my point look at all the demcrats that have heath shuler, tester, and webb...these guys are CONSERVATIVE. 94 was an election for conservatism, as was 2006. liberals know that this country rejects their ideology. and they cannot succeed longterm.
Stop trying to downplay the election, because it's not working. It wasn't a win for conservatism, as Republicans win. Not even slightly. How you can honestly say it was a "crushing" defeat for liberalism is laughable, but I don't find anything surprising come from your aisle after these last six years. yes, Webb, Casey, and a slew of other Democrats who won yesterday are not as liberal as their counterparts, because they're moderate. A word you might want to start teaching to the GOP, because they seem to not know what that is. They're more liberal than they are conservative, although they're not "liberal", their left of center, or "moderate".
If the country rejects liberalism as fiercely as you proclaim, then the GOP would have prevailed yesterday, and George Bush would be more popular than he currently is - because they sure as hell don't like him. They would have voted for the abortion ban in South Dakota, and against the minimum wage increases in Missouri and Ohio. They would have not given the Democrats control of both Chambers of Congress yesterday. George Bush didn't win by a hefty margin at all in 2004, so don't act like he won in a landslide, please, like most Republicans try to play off. America is moderate - they don't want partisan bickering and radical policies, they want compromise, and what is best for America - not a political party. Whoever governs from the center wins, and Democrats realized that yesterday. The GOP didn't, and maybe they'll learn their lessons, as two radicals of power, Santorum and Hastert, will no longer be in power come January - and another radical, Allen, was unseated - so they can fill their shoes with moderates, people who will move America forward.
the reaching is hilarious. conservative how, exactly? are pro-choice people considered conservative? before the final dem wins were counted, here is something showing the gains for pro-choicers in Congress:
so the house gained 20 pro-choicers and the senate at least one.
and hey, i never knew ted kennedy and hillary clinton were conservatives.
Great 21 more murderers joining their ringleader (Big Ted).
The truth is that the country proved that they care more about the letter next to a name rather than what they have done. They have proven that negative campaigning is th emost effective as people won their seats based on voting AGAINST an issue, instead of FOR anything.
I would have loved this election if the majority of Conservatves still lost, but if many incumbent Dems lost as well. It was time ot throw out the trash...instead people picked a few pieces out of their can and threw them in the dumpster...meanwhile the majority of the stinky, rotting garbage remains.
Oh well...the country is moving far away from me. Apparently the US wants to be taxed and spend (but not on a war) and they are still against gay marriage and killing babies. Great. Long way to go for my utopia.
I've stated what you just did in other threads. That's exactly what happend here. By the numbers, there was no difference between Webb and Allen. Allen had an R beside his name at the wrong time. Once again, I think it inherently odd that these "centrist" Democrats will be giving us Pelosi and Ried as their leadership.
Reid is easy to see, as he's fairly moderate, and a strong leader. Nancy Pelosi, while extremely liberal, and not a good face for the Democratic Party at this point, more than earned it. She is one of the architects responsible for the victory yesterday, and she deserves title of speaker for her hard work. But, hey, we can't get much more partisan than Dennis Hastert, so it's all good.
um, you totally avoided the issue here. i'm just saying your conservative theory is laughable, using reproductive choice an a glowing example.
I avoided the issue? seriosly? I'm the one that presented the issue, so how can I avoid it? Do you even know what you are responding to?
fact is, all of the democratic pick ups were by conservative democrats. I welcome them and look towards a serious discussion. but it's an obvious rejection of liberal values.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I avoided the issue? seriosly? I'm the one that presented the issue, so how can I avoid it? Do you even know what you are responding to?
fact is, all of the democratic pick ups were by conservative democrats. I welcome them and look towards a serious discussion. but it's an obvious rejection of liberal values.
Ok, since you keep saying, I have to ask;
What are these "liberal values" you talk about?
"Winded is the sailor, drifting by the storm, wounded is the organ he left all bloodied on the shore...the smallest oceans still get Big Big waves..."
