation) I believe I have the right to keep asking.
perhaps she and others like her are more afraid of the real answer.
Ellen Mariani was one of the first people to take action in the form of a lawsuit against the goverment soon after the 9/11 attacks. She refused the monetary compensation allocated by the government to the families of the victims, and as far as I know her lawsuit against the Bush administration is still pending.
Here is an excerpt of a letter she wrote to Dubya.
November 27, 2003
It is my belief that you intentionally allowed 9/11 to happen to gather public support for a "war on terrorism." These wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, have not accomplished what you stated were your goals. Why have you not captured Osama Bin Laden? Where are Saddam's weapons of mass destruction? All that has happened is a bill that is passed before Congress for 87 billion dollars to rebuild what you ordered blown to bits. As an American who lost a loved one in the "war on terror" I do pray and support our troops who were sent to Afghanistan and Iraq by you. These troops have and will continue to die for your lies. As an American I can make this statement as it appears that associates of your family may stand to prosper from the rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq.
I think her key points are dead on.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
The article content isn't mainstream.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I don't doubt the inside job, yet I've also seen theses sort of nutcases that think everyone is an evil Jew in under NWO control. It's laughable...Yes bad people are out there but you can't just go around calling everybody one with no proof especially those taking risk by already speaking out like this woman!
It discredits the whole thing. Maybe their goal in the first place!
That's how the government broke up the Black Panthers and other anti-war groups of the past. Send in fake agents to mess it all up and discredit the whole thing. These idiots could easily be bad guys in disguise...
The same people attack Alex Jones, they attack anybody that speaks out...
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
Wasn't it the CIA who trailed the guys for months and then all of a sudden couldn't find them in the States until it was a tad too late. Glad they found one of the passports that made it out of one of the trade centres! That was some good laughs for a day. You already own Canada if something goes wrong. 911 was just a test. Wait until something of actual content happens. We also opened our doors to a lot of Yanks who had no where to land their planes and stay for the night. And I am sure there are a lot of Canadians who think that it is a bit of a terrorist nation down there. So we let more then just the 911 terrorists in our country. As you are only a terrorist after you terrify somebody, of which those people hadn't done yet, if they indeed all came through this country.
People down there cry about the Mexicans coming into your country and they don't even drop bombs to try and change your way of living. Imagine being a target country for something you didn't have a hand in doing. Queue the "Saddam was a bad guy" story.
Yeah the States aren't the soul problem of why the world is what it is. They sure know how to make a good military in another country to help them out. And don't know how to fix the problem when it has done it's time. But you can't take away the fact that if the government didn't have a hand in 911, that they sure had an awful, awful, lot of egg on their faces on that day.
The article content isn't mainstream? Then explain your quote of "as long as he keeps quoting mainstream newspaper articles". Also, I am curious as to what prophecies you are referring to.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
I don't.
that's a big oops on my part
I misread the article. One time, 69charger accused me of desacrating the memories of the 9/11 victims because I even presented the scenario that our government had anything to do with 9/11.
reflex action.
Do the math. Is what Alex is saying all over the mainstream media? No, but he does come across the quickly washed over/out articles from mainstream media and illuminates them.
You'll need to to watch Alex yourself. If you don't see the police state hell we're all staring into...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I will watch him. At least you are passionate about your beliefs. No one can argue with that.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
Some of his stuff is over the top, but he is quite right about how the constitution has been shredded....actually all our rights have been shredded so that complete and ultimate government control can be established.
Once that happens...we the people are nothing. The gov't can snap it's fingers...decare you an enemy combatant and execute you if they want. No questions asked. You speak out and you're either executed or jailed on the spot indefinitely...and no laws can save you. Hell they can even torture you to exact a confession of guilt if need be. What happened to the United States? This paranoia of terrorism is going to kill us all. and the US gov't and western media is playing it like a song.
All in the name of terrorism? And absolutely anyone can be a terrorist now. This is what the media is pushing. Anyone is a terrorist now.
You're either with us or against us was the final ultimatum given to the world.
It's coming. It's practically already here.
It's absolutely insane.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i'm not saying i believe it. this is an actual conspiracy theory i read. the basis was that with the new oil exploration and the boost to the economy it provided; canada wants to break from the crown. say what you will; part of canada is under the queens thumb. the theory is that the us would back britain if canada tried for full independence.
i think every conspiracy theory is wrong. every event in history has a conspiracy theory behind it. even events seen by millions have their theorists. even when someone has confessed to the crime.