Iraq course change ... Step 1

Stop calling it and viewing Iraq as "The Central Front of the War on Terror"
Iraq is a defeated nation that needs rebuilding..
Stop the propaganda ... Focus
Osama = Terrorist
Iraq = Nation devisted by war
Iraq is a defeated nation that needs rebuilding..
Stop the propaganda ... Focus
Osama = Terrorist
Iraq = Nation devisted by war
Post edited by Unknown User on
It is not.
Terror is arbitrary. In Iraq there is an eliment of resistance that using tactics similar to terrorists.
However, any group that wishes to do Harm to America.. would do so in America. It is foolish to think differently. We have made up a fictional enemy.
The large scale terror attacks by "Terrorists" are statements. Right now, sure groups with money and a grudge atainst the US - will help the Iraqi resistance because it is a failure of the US and they like to keep it that way.
But the illusion that the "Terrorists" are in Iraq engaged in a war with the United States is not only false but dangerous. It has helped to win support for this action and keep it going as long as it has.
The "terrorists" are at home enjoying America's failures in Iraq.
They can explode a bomb on US soil anytime they want.. They will do so when they believe it will serve their purposes.
Do you believe they are real stupid? If you were a terrorist - would you enter Iraq and fight the US Military? Or would you enter England and attack a strip mall?
my point is this... Those poor radical muslisms that slip into Iraq to join the resistance are not terrorists that are a threat to the west abroad. they are the poor motivated to fight an invation. They were not a threat to the west befor the invasion. So the war with them is not a war on terror - the war created them.
Al Qaeda is not fictional.. neither have they moved to "The Central Front" in the war on terror, Iraq.
Was that Bush's plan to create an unstable Iraq?
how does calling something by a certain name change what it really is? if you call a cat a dog it's still a cat. propoganda doesn't change what is going on over there. it only changes what people think is going on. the first step isn't rhetoric, the first step is ACTION. it doesn't matter what you call something or how you characterize someone as long as you do the right thing to fix what is going on. americans can sit on their couches and say this and that about what needs to be done and why but it doesn't matter because they're not the policy makers in the u.s. they're also not the ones that devise war/combat strategy. the things you listed above do nothing to stabilize the situation, and that's the most important thing, right now.
from my window to yours
no they dont. they need religous leaders to call for peace.
whatever it is, its up to them. They need us to leave.
Ignorance and arrogance are a terrible combination....
By NADIA ABOU EL-MAGD, Associated Press Writer
14 minutes ago
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed in a new audio tape on Friday to be winning the war in Iraq with 12,000 fighters mobilized in the wartorn country and praised the Republicans' defeat in U.S. midterm elections as "reasonable"
"The al-Qaida army has 12,000 fighters in Iraq, and they have vowed to die for God's sake" said Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, in an audio tape made available on militant web sites.
Also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Muhajir became the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by the U.S. military in June.
Though the voice on the tape identified itself as al-Masri, there were no means to independently verify this.
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel" the al-Qaida in Iraq leader said.
"So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections," he said, in an implicit praise of the Republicans' defeat in the midterm election on Tuesday.
Describing George W. Bush as "the most stupid president" in U.S. history, the al-Qaida leader reached out to the Muslim world and said his group was winning faster than expected in Iraq.
The U.S. president's policy had enabled the militant group to achieve their goal of fighting more Americans, said the al-Qaida leader. "We haven't had enough of your blood yet," he told the U.S.
He called on Bush to remain "steadfast in the battlefield" so al-Qaida would have more opportunities to fight U.S. soldiers.
"We call on the lame duck (Bush) not to hurry up in escaping the same way the defense minister did," he said, referring to the removal of Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary following the Democrats' victory in Midterm elections.
"They are getting ready to leave, because they are no longer capable of staying," the al-Qaida leader said.
"Remain steadfast in the battlefield you coward," he called on the U.S president.
While they are IDing the citizens, they should search and confinscate any and all weapons. The U.S. military needs to be the only force in the country with firepower.
Then they should set up hundreds of check points to keep tabs on the movement of citizens. At these checkpoints, U.S. issued ID's could be checked, people and their vehicles searched.
This will take tens of thousands more soldiers, and create a virtual police state - but that is what it's going to take.
Eventually, they will dearm the capital and ID all of it's citizens. It will be much easier to track down bad guys and keep them from aquiring weapons.
