Hippiemom's words of wisdom:

evenkatevenkat Posts: 380
edited December 2007 in A Moving Train
Is it OK for the US to have sales...
Posted By hippiemom

They fought to defend our freedoms, right? That includes the freedom to shop, I suppose. And if you see someone shopping, you have no idea how they've spent the rest of their day, whether they honored the veterans in some way or not. I think it's best if we all mind our own business.

Music?Money?What is going on?
Posted By hippiemom

Hahaha, you remind me of my dad Every time my brother or I would start whining about some stupid thing we wanted, we got the same speech: "Oh, you WANT it? Well I WANT a Rolls Royce .... go look out the window and tell me what you see in the driveway ... it's a goddamn Ford. Now why do you suppose that is? It's the same reason you can't have a new bicycle."

It's a shame more people on this board weren't raised by people like you or my dad.

HOLY SHIT! Tidal Wave HITTING Englands East coast??
Posted By hippiemom

I blatantly stole this from the AET because I thought it was important and I didn't see it here. So thanks to binauralsonds for the original post. Get out of the way, people, stay safe!

Posted By hippiemom

Hahahahaha!!!! I DID punch my first roommate unconscious!

This was a long time ago ... around 1979. I was 17, it was my first apartment and I shared it with a friend. We'd both get up every morning and go to work, then come home in the evening and party our asses off until some crazy hour, wake up and do it again.

This worked out real well until it came time to pay the 5th month's rent. She kept stalling with one excuse after another. I covered it, which left me with virually no money for things like food. Then one day it was slow at work and they let me leave early, so I decided to stop by a friend's house and there's my roommate on his couch with a bong in her hand. I stormed out of the house, but we got into it when she came home. Turns out she'd been fired weeks ago and just pretended to go to work because she was afraid to tell me, but obviously she wasn't busting her ass trying to find another job. The argument escalated and I finally got so mad I knocked her out cold with one punch. I don't remember actually hitting her, my body took over from my brain and decked her. She's one of three people I've punched in my whole life. I've grown up since then, I would never hit anyone now.’

Powerful Article on Obama... Great read!!!
Posted By hippiemom

Thanks NCFan, that was a good read. I don't know how much of it I agree with. I wish I shared Sullivan's high opinion of the electorate. I really don't think that most of them have thought about the issues, the election, or Obama himself, as deeply as Sullivan gives them credit for. For example, he goes on at length about the profound reasons that the majority of Republicans name Obama as their favorite Democratic candidate, while I think most of them favor him because they still believe that his race is such an overwhelming handicap that even one of their pathetic candidates would beat him.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading it, and you also reminded me to renew my Atlantic subscription, so thanks again!

Psychics, mediums, spirts
Posted By hippiemom

I've seen a video with exactly what Ahnimus described at a John Edwards show. A couple pretending to be members of the audience strikes up a conversation with the elderly couple, then lo and behold, Edwards happens to have all sorts of information about them that he couldn't "possibly" know. Someone taped the entire thing, it's on youtube somewhere. It's pathetic that people charge money and prey on the emotions of people.

I'm not talking about when a regular person like you or me feels a presence, or knows something in advance, or things like that, but I do think that most of the pros on tv are commen.

War on Christmas
Posted By hippiemom

Clearly the folks at WorldNetDaily aren't concerned about commercialization, since they want you to defend Christmas by buying three over-priced bumper stickers.

Wis. teacher protests No Child law
Posted By hippiemom

There are teachers who spend the ENTIRE YEAR prepping for the test. Teachers can be disciplined and federal funds withheld for low scores, so the pressure is tremendous. They simply do not teach anything that isn't on the test. Conversation and debate amongst classmates is cut short because they have to get back to drumming test answers into their heads. Teachers hate it, and kids obviously find these classes extremely dull. NCLB is a disaster.

Worst/Best from each album
Posted By hippiemom

Jeremy was my least favorite song when I first heard the album, and I don't suppose having to hear it constantly for months helped much. Still, it's not a bad song. I love hearing it live, but I usually skip it on the ipod.

Thin Air, now this is funny ... the exact lines you quoted are the ones that make me hate it so much. I don't think they're beautiful, I think they're putrid and they make me gag.

Should Marijuana be Legalized?
Posted By hippiemom

My point is simply that if it's a stupid and unnecessary law, repeal it and give us our money back, or spend it on something more worthwhile.

