Hooray for Hypotheticals

godpt3godpt3 Posts: 1,020
edited August 2007 in A Moving Train
Obama doesn't dodge "what if" questions. Good for him!
By John Dickerson
Posted Thursday, Aug. 2, 2007, at 6:42 PM ET

To hide the fact that they're hiding something, candidates elevate their refusal to a virtue. "One of the jobs of a president is being very reasoned in approaching these issues," Hillary Clinton said to a hypothetical question about sending ground troops to Darfur. "And I don't think it's useful to be talking in these kinds of abstract hypothetical terms." Two days later, Mitt Romney cried hypothetical when asked in a debate whether, in hindsight, going to war in Iraq was a mistake. To give the dodge extra weight, he criticized the question in Latin (calling it a "non sequitur"), on fairness grounds (saying it was "unreasonable"), and, finally, mathematically (labeling it a "null set"), as if to suggest there was some immutable arithmetic law that made entertaining the whole notion absurd.

These were not personal questions, such as the hypothetical posed to Michael Dukakis in 1988 about whether he would support the death penalty for a man who murdered his wife. Nor were they the late-night stoned variety of hypothetical. When someone asks a candidate what super power he'd most like to have, or whether Bruce Lee would win a fight with Muhammad Ali, then we can cry foul. The hypotheticals that candidates have been avoiding are the interesting, substantive ones. Anyone running for president should have thought through those questions, and if they haven't, we should know about it.

Fortunately, one candidate is answering hypotheticals. For the last two weeks, the Democratic political conversation has been consumed with hypothetical questions. Last week, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton engaged in a multiday set-to over whether they would meet with nasty dictators. This week, Barack Obama doubled down on hypotheticals by raising his own hypothetical situation in his sweeping speech on foreign policy. If he found actionable intelligence about al-Qaida leaders hiding out in the mountains of Pakistan, he said he would send in troops whether the Pakistani government liked it or not. When asked the next day about using nuclear weapons in Afghanistan and Pakistan, he said he never would use them.

Perhaps as a former law professor, Obama isn't afraid of these kinds of questions. Law school is nothing but hypotheticals. Or perhaps Obama is comfortable because his answer to the 2002 hypothetical about whether he would vote to authorize force against Iraq has worked to his political advantage. If he'd ducked then, he couldn't gloat now.

It's too early to tell if Obama is benefiting politically from all of this risky public thinking. Joe Biden has now joined Hillary Clinton in calling him naive (audio) for expressing his hypothetical views. Sen. Chris Dodd has called him "confusing and confused." And it must be said that there is a certain pileup quality to his hypothetical scenarios. He said he would attack al-Qaida targets in Pakistan even if President Gen. Pervez Musharraf didn't give his OK. That might very well unleash a backlash that would overthrow the Pakistani leader and put the country's nuclear arsenal in the hands of extremists. In an answer to a hypothetical in 2004, Obama said that eventuality would lead him to very seriously consider launching missiles.

But what might not be great for Obama politically is great for us, so we should thank him for taking the risk. These kinds of questions let us see how candidates' minds work, glimpse at their capacity for imagination, and assess their ability to survey and understand the landscape before them.

We've all been asked to imagine how these candidates will behave in office—the grandest hypothetical of them all. It's only reasonable to ask that they imagine it, too. Hypothetical questions are a fundamental part of being president. You need to know how to pose them to your colleagues and have the set of skills necessary to answer them. They are required in thinking through almost any issue that faces a president. If I make this promise or pledge, what will the reaction be from the public, our allies, and Congress? If I change the program, how will that change the reaction? If my CIA director says it's a slam dunk that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction, how many hours will I spend thinking through the hypothetical: What if it isn't a slam dunk?

Perhaps the greatest argument for insisting that candidates answer hypothetical questions is that George Bush hates them. He refused to entertain most plausible scenarios as a candidate. As president, the dodge is like his seal of office: He brings it to every press conference. The irony, of course, is that Bush launched an entire war based on the hypothetical scenario that al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein might form a partnership. In the end, the weapons stockpiles turned out to be hypothetical, too. "That's a hypothetical question," Bush said, answering a typical question from before the Iraq war about what the American people should expect. "They can expect me not to answer hypothetical questions." Of the next president, the American people should expect just the opposite.
John Dickerson is Slate's chief political correspondent and author of On Her Trail. He can be reached at slatepolitics@gmail.com.

Article URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2171610/

Copyright 2007 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker

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  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    I appreciate that Obama came out and said he wouldn't use nukes. He's more of a man than Hillary.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,307
    I like him being honest too rather then skirting around an issue.

    Some of the questions can become silly, but the fact of the matter is those "hypothetical issues" are an every day reality for Presidents.
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    Given today's media....given today's choices of a presidential candidate....given today's misbegotten mishmash of a so-called Administration....

    And especially given the fact that democrats and republicans in the House and Senate (or, collectively, Congress) have come down to doing nothing...NOTHING...but toe the party line and effectively block each others votes out to the point of extinction, and given the fact that Bush would simply veto whatever bill passes that doesn't please his sensibilities (Note: I grant that the man has sensibilities....I will never believe he has sense)....it must be obvious even to a chimpanzee that our government is at critical gridlock. And it has been for several years. The sides switch, but the game remains the same.

    And then along comes Barry.

    Barry Obama, the guy with the scary/funny name. The guy with the black/white parents. The guy with the clean/Rezko background. The guy who scares the shit out of Hillary. The guy who scares the shit out of Republicans.

    The guy who questions our diplomatic stance so far -- you know, the one that isn't working. They guy who questions the "war" in Iraq -- you know, the one that isn't working. The guy who questions sticking to party lines -- you know, the game that isn't working.

    So let Hillary and Bill, Giuliani and Mitt, and Biden and McCain and all the rest of them get in an uproar over naivete and experience.

    Because, you know -- that isn't working.
    Feels Good Inc.
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