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
i'm telling you, the libs can gloat all they want about this election, but this election has proved the far left is really nothing in this country....look at ned lement. you people cannot win elections if you state your beliefs. so good luck in the future.
The Democrats elected were moderate, being moderate, or not entirely liberal does not mean you're conservative. Obviously this election said something about the far right, as people seem to not want that either.
I avoided the issue? seriosly? I'm the one that presented the issue, so how can I avoid it? Do you even know what you are responding to?
fact is, all of the democratic pick ups were by conservative democrats. I welcome them and look towards a serious discussion. but it's an obvious rejection of liberal values.
is this really happening? okay. i asked you what made them 'conservative' because normally pro-choicers aren't considered to be 'conservative'. then i said that at least 20 new pro-choicers were elected to the house and 1 to the senate. so are pro-choicers conservative now? because if not, that is just one example showing why your theory is laughable.
so--is it now a fact that pro-choicers are conservative?
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
Stop trying to downplay the election, because it's not working. It wasn't a win for conservatism, as Republicans win. Not even slightly. How you can honestly say it was a "crushing" defeat for liberalism is laughable, but I don't find anything surprising come from your aisle after these last six years. yes, Webb, Casey, and a slew of other Democrats who won yesterday are not as liberal as their counterparts, because they're moderate. A word you might want to start teaching to the GOP, because they seem to not know what that is. They're more liberal than they are conservative, although they're not "liberal", their left of center, or "moderate".
If the country rejects liberalism as fiercely as you proclaim, then the GOP would have prevailed yesterday, and George Bush would be more popular than he currently is - because they sure as hell don't like him. They would have voted for the abortion ban in South Dakota, and against the minimum wage increases in Missouri and Ohio. They would have not given the Democrats control of both Chambers of Congress yesterday. George Bush didn't win by a hefty margin at all in 2004, so don't act like he won in a landslide, please, like most Republicans try to play off. America is moderate - they don't want partisan bickering and radical policies, they want compromise, and what is best for America - not a political party. Whoever governs from the center wins, and Democrats realized that yesterday. The GOP didn't, and maybe they'll learn their lessons, as two radicals of power, Santorum and Hastert, will no longer be in power come January - and another radical, Allen, was unseated - so they can fill their shoes with moderates, people who will move America forward.
God bless this great nation of ours.
do you even know the positions of any of the democratic candidates that won? if not, sorry, you're not smart. they were all conservatives. and that's great, i don't care if you're a democrat, i'm not a GOP lapdog. i just loath the liberal philosophy, as most sane people do. what dem candidate beat a gop incumbent by going to the left?
answer: 0
so if the dems want to move to the right, i welcome them.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Reid is easy to see, as he's fairly moderate, and a strong leader. Nancy Pelosi, while extremely liberal, and not a good face for the Democratic Party at this point, more than earned it. She is one of the architects responsible for the victory yesterday, and she deserves title of speaker for her hard work. But, hey, we can't get much more partisan than Dennis Hastert, so it's all good.
"The President is a loser." - Harry Reid
This is not a strong leadership characteristic.
Nancy fixed her face fortunately, with your tax dollars, but that's another issue.
Who cares if she earned it? What the hell does that have to do with being capable? Students earn D's. That doesn't mean their smart. It means they give a lot of effort. Effort doesn't define greatness as former President Clinton might have you believe.
And if you define being an architect of victory by completely disappearing from the public eye for two weeks leading up to the election then you clearly have no idea how this narrow victory occured.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
is this really happening? okay. i asked you what made them 'conservative' because normally pro-choicers aren't considered to be 'conservative'. then i said that at least 20 new pro-choicers were elected to the house and 1 to the senate. so are pro-choicers conservative now? because if not, that is just one example showing why your theory is laughable.
so--is it now a fact that pro-choicers are conservative?
yes, it is really happening b/c i really don't care about abortion. apparently, you do...this just in...the world doesn't revolve around that issue.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
is this really happening? okay. i asked you what made them 'conservative' because normally pro-choicers aren't considered to be 'conservative'. then i said that at least 20 new pro-choicers were elected to the house and 1 to the senate. so are pro-choicers conservative now? because if not, that is just one example showing why your theory is laughable.
so--is it now a fact that pro-choicers are conservative?