EV's views vs Pearl Jam's views
Posted By hippiemom

I challenge you to find ANY six people ANYWHERE who agree 100% on everything, and I doubt Pearl Jam are all that different from anyone else, so obviously there are disagreements. But, they've stayed together for a long time, so it's clear that they've found a way to deal with those disagreements. From interviews I've read with the other members, I think they're all in general agreement with regard to the war and abortion, and since Ed only makes pretty general statements from the stage, there's rarely a problem. If one of the other members VEHEMENTLY disagreed with something Ed said, I tend to think he'd respect that and not say it from the stage any more, confine it to his own interviews, performances, etc.

But then again, what do I know? Nobody but the band really knows. As long as they keep working it out so we keep getting the music, that's all that matters to me :)

Human race will'split into 2 different species'
Posted By hippiemom

A thousand years is the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms. We'll change, but not all THAT much, if we last that long. Certainly not enough change to break off into a new species.

F At&t!
Posted By hippiemom

Someone posted this on the Train too. That does it ... first they turn over confidential records to the government without warrant or subpoena, then the censoring of the festival shows, now this. When my contract is up in a few months, I'm so done with them.

Family Home Burns Down And AT&T Tells Them Must Pay 300.00 For Receiver
Posted By hippiemom

One more reason to cancel them as soon as my contract is up ... not as though I needed another!

Which song do you get?
Posted By hippiemom

There are so many! Why do you think I love this band so much. I'll try to keep it short

Given to Fly
Long Road
Present Tense

There, that's five, I'll stop now

tossing dog off balcony gets man 3 years in jail
Posted By hippiemom

I'll never understand what must be going on in the mind of a person who would hurt a completely helpless being.

Thick or Thin Skinned????
Posted By hippiemom

I'm pretty thick-skinned in general, very much so here. Attempts to make me angry on the board usually result in me howling with laughter.

Childrens do learn
Posted By hippiemom

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Offering a grammar lesson guaranteed to make any English teacher cringe, President George W. Bush told a group of New York school kids on Wednesday: "Childrens do learn."…

What's your most irrational fear?
Posted By hippiemom

I am virtually fearless, because cancer puts most other fears in perspective. Things that used to scare me no longer do. But there's one I just can't get past, and it's so stupid ... centipedes!

One little bug and I lose my mind completely ... I'll run, scream, climb on things, I'm totally helpless.
"...believe in lies...to get by...it's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312
    Thanks. :)
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    Thanks for posting this. It just reinforces that fact that Laura was an amazing and insightfull person. Even through the struggles with cancer she still reached out to me during my darkest days. Always reminding me that I was a good person even though at the time I didn't believe I was. Even though I never had the honor of meeting her I feel as though I lost a best friend. You will be missed and I am eternally thankfull for every word of wisdom and encouragement you bestowed upon me.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    she will be missed... GREATLY MISSED!!!
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931

    naděje umírá poslední
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Thanks as well.
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    Yep, that's my hippiemom. Let's honour her and keep her energy alive by living and thinking with some of her spirit. She was one woman in ten million.
  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    Thanks for those. What a witty lady! LOVE her and miss her........
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • evenkatevenkat Posts: 380
    abortion / animal rights / death penalty / etc.
    Posted By hippiemom

    I am opposed to the death penalty for a number of reasons, the primary one being the state of our justice system. There is no equality as to who is charged with a death penalty offense (you are much more likely to be charged if you are a minority, or if the victim is white), no equality as to who is convicted and sentenced (again, a death penalty conviction is much more likely if you're a minority), it's based on wealth (there are no persons of means on death row anywhere in this country), it varies widely in how swiftly it's carried out (most death row inmates die of natural causes), it is not a deterrent, it's outrageously expensive, and there's no possible remedy for error. And of course, it makes murderers of us as well.

    I'm opposed to cruelty to animals because I think it is wrong to harm sentient beings, and it is obvious to me that animals are sentient beings.

    I am pro-choice to the same extent. Once it is biologically possible for a fetus to become a sentient being (somewhere between 20-28 weeks gestation, I'd go for 20 weeks to be on the safe side), I am opposed to abortion unless it's to save the mother's life, or if the fetus has a condition that would result in it's death soon after birth anyway.

    I don't make any divisions between human life and other life. I don't think there's anything particularly sacred about the human animal. We should not harm creatures that are capable of experiencing pain and fear, whatever species they may be.

    Marriage vs. "long term relationship"
    Posted By hippiemom

    I've been married for 19 years. My husband is not "mine" to share or not share. He is his own man, and what sharing he does is entirely up to him. He has freely chosen not to share certain parts of himself with anyone other than me, and I certainly don't feel that he is "mine" to share if I choose. It's not about either of us belonging to the other. I really dislike the use of ownership language when it comes to personal relationships, I think it demeans all of us and the choices we make.

