any respect for Alex Jones out there?

I've been following what he reports on for a long time now. Call me brainwashed, but a lot of what him and his staff says makes more sense than what you hear on the mainstream news. For anyone who things otherwise I'd love to hear your opinion on this:
In this clip from JULY of 2001 he flat out warns of upcoming attacks on our country that will be blamed on Bin Laden. Pretty impressive. Now when you take into account how much warning we got from our own government (none) and how much intelligence they said they had (none) how is it possible for some 'conspiracy nut' to have more insight and give more warning than our own government? Conspiracy or not, Alex has proved he has excellent sources and deserves some respect.
So when he comes out and says conditions now are ripe for another massive attack before the end of October,
unless there is a massive effort to stop it, who are you going to believe? A government whos been crying wolf every few months for the past 5 years, issuing bogus terror alerts, most if not all have been proven to be false/out of date/fabricated, or some 'conspiracy nut' whos only given one other warning in the past, which was dead on. I'll go with the nut.
Of course this is just a drop in the bucket compared to what he's brought to light over the years, but this stood out to me.
In this clip from JULY of 2001 he flat out warns of upcoming attacks on our country that will be blamed on Bin Laden. Pretty impressive. Now when you take into account how much warning we got from our own government (none) and how much intelligence they said they had (none) how is it possible for some 'conspiracy nut' to have more insight and give more warning than our own government? Conspiracy or not, Alex has proved he has excellent sources and deserves some respect.
So when he comes out and says conditions now are ripe for another massive attack before the end of October,
unless there is a massive effort to stop it, who are you going to believe? A government whos been crying wolf every few months for the past 5 years, issuing bogus terror alerts, most if not all have been proven to be false/out of date/fabricated, or some 'conspiracy nut' whos only given one other warning in the past, which was dead on. I'll go with the nut.
Of course this is just a drop in the bucket compared to what he's brought to light over the years, but this stood out to me.
My favorite Pearl Jam song: "Corporate Greed Boat Asshole Behind a Counter in the Oval Office"
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At the risk of our fascist (corp control of government, I challenge anyone to try and argue that our govt is not corp. controlled) government reading this, I do think that any of the news coverage on Alex Jones' site are far more accurate than anything cnn, cbs, abc, fox, or nbc put out. All of the networks are corporately owned by big int'l banking (do the research yourself) and so they report stories that support their hidden agendas (North american union, European Union, African Union, planned Asian Union that inevitabley leads to a One world union). How do you create a one world union - catastrophe, wars, lies, greed. This is not conspiracy, this is real - it is happening (again do the research yourself). If the republicans are so strong on terror then why do they continually allow millions of people to cross the border into the US, why do they let millions of unchecked cargo containers enter the us - because they are so strong on terror? Don't think so, they are setting the US up for a cataclysmic event that will lead us into a North American Union in the name of security, but in reality they want a one market economy. Strong on terror, ya right and george bush is a real christian. I apologize for the rant, but I feel very strongly about this.