Does Joe Lieberman's Pro-war policy make him Republican, and thusly make the fact that he votes against the President 95% of the time a non-issue?
Please, look a little further than face value.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
do you even know the positions of any of the democratic candidates that won? if not, sorry, you're not smart. they were all conservatives. and that's great, i don't care if you're a democrat, i'm not a GOP lapdog. i just loath the liberal philosophy, as most sane people do. what dem candidate beat a gop incumbent by going to the left?
answer: 0
so if the dems want to move to the right, i welcome them.
It's honestly said how blinded you are. I know plenty of the positions that Democratic Candidates took, and I proudly voted Democrat, although I did vote to re-elect my representative, because they support and believe in the issues I support and believe in.
Democrats won because they moved to the middle - that's not a "crushing blow" to liberalism, and a "gain" for conservatism. It's showing that American is moderate, and will vote for whoever comes to the middle. The Democrats moved to the middle, the Republicans sat their arrogant asses down and wouldn't budge. And, guess what? The Democrats won. It wasn't a gain for conservatism, it wasn't a blow to liberalism. It was a gain for the moderates.
You do realize that tha ban on all abortions in fucking SOUTH DAKOTA got shot down - and a minimum wage increase in MISSOURI and OHIO won. That isn't a crushing blow to liberalism, that's more of a blow to conservatism. But, choose to ignore that.
I'll take the Senator I proudly voted for, Bob Casey. He's a moderate - not a conservative. Yes, while he opposes amending our Constitution to ban homosexual marriage, he doesn't support it, although he does support civil unions, and he's also pro-life. Which means he's a social conservative - so am I, except on gay marriage, so nothing wrong there. He opposes Social Security privatization, wants to change the estate tax, repeal the tax cuts for the wealthy (especially when our schools our suffering, but the rich are getting richer), believes War In Iraq was fought and handled wrong (but ultimately agrees with it), believes a minimum wage increase is long overdue, universal health care, opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, opposes intelligent design in science class, and supports an increase in public education funding. However, he supports the wiretaping and the PATRIOT Act, supports the death penalty, and the list goes on. Doesn't really sound like a conserative, now does he? Yah know, he sounds like a moderate, that leans liberal. Maybe because...that's what he is?
It's honestly said how blinded you are. I know plenty of the positions that Democratic Candidates took, and I proudly voted Democrat, although I did vote to re-elect my representative, because they support and believe in the issues I support and believe in.
Democrats won because they moved to the middle - that's not a "crushing blow" to liberalism, and a "gain" for conservatism. It's showing that American is moderate, and will vote for whoever comes to the middle. The Democrats moved to the middle, the Republicans sat their arrogant asses down and wouldn't budge. And, guess what? The Democrats won. It wasn't a gain for conservatism, it wasn't a blow to liberalism. It was a gain for the moderates.
You do realize that tha ban on all abortions in fucking SOUTH DAKOTA got shot down - and a minimum wage increase in MISSOURI and OHIO won. That isn't a crushing blow to liberalism, that's more of a blow to conservatism. But, choose to ignore that.
