A surprising thought related to gun control and

the right to bear arms.
I started doing a little research on statistics about homicide rates and gun ownership, etc. While I was doing this, I was thinking what I've thought for years...no one needs a gun...it's dangerous for everyone...the whole country should dis-arm...guns encourage violence...crime...hate...
[size=+4]BUT[/size] :eek: :eek:
as I was reading I realized there is one very important reason we shouldn't give up the right for citizens to own firearms (and I still won't own one myself!!!)
A leader like George Bush would lose all fear of the population if no one had any weapons but his own guys. Can you imagine? We'd be like ducks on a hunting range.

Good God, I can't believe I thought of a good reason to keep the right to own guns...but I thought of one! :eek:
What do you think?
I started doing a little research on statistics about homicide rates and gun ownership, etc. While I was doing this, I was thinking what I've thought for years...no one needs a gun...it's dangerous for everyone...the whole country should dis-arm...guns encourage violence...crime...hate...
[size=+4]BUT[/size] :eek: :eek:
as I was reading I realized there is one very important reason we shouldn't give up the right for citizens to own firearms (and I still won't own one myself!!!)
A leader like George Bush would lose all fear of the population if no one had any weapons but his own guys. Can you imagine? We'd be like ducks on a hunting range.

Good God, I can't believe I thought of a good reason to keep the right to own guns...but I thought of one! :eek:
What do you think?
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kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
Not very good reasons, being that
a) our country has never been invaded by a foreign enemy
b) what was the last country that went from democratic to totalitarian? And what success would a bunch of hillbillies with rifles have against a military?
actually, now that I think about it, our military hasn't done well in recent years fighting guerilla warfare against a bunch of "folks" who are poorly trained yet highly motivated for a cause (see Vietnam, Iraq)
You're missing the point. Everybody doesn't need to buy guns. I never will. I don't think the average person needs them.
I just think the fact that we COULD get them and the fact that many people HAVE them could be a deterent.
I guess we'll agree to disagree. Even if our country does get overthrown by a totalitarian regime, which I don't totally dismiss, I really doubt that a few small-arms are going to "deter" a military. Furthermore, I don't believe that the thousands that die each year by guns, who wouldn't have otherwise died, are less important than this conspiracy theory.
It is not a few small arms. And ask the military how much fun Iraq is. Armed citizens can certainly keep a military at bay unless their mission is total annihilation.
and c) shoot kids in the face
And this is my plan.
I need a General Sherman to cut a swath throught this country. I have the money, I have the arms.
I openly ask you.
Will you be my General?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
funny man.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
What's funny about his post, to me, jeff..is..like...
"if our country is overthrown by some totaliarian regime..."
like we're just going to sit here.
the ironic thing is.
we are just sitting here.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
You will get no argument from me about this point. I agree. Every day, little by little.
WIll you be in my Army of the NEw AMerican Revolution?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I have always been against gun ownership because of the hazard to children in the household, because I think it encourages violence, because I don't think people need to get that thrill of shooting a gun which I think encourages a lack of empathy...blah, blah, blah
Yet, even I have to notice that things are heading in such a direction here at home, that it might be USEFUL for some of the citizens to have arms should something we don't expect come up. It was like a vision of why our fore-fathers were careful to put this in our Constitution...it was protection against a worst-case scenario!
I don't want to get in a debate about gun control with you, but are you serious with this line??
I am not a violent person, nor do I lack empathy, yet I grew up in a house that had guns..........hmmmmm?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ok am, well not that I want the hounds of hell raining down on me, but I tend to agree with what you are saying here. Well except for the bit about gun owners. We had a shotgun in the house growing up. I was always terrified of it. And it was always kept well under lock and key. I recall my father going hunting with it maybe once. I have spent time with all kinds of gun owners in my life. And I can say that most of them have been responsible, kind, empathetic adults who are cool headed and just also happen to own guns.
I have also had the misfortune of being around gun owners who shouldn't be left alone in a candy store let alone be allowed to own or use a gun.
Gun ownership may be a right in your country but I'm also thinking it should be a privilege. ie, people need to pass stringent tests in order to prove their suitability to own a gun. Particularly mental health tests.
Anyway, enough about that, the point that I did want to make is that, I agree with what you are saying about being unarmed as a nation.
I can't say that I particularly would ever wish to own a gun, but since we have had the kinds of gun controls and amendments to the firearms act that we have had, not to mention the buy back scheme where all those guns were collected and destroyed, on more than one occasion I have wondered what would happen here if we were invaded. It's not like we have any military personnel still in the country. They're all off protecting oil interests around the globe. Both my mother and I have discussed joining a gun club and learning how to use a firearm safely. Not because either one of us would ever want to shoot anyone, or even any animal. But because it feels to us as though we are under prepared for a threat, not to mention complete sitting ducks when it comes to protecting ourselves. Now I can't say that our gun buy back, or the amendments where a bad thing. Certainly we haven't seen the kind of horrifying acts against humanity that instigated the scheme being introduced.
But we haven't seen much in the way of funding go to mental health care either, which I think would have made a huge difference in terms of stopping, some of the acts of violence. The fact is that Australia has been bombed during war and we have suffered fatalities on Australian soil at the hands of invaders. And that was when we were armed. To know that we could be forced to fight off any future attacks with sticks and stones and the odd saucepan is not a particularly comforting thought.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well, presumably at least one of the reasons we are off protecting oil interests in far flung corners of the globe is so when the time comes we can say 'Hey George! (or whoever the next guy is) Remember that time we sent thousands of our soldiers to die in your stupid war in Vietnam? And remember how we tagged along to your stupid war in Iraq? And you know how you have military bases on our soil? How 'bout some fuckin' help mate?'
Of course if we were invaded by the US itself we'd be well and truly fucked. Heaven help us if we ever have a leader who forgets to lube up that back passage for the seppos. If we don't give it to them they'll just pull an Iraq on us and come and take it right quick.
-C Addison
When did George W. Bush start fearing us? I don't think he does and I don't think he's worried about a revolution against him, otherwise he probably wouldn't have done half the stuff he has.
But the other arguments about countries invading us and we having to defend ourselves make perfect sense in this day and age. I can't wait for Canada to come knocking, I'm gonna shoot the hell out of them...
If every single citizen (not in the military) had a rifle, do you think we could protect ourselves against the US military?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
As far as I can see that would be the only "pay off" for all that we've done scott. And of course it remains to be seen whether or not the price will actually be worth it. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't worry so much about the US "invading" us. They don't have to do it aggressively. I've yet to see a Prime Minister that doesn't bend over and spread their cheeks!! :eek:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
naděje umírá poslední
No worries there mate, the Yanks will remember those favours, and they'll be rushing to let you buy as many arms as you like for top dollar. They may even lend you some pilots to strafe your own tanks, maybe this could work from a training perspective you know.
Americas not the mafia...they dont do favours for favours....in fact they dont do favours full-stop.
When the the service at the drive-thru is affected..
Well, if you consider that the media doesn't show the large crowds of people who peacefully protest in Washington, I think there's already some fear of large groups. Can you imagine if 100,000 people showed up with weapons?
I think you're right though, I don't think the citizens are being taken into consideration much these days because as far as our rights are concerned, they are crossing line after line.