Are there really people that believe

all of these things?
There are hundreds of Mislims that hate Americans, want to die to kill innocent American civilians.
But just can't think of a way to do it.... because of Homeland Security
There are hundreds of Mislims that hate Americans, want to die to kill innocent American civilians.
But just can't think of a way to do it.... because of Homeland Security
Post edited by Unknown User on
As usual, the truth probably lies somewhere between the extremes.
you've said a mouthful??
what is an Islamic fundamentalist? are they evil? do they want to kill innocent civilians? Are they much different than Christian fundamentalists? Does their existance excuse the world for allowing their governments reduce an entire country to what Iraq has become?
a islamic fundamentalist is a person who follows what they percieve teh Koran tells them literally. i would say that they are not evil but might do evil things. maybe, if the innocent civilians are not Muslim (as a strict reading of the Koran might suggest to them). No. maybe.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Similarly, there are many Muslim extremists who believe that all Americans are evil and greedy and deserve to die. Their belief system is that if they can rid the world of some of the American evil, they are doing such a good deed that they will be eternally rewarded. It is what they are taught, and for them it is as real as our belief that the earth is round.
Does it make them evil?!? Perhaps - or maybe it is just ignorance and the fact that they blindly follow the "wrong type" of leader.
Many kids who join the white supremacists groups in America are lost souls who are looking for some type of acceptance. Charismatic leaders prey on them and recruit them and fill their heads with messages that make sense to them. For those that are oppressed, it is typical to look for a scapegoat or someone to blame/persecute.
It is all very similar and very sad.
1.5 billion Muslims. Vast majority no different than anyone else in the world.
However, that extremely tiny percentage, who misinterpret Islam and are radicals/extremists, happen to have a large impact on the world and can cause a lot of damage to their own people and to others...
It'd be like saying no army vets could be president cos of Timothy McVeigh.