I'll take the Senator I proudly voted for, Bob Casey. He's a moderate - not a conservative. Yes, while he opposes amending our Constitution to ban homosexual marriage, he doesn't support it, although he does support civil unions, and he's also pro-life. Which means he's a social conservative - so am I, except on gay marriage, so nothing wrong there. He opposes Social Security privatization, wants to change the estate tax, repeal the tax cuts for the wealthy (especially when our schools our suffering, but the rich are getting richer), believes War In Iraq was fought and handled wrong (but ultimately agrees with it), believes a minimum wage increase is long overdue, universal health care, opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, opposes intelligent design in science class, and supports an increase in public education funding. However, he supports the wiretaping and the PATRIOT Act, supports the death penalty, and the list goes on. Doesn't really sound like a conserative, now does he? Yah know, he sounds like a moderate, that leans liberal. Maybe because...that's what he is?
Conservatism <---- Liberalism
Which way is the arrow moving?
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
yes, it is really happening b/c i really don't care about abortion. apparently, you do...this just in...the world doesn't revolve around that issue.
Well, will you PLEASE go tell the religious right that? Because they seem to not be getting that memo. Although, Rick Santorum might since he's out of office now.
Oh, how I love the GOP. Democrats win, gain +28 seats in the House, and +6 in the Senate, and somehow they're still losers, it was a win for the Republicans, they have no direction, they don't connect with America, and it was so narrow that they shouldn't be celebrating.
Because, I forgot, Bush/Kerry was a blowout in 2004.
Heath Shuler is a Christian. (And he's a Democrat! Shhhhh!)
Or maybe I should rephrase that....
Heath Shuler is a Democrat. (And he's a Christian! Shhhhh!)
I'm a devote Catholic, and have been my entire life. I've been raised in a strict Catholic family to have a strong faith in God, and I pray to God every night for guidance and security. I love him with all of my heart, and consider myself a religious man. However, I'm a Democrat, and damn proud of it. I believe just about every Democrat in the House & Senate are Christians, with the exceptions of some from the Jewish faith, but they also have a strong faith in God. Will you please stop with the radical right notion that Democrats aren't real Christians. It's getting old, and it's just not true. Don't judge other people - isn't that one of the fundamental rules of Christianity? And yet most on the religious right look in the other direction by judging everyone.
yes, it is really happening b/c i really don't care about abortion. apparently, you do...this just in...the world doesn't revolve around that issue.
well i wasn't going to reply until you edited your response. i'm not saying the world revolves around that issue. i was just using that issue as one example to destroy your laughable theory.
that's great that you don't care about that issue. but it does seem to get a lot of play around elections. too much play, usually. so i could say it's a nice indicator of the direction of the country, if i were to play your way.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
It's honestly said how blinded you are. I know plenty of the positions that Democratic Candidates took, and I proudly voted Democrat, although I did vote to re-elect my representative, because they support and believe in the issues I support and believe in.
Democrats won because they moved to the middle - that's not a "crushing blow" to liberalism, and a "gain" for conservatism.
when was the last time someone ran nationally as a liberal and won? My calander has it at 1976. again, american liberalism is dead because they cannot win if they tell you what they believe, and that's pretty embarrassing.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Well, will you PLEASE go tell the religious right that? Because they seem to not be getting that memo. Although, Rick Santorum might since he's out of office now.
Oh, how I love the GOP. Democrats win, gain +28 seats in the House, and +6 in the Senate, and somehow they're still losers, it was a win for the Republicans, they have no direction, they don't connect with America, and it was so narrow that they shouldn't be celebrating.
Because, I forgot, Bush/Kerry was a blowout in 2004.
18 of those seats were decided by 5,000 votes or less in the house.
President Bush won by 3.5 million votes. The definition of blowout is debatable.
This was an election based on discontent with the party in power. As it has always been during the 6th year of a Presidents term. It's almost just normal. As I've said before this is not another '94.
Other than that, yeah, the Democrats regained control.
Funny how there are no reports of voter fraud this year. Very, very funny.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Well, will you PLEASE go tell the religious right that? Because they seem to not be getting that memo. Although, Rick Santorum might since he's out of office now.
Oh, how I love the GOP. Democrats win, gain +28 seats in the House, and +6 in the Senate, and somehow they're still losers, it was a win for the Republicans, they have no direction, they don't connect with America, and it was so narrow that they shouldn't be celebrating.