Furthermore, I don't know what to do about the Iraqi army - but it is not effective and full of coruption. How can you create an army if they have no government to be loyal to? Seems to me, maybe they should disband the military for now. Create a firm, solid government. Use the U.S. army to sqaush all resistance. After stability has been achieved, then they can work on creating a new army. That might take a couple more years before the time is right.
As it is, I would guess that most of the Iraqi army is a detriment.
That is "Stay the Course"
we can not provide security. Our presence is what is motivating the violence.
When we leave, there will be some war because we have destroyed the balance of power in Iraq.
But the victor of that war will be Iraqi and will govern Iraq.
As it is.. there is war with the victor continuing to be the United State who is unable to govern Iraq.
The war in Iraq will last until we leave. Every day makes it one day worse.
The next war in Iraq, if we ever allow it.. will end.
This is coming from somebody who says
"The "terrorists" are at home enjoying America's failures in Iraq." Sorry, but I don't think you have a clue.
You will continue spinning in a circle if you use the term terrorist. It applies to whomever you wish it applies. You entire thought process is reinforced by an imaginary enemy. there are many groups frustrated and willing to use desperate measure that amount to terrorism - including leaders in the United States.
The term has nothing to do with it. Call them lolipops for all I care. Maybe you "missed" my earlier post. The only thing that is Imaginary is in your head.
By NADIA ABOU EL-MAGD, Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed in a new audio tape on Friday to be winning the war in Iraq with 12,000 fighters mobilized in the wartorn country and praised the Republicans' defeat in U.S. midterm elections as "reasonable"
"The al-Qaida army has 12,000 fighters in Iraq, and they have vowed to die for God's sake" said Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, in an audio tape made available on militant web sites.
Also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Muhajir became the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by the U.S. military in June.
Though the voice on the tape identified itself as al-Masri, there were no means to independently verify this.
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel" the al-Qaida in Iraq leader said.
"So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections," he said, in an implicit praise of the Republicans' defeat in the midterm election on Tuesday.
Describing George W. Bush as "the most stupid president" in U.S. history, the al-Qaida leader reached out to the Muslim world and said his group was winning faster than expected in Iraq.
The U.S. president's policy had enabled the militant group to achieve their goal of fighting more Americans, said the al-Qaida leader. "We haven't had enough of your blood yet," he told the U.S.
He called on Bush to remain "steadfast in the battlefield" so al-Qaida would have more opportunities to fight U.S. soldiers.
"We call on the lame duck (Bush) not to hurry up in escaping the same way the defense minister did," he said, referring to the removal of Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary following the Democrats' victory in Midterm elections.
"They are getting ready to leave, because they are no longer capable of staying," the al-Qaida leader said.
"Remain steadfast in the battlefield you coward," he called on the U.S president.
What exactly does this mean. Does this claim have any credibility? What are 12,000 Al Qaida? Can't a 14 year old boy leave his home after it was bombed to bits by the united states - step over his dead sisters and mother, put on a patch and claim alegance to Al Qaeda? Does that make it 12,001?
We can not verify any of these movements - we claim to kill Al Qaeda terrorists on the battle field - that can not be cofirmed. The word Al Qaeds is coming to mean anyone that dislikes the US -
Osama committed a crime in the name of Al Qaeda - and leads a gang of bad guys that do bad things.. they then call on all Muslims to join them - and America empowers him by likewise treating all Muslims as probable Al Qaeda. We are at war with a criminal gang philosophy - and are aparantly free to kill whomever we want and call them Al Qaeda.
In addition, this irrational fear and bigotry - we use it to justify our prolonging the horror in Iraq.
2 Yup we defeated em alright,and it need's rebuildin jus as much anywhere else, but the ""Damage" is exagerated. They blew themselve's up.They can clean up there own shit.
3 Yup we oughta stop the propaganda. Install some credable new's station's their.All they have is El Jezra.Where will they learn anything from that shit.
4 Osama a terorrist,wow dude ur so smart
5 Iraq aint devided.Its in a bit o trouble but only a result as of their own action's.America liberated it.Try an prove me wrong.To say their a nation devided buy war is ur own opinion,they are devided because some of them are terrorist's and the rest of them want to live in peace in democracy.
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
well, the propaganda is working.