    AT&T: Not Just Censoring Rock Bands
    Posted By hippiemom

    In response to the abuses in the 60s and 70s, Congress enacted the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act in 1978 to prevent exactly these such abuses. Under the new law, the wiretapping of American citizens could only be done after receiving a warrant from the FISA court, which operates in secret so as not to endanger national security. Requests for warrants were rarely refused.

    The Bush administration, however, wanted to tap such a wide swath of Americans, often on flimsy grounds, that the FISA court didn't always approve their warrants. The Bush response was to plow ahead anyway, in direct defiance of federal law.

    THAT is what people are upset about.

    Another celebrity involved with Dog Fighting and Narcotics....
    Posted By hippiemom

    Originally Posted by JuberooROFL...a redneck...nope not even close. Racism exists because their culture perpetuates it.Oh..and try using capital letters at the beginning of your sentences...Hippiemom and her crew will laugh at you if you don't.

    I have a crew?!

    This is exciting! I had no idea!

    Boy, I guess I should start planning, so as to make better use of them, whoever they are

    *rubs hands together gleefully*

    And Hippiemom you still have a crew!

    how i wish for you today.....
    Posted By hippiemom

    Originally Posted by Bu2I just received the heartbreaking news, from his mother (my sister Amanda), that he's being sent to Iraq next month. He's so freaking young...How I wish for you today...that you'll make it home, Johnny.All my love,Aunt Lis

    Aw, Bu

    I can just imagine how hard it was for you to hear this. He's got all my wishes too.

    While battling cancer Laura still sent her wishes to others!

    Marriage vs. "long term relationship"
    Posted By hippiemom

    Here's a case where you can have your cake and eat it too

    I had my dad walk me down the aisle, because I know it's something most American fathers dream of doing, but after that he just took his seat .... there was no "Who gives this woman" stuff going on. Fortunately, he, my husband, the pastor and I all agreed that part of the ceremony was pretty offensive, so we skipped it. Although if my husband had insisted on it, I would have realized I was making a mistake and canceled the wedding; if the pastor had insisted I would have found someone else to perform the wedding; if my dad had insisted he'd have been plain out of luck, because there was no way I was going to be handed over like they were transferring the title to a car or something.

    Presidential Cancer Forum - Dem's
    Posted By hippiemom
    Originally Posted by RolandTD20Kdrummeranyone that votes for Hillary, Obama and any other popular front runner candidate is a fool...
    For crying out loud

    I'm not a Hillary Clinton fan. I don't yet know who I'm voting for. But that is not the topic of this thread. She came up with a serious proposal for a serious problem. Can't we focus on that and have ONE thread on this board free of hatred and name-calling based on who people vote for, or what party they belong to? And I'd be saying the same thing if Mitt or Rudy came up with this.

    Shame on you! Here's what happens when you ban guns...
    Posted By hippiemom

    Let's see now ... according to the 2005 statistics that I was able to find, the U.S. has a population a little under five times that of Britain. Let's round it to five for the sake of simplicity. In 2005, there were 73 gun-related homicides in Britain. So if they're handling things so much worse than we are, we should have fewer than 365, right?

    But wait ... we had 12,118.

    I'm a little confused as to how someone in the U.S. can say "Shame on you!" to Britain. We have more than 33 times as many gun-related homicides, shouldn't it be shame on us?
    "...believe in lies...to get by...it's divine...whoa...oh, you know what its like..."
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Yep, she will definitely be missed. No one else can quite sum up a situation and post in a non offensive way like she could. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • Thanks so much for posting this EK...

    It was real good to read all those posts from Laura...

    She sure will be missed and remembered!

    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    evenkat wrote:
    hippiemom wrote:
    Juberoo wrote:
    ...a redneck...nope not even close. Racism exists because their culture perpetuates it.Oh..and try using capital letters at the beginning of your sentences...Hippiemom and her crew will laugh at you if you don't.

    I have a crew?!

    This is exciting! I had no idea!

    Boy, I guess I should start planning, so as to make better use of them, whoever they are

    *rubs hands together gleefully*

    :D One of my fave hippiemom quotes! I KNEW I was a part of the esteemed "crew" when hippiemom assigned me to keep tabs on Juberoo while she was off in Germany! :D

    edit: okay, I admit it--it was baraka that pointed it out to me that I was part of the "crew"! :D
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr


    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    Oh, man, I didn't know. I'm so sorry.

    I've been out of touch with this board for about a month, and I didn't know that we lost hippiemom.