Because, I forgot, Bush/Kerry was a blowout in 2004.
I didn't say democrats were losers, i said liberals were...winning democrats won because they ran to the right of their republican opponents.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
what dem candidate beat a gop incumbent by going to the left?
answer: 0
so if the dems want to move to the right, i welcome them.
Sherrod Brown stayed on the left, and he unseated DeWine, and it wasn't even close. I don't have time to look into the House, but I'm sure there is one.
How many Republican candidate sbeat a Democratic incumbent by going to the right? I'd like to see that answer.
If the Republicans want to move to the left, I welcome them. Anyone who legislates from a moderate perspective is good for the country in my book. And, after yesterday, it just happens that the Democrats realized that, while the Republicans refused to acknowledge that they're too far to the right - and still are, it seems. But, I don't mind that, just come to the middle until 2008, then go back to where you were so we can pick up more seats. Okay?
WOnder why nobody is bitching about voting irregularities...oh yeah that's right...the Dems no whiney bitches to whine.
You want to talk about spin and poor losers...look no further than the D.
The D's only 'connection with America' was Bush sucks. Good job. I hope they prove me wrong...we'll see.
this is a post that deserves it's own thread. seriously...if we were as pathetic as the left, we'd be blaming other people like they do instead of looking at ourselves.
And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Nancy fixed her face fortunately, with your tax dollars, but that's another issue.
Who cares if she earned it? What the hell does that have to do with being capable? Students earn D's. That doesn't mean their smart. It means they give a lot of effort. Effort doesn't define greatness as former President Clinton might have you believe.
And if you define being an architect of victory by completely disappearing from the public eye for two weeks leading up to the election then you clearly have no idea how this narrow victory occured.
You can't condemn Harry Reid for a comment he made like that, as it does not automatically make him a weak leader, or at least not a strong leader. Yes, what he said was wrong, but that doesn't take away from his leadership capabilities, so stop pretending like it does. The only one you're fooling is yourself.
And let's not get into personal attacks, okay? I don't give two shits what Nancy Pelosi did to her face.
If the Republicans want to move to the left, I welcome them.
They all moved to the wrong middle...well...for me.
The repubs lost a bunch of moderate repubs. The dems moved to the middle by embracing God (man that is funny to me), standing up for 2nd amendment rights, etc., etc. Staying away from Gay marriage....basically I'm screwed.
I was hoping for th eRepubs to move towards the center for the past 6 years by stopping th ehate towards gays, giving up the need to carry loaded weapons to show how big your dick is and stopping the madness surrounding the religious right....this sucks.
18 of those seats were decided by 5,000 votes or less in the house.
President Bush won by 3.5 million votes. The definition of blowout is debatable.
What was the percentage difference, though? Obviously you're going to have a bigger voter difference between two presidential candidates, because (1) It's a presidential election year, meaning the voter turnout is higher, meaning more votes to count, and (2) it was on a nationwide scale - meaning every citizen of the United States votes, whereas a House seat only has a district.
Common sense to me, maybe not to you.
Funny how there are no reports of voter fraud this year. Very, very funny.
We've still got time, we're not even in the post-48 hours mark. Stop with your liberals scream voter fraud, you're just embaressing yourself, as you're refusing to admit defeat, much like President Bush now, eh?
WOnder why nobody is bitching about voting irregularities...oh yeah that's right...the Dems no whiney bitches to whine.
You want to talk about spin and poor losers...look no further than the D.
It is truely sad that your perception of American politics is that limited.
The D's only 'connection with America' was Bush sucks. Good job. I hope they prove me wrong...we'll see
Please, stop with the "Democrats platform = Bush sucks!!! They have no real issues!!!" arguement, because you & I both know that it's false. It's pathetic, and a pitiful attempt at trying to downplay the Democratic victory.
this is a post that deserves it's own thread. seriously...if we were as pathetic as the left, we'd be blaming other people like they do instead of looking at ourselves.
I'm not blaming the left.
But I am mentioning it.
But I'm not blaming the left.
Still, though........
I've been watching the news on various channels most of the night, and for something that's never getting mentioned, I keep hearing about it a lot.
What we need is a system that removes any doubt, and the demand for it needs to come from both sides. I don't think anyone who pushed for more verifiable elections in 2000 and 2004 are now opposed to the idea.
Stop trying to downplay the election, because it's not working. It wasn't a win for conservatism, as Republicans win. Not even slightly. How you can honestly say it was a "crushing" defeat for liberalism is laughable, but I don't find anything surprising come from your aisle after these last six years. yes, Webb, Casey, and a slew of other Democrats who won yesterday are not as liberal as their counterparts, because they're moderate. A word you might want to start teaching to the GOP, because they seem to not know what that is. They're more liberal than they are conservative, although they're not "liberal", their left of center, or "moderate".
If the country rejects liberalism as fiercely as you proclaim, then the GOP would have prevailed yesterday, and George Bush would be more popular than he currently is - because they sure as hell don't like him. They would have voted for the abortion ban in South Dakota, and against the minimum wage increases in Missouri and Ohio. They would have not given the Democrats control of both Chambers of Congress yesterday. George Bush didn't win by a hefty margin at all in 2004, so don't act like he won in a landslide, please, like most Republicans try to play off. America is moderate - they don't want partisan bickering and radical policies, they want compromise, and what is best for America - not a political party. Whoever governs from the center wins, and Democrats realized that yesterday. The GOP didn't, and maybe they'll learn their lessons, as two radicals of power, Santorum and Hastert, will no longer be in power come January - and another radical, Allen, was unseated - so they can fill their shoes with moderates, people who will move America forward.
God bless this great nation of ours.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
Great 21 more murderers joining their ringleader (Big Ted).
The truth is that the country proved that they care more about the letter next to a name rather than what they have done. They have proven that negative campaigning is th emost effective as people won their seats based on voting AGAINST an issue, instead of FOR anything.
I would have loved this election if the majority of Conservatves still lost, but if many incumbent Dems lost as well. It was time ot throw out the trash...instead people picked a few pieces out of their can and threw them in the dumpster...meanwhile the majority of the stinky, rotting garbage remains.
Oh well...the country is moving far away from me. Apparently the US wants to be taxed and spend (but not on a war) and they are still against gay marriage and killing babies. Great. Long way to go for my utopia.
Reid is easy to see, as he's fairly moderate, and a strong leader. Nancy Pelosi, while extremely liberal, and not a good face for the Democratic Party at this point, more than earned it. She is one of the architects responsible for the victory yesterday, and she deserves title of speaker for her hard work. But, hey, we can't get much more partisan than Dennis Hastert, so it's all good.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
I avoided the issue? seriosly? I'm the one that presented the issue, so how can I avoid it? Do you even know what you are responding to?
fact is, all of the democratic pick ups were by conservative democrats. I welcome them and look towards a serious discussion. but it's an obvious rejection of liberal values.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
What are these "liberal values" you talk about?
Postive thinking is the key, Postive doing is the door...
The Democrats elected were moderate, being moderate, or not entirely liberal does not mean you're conservative. Obviously this election said something about the far right, as people seem to not want that either.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
is this really happening? okay. i asked you what made them 'conservative' because normally pro-choicers aren't considered to be 'conservative'. then i said that at least 20 new pro-choicers were elected to the house and 1 to the senate. so are pro-choicers conservative now? because if not, that is just one example showing why your theory is laughable.
so--is it now a fact that pro-choicers are conservative?
cross the river to the eastside
do you even know the positions of any of the democratic candidates that won? if not, sorry, you're not smart. they were all conservatives. and that's great, i don't care if you're a democrat, i'm not a GOP lapdog. i just loath the liberal philosophy, as most sane people do. what dem candidate beat a gop incumbent by going to the left?
answer: 0
so if the dems want to move to the right, i welcome them.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
"The President is a loser." - Harry Reid
This is not a strong leadership characteristic.