    Laura....Mom.....you touched my life, made me smile, and brought me insight, and for that I will always be grateful.
    Feels Good Inc.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    good thread.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    angelica wrote:
    :D One of my fave hippiemom quotes! I KNEW I was a part of the esteemed "crew" when hippiemom assigned me to keep tabs on Juberoo while she was off in Germany! :D

    edit: okay, I admit it--it was baraka that pointed it out to me that I was part of the "crew"! :D

    oh i so remember "the crew".....:).......this is a tremendous thread.....thanks, evenkat............:)
  • I love you Laura, and I miss you. Toronto 2005 was fun, you made it even better.

    Oh help me, help me from myself!!!

    Theres not going to be an accoustic version of Blood or anything like that, so feel free to sit down.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    A little example of how hippiemom touched me

    I had missed the chance of getting the Gorge poster a couple of years back on MLK day. I guess I posted something about it. She sent me a PM when she noticed I missed it. Told me that she already had one signed and numbered that she had received as a gift. She had just ordered another from the Ten Club and offered it to me for the Ten Club price. That was so generous and thoughtful, I didn't know how to say thank you. I had it framed with a little plaque that says "Made possible through the Pearl Jam spirit of hippiemom" I did that as a token to say thank you.. Now I have something sweet to remember her.

    I asked her to sign it "hippiemom 1 of 1" She said NO! didn't want to ruin the poster... I convinced her to sign it on the back :)
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Abuskedti wrote:
    A little example of how hippiemom touched me

    I had missed the chance of getting the Gorge poster a couple of years back on MLK day. I guess I posted something about it. She sent me a PM when she noticed I missed it. Told me that she already had one signed and numbered that she had received as a gift. She had just ordered another from the Ten Club and offered it to me for the Ten Club price. That was so generous and thoughtful, I didn't know how to say thank you. I had it framed with a little plaque that says "Made possible through the Pearl Jam spirit of hippiemom" I did that as a token to say thank you.. Now I have something sweet to remember her.

    I asked her to sign it "hippiemom 1 of 1" She said NO! didn't want to ruin the poster... I convinced her to sign it on the back :)

  • Yep, that's my hippiemom. Let's honour her and keep her energy alive by living and thinking with some of her spirit. She was one woman in ten million.

    she truly was. i LOVE this thread...reading her words. i am sure we all will do so from time to time. she had the uncanny ability to discuss just about any topic with absolute integrity/respect. even if she resolutely disagreed, she always managed to do so without ever lowering herself by firing petty insults or being exclusionary, etc. such a rare and amazing human being.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    she truly was. i LOVE this thread...reading her words. i am sure we all will do so from time to time. she had the uncanny ability to discuss just about any topic with absolute integrity/respect. even if she resolutely disagreed, she always managed to do so without ever lowering herself by firing petty insults or being exclusionary, etc. such a rare and amazing human being.

    you summed it up well... I was always in awe of the way she responded to things.
  • I have a short little story for something she did for me.

    I can't remember what day of the week it was, and I was at a local bar with some friends having a few drinks.

    I get a call on my cell from Laura, saying that the Avocado vinyls just went on sale, and she heard a rumor that they were limited to so many. So in a panic, she said, hurry, give me your log in information and I'll get one for you, knowing that I'm a Pearl Jam vinyl collector, and she didn't want me to miss out and have to pay a ridiculous price on ebay for one. I gave her my log in email address and password (since she already used her info to get herself one). I had no problem sharing my info with her, cause I trusted her with all my heart. My password was the same for my email address, paypal account, everything. I didn't hesitate. I now have a Pearl Jam S/T vinyls sitting at home, thanks to her.

    I just paypaled her the money when I got home that night. or maybe it was the next day, regardless, that is how kind Laura was.

    another short one...

    when the benaroya vinyls went on sale, i set my alarm to get up to buy one. i think they went on sale around 3am ET. We sat on MSN Messenger for an hour (this was on a work night, and I had to be up at 6:30) to make sure each of us got a benaroya vinyl. we both scored one. :)

    I love Laura.
    Oh help me, help me from myself!!!

    Theres not going to be an accoustic version of Blood or anything like that, so feel free to sit down.
  • KeiranKeiran Posts: 393
    she had the uncanny ability to discuss just about any topic with absolute integrity/respect. even if she resolutely disagreed,

    A sure sign a truly intelligent person.

    Wish I had read this earlier in the day. I might have followed her example and avoided an ugly (and utterly stupid) argument.
    I wish a guy like Eddie, would like me.
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