Nancy fixed her face fortunately, with your tax dollars, but that's another issue.
Who cares if she earned it? What the hell does that have to do with being capable? Students earn D's. That doesn't mean their smart. It means they give a lot of effort. Effort doesn't define greatness as former President Clinton might have you believe.
And if you define being an architect of victory by completely disappearing from the public eye for two weeks leading up to the election then you clearly have no idea how this narrow victory occured.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
yes, it is really happening b/c i really don't care about abortion. apparently, you do...this just in...the world doesn't revolve around that issue.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Does Joe Lieberman's Pro-war policy make him Republican, and thusly make the fact that he votes against the President 95% of the time a non-issue?
Please, look a little further than face value.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
It's honestly said how blinded you are. I know plenty of the positions that Democratic Candidates took, and I proudly voted Democrat, although I did vote to re-elect my representative, because they support and believe in the issues I support and believe in.
Democrats won because they moved to the middle - that's not a "crushing blow" to liberalism, and a "gain" for conservatism. It's showing that American is moderate, and will vote for whoever comes to the middle. The Democrats moved to the middle, the Republicans sat their arrogant asses down and wouldn't budge. And, guess what? The Democrats won. It wasn't a gain for conservatism, it wasn't a blow to liberalism. It was a gain for the moderates.
You do realize that tha ban on all abortions in fucking SOUTH DAKOTA got shot down - and a minimum wage increase in MISSOURI and OHIO won. That isn't a crushing blow to liberalism, that's more of a blow to conservatism. But, choose to ignore that.
I'll take the Senator I proudly voted for, Bob Casey. He's a moderate - not a conservative. Yes, while he opposes amending our Constitution to ban homosexual marriage, he doesn't support it, although he does support civil unions, and he's also pro-life. Which means he's a social conservative - so am I, except on gay marriage, so nothing wrong there. He opposes Social Security privatization, wants to change the estate tax, repeal the tax cuts for the wealthy (especially when our schools our suffering, but the rich are getting richer), believes War In Iraq was fought and handled wrong (but ultimately agrees with it), believes a minimum wage increase is long overdue, universal health care, opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, opposes intelligent design in science class, and supports an increase in public education funding. However, he supports the wiretaping and the PATRIOT Act, supports the death penalty, and the list goes on. Doesn't really sound like a conserative, now does he? Yah know, he sounds like a moderate, that leans liberal. Maybe because...that's what he is?
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
Or maybe I should rephrase that....
Heath Shuler is a Democrat. (And he's a Christian! Shhhhh!)
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Conservatism <---- Liberalism
Which way is the arrow moving?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Well, will you PLEASE go tell the religious right that? Because they seem to not be getting that memo. Although, Rick Santorum might since he's out of office now.
Oh, how I love the GOP. Democrats win, gain +28 seats in the House, and +6 in the Senate, and somehow they're still losers, it was a win for the Republicans, they have no direction, they don't connect with America, and it was so narrow that they shouldn't be celebrating.
Because, I forgot, Bush/Kerry was a blowout in 2004.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
I'm a devote Catholic, and have been my entire life. I've been raised in a strict Catholic family to have a strong faith in God, and I pray to God every night for guidance and security. I love him with all of my heart, and consider myself a religious man. However, I'm a Democrat, and damn proud of it. I believe just about every Democrat in the House & Senate are Christians, with the exceptions of some from the Jewish faith, but they also have a strong faith in God. Will you please stop with the radical right notion that Democrats aren't real Christians. It's getting old, and it's just not true. Don't judge other people - isn't that one of the fundamental rules of Christianity? And yet most on the religious right look in the other direction by judging everyone.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
well i wasn't going to reply until you edited your response. i'm not saying the world revolves around that issue. i was just using that issue as one example to destroy your laughable theory.
that's great that you don't care about that issue. but it does seem to get a lot of play around elections. too much play, usually. so i could say it's a nice indicator of the direction of the country, if i were to play your way.
cross the river to the eastside
when was the last time someone ran nationally as a liberal and won? My calander has it at 1976. again, american liberalism is dead because they cannot win if they tell you what they believe, and that's pretty embarrassing.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
You want to talk about spin and poor losers...look no further than the D.
The D's only 'connection with America' was Bush sucks. Good job. I hope they prove me wrong...we'll see.
18 of those seats were decided by 5,000 votes or less in the house.
President Bush won by 3.5 million votes. The definition of blowout is debatable.
This was an election based on discontent with the party in power. As it has always been during the 6th year of a Presidents term. It's almost just normal. As I've said before this is not another '94.
Other than that, yeah, the Democrats regained control.
Funny how there are no reports of voter fraud this year. Very, very funny.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I didn't say democrats were losers, i said liberals were...winning democrats won because they ran to the right of their republican opponents.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Sherrod Brown stayed on the left, and he unseated DeWine, and it wasn't even close. I don't have time to look into the House, but I'm sure there is one.
How many Republican candidate sbeat a Democratic incumbent by going to the right? I'd like to see that answer.
If the Republicans want to move to the left, I welcome them. Anyone who legislates from a moderate perspective is good for the country in my book. And, after yesterday, it just happens that the Democrats realized that, while the Republicans refused to acknowledge that they're too far to the right - and still are, it seems. But, I don't mind that, just come to the middle until 2008, then go back to where you were so we can pick up more seats. Okay?
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
this is a post that deserves it's own thread. seriously...if we were as pathetic as the left, we'd be blaming other people like they do instead of looking at ourselves.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
You can't condemn Harry Reid for a comment he made like that, as it does not automatically make him a weak leader, or at least not a strong leader. Yes, what he said was wrong, but that doesn't take away from his leadership capabilities, so stop pretending like it does. The only one you're fooling is yourself.
And let's not get into personal attacks, okay? I don't give two shits what Nancy Pelosi did to her face.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
Just curious, what do you base that off of?
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
They all moved to the wrong middle...well...for me.
The repubs lost a bunch of moderate repubs. The dems moved to the middle by embracing God (man that is funny to me), standing up for 2nd amendment rights, etc., etc. Staying away from Gay marriage....basically I'm screwed.
I was hoping for th eRepubs to move towards the center for the past 6 years by stopping th ehate towards gays, giving up the need to carry loaded weapons to show how big your dick is and stopping the madness surrounding the religious right....this sucks.
Dude can you not see...the arrow is clearly pointing towards conservatism.
Yeah. Literally.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
What was the percentage difference, though? Obviously you're going to have a bigger voter difference between two presidential candidates, because (1) It's a presidential election year, meaning the voter turnout is higher, meaning more votes to count, and (2) it was on a nationwide scale - meaning every citizen of the United States votes, whereas a House seat only has a district.
Common sense to me, maybe not to you.
We've still got time, we're not even in the post-48 hours mark. Stop with your liberals scream voter fraud, you're just embaressing yourself, as you're refusing to admit defeat, much like President Bush now, eh?
It is truely sad that your perception of American politics is that limited.
Please, stop with the "Democrats platform = Bush sucks!!! They have no real issues!!!" arguement, because you & I both know that it's false. It's pathetic, and a pitiful attempt at trying to downplay the Democratic victory.
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
But I am mentioning it.
But I'm not blaming the left.
Still, though........
I've been watching the news on various channels most of the night, and for something that's never getting mentioned, I keep hearing about it a lot.
What we need is a system that removes any doubt, and the demand for it needs to come from both sides. I don't think anyone who pushed for more verifiable elections in 2000 and 2004 are now opposed to the idea.