Its not about Imus

Its not even about race.
The issue should be... in my humble opinion
People rarely appreciate the influence television personalities have in this country. Something must be done. They have a significant impact on elections and every other important issue.
There is absolutely no accountability... it is a major facto for our deteriorating society.
The issue should be... in my humble opinion
People rarely appreciate the influence television personalities have in this country. Something must be done. They have a significant impact on elections and every other important issue.
There is absolutely no accountability... it is a major facto for our deteriorating society.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's society's fault though. Someone getting their feelings hurt over what someone else says, is their own damn fault. The pussification of America is happening before our eyes. We walk around looking for a reason to get offended. It's pathetic.
the problem is women's basketball. it's about as exciting as watching paint dry, only less practical.
In my opinion, the problem is being consistent in who you criticize for their actions and on what grounds. In other words, the behavior should be the issue, not just the person who exhibits that behavior.
There are people who could have made the same comments in a public forum and nobody would have batted an eye. That's hypocrisy.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Its not just about getting offended. It about all the other influences. Though I don't agree at all that these women should be callied pussies by you because they were offended when someone famous calles them Nappy Headed Hos on television....
Conversly, why would you be so concerned about what they are saying about Imus if what people say doesn't matter...
I do somewhat agree with that..
When I talk about the pussification of America..I'm not just talking about this one specific incident. But let's use it as an of the girls said she was "scarred for life". How the fuck can someone with half a brain be scarred for life b/c a radio personality said they looked like nappy headed ho's? That's pathetic. Plain and simple.
And I'm not concerned about what people say about're missing my point as a whole. My question is, why do we walk around looking for something or someone to offend us? It's b/c we've turned into a nation of emotional pussies..and this fact also goes along with what you're saying about the other influences from tv/media/etc. Why are we so easily brainwashed? Both sides why? Pussification of America..that's why.
I still say you are being judgemental. Why shouldn't this young lady be scarred? She reached a tremendous goal.. and from her point of view was slapped in the face and reminded that many in this country still don't like her because of her heritage. Where are you coming from to imply that this is somehow odd?
She expected to go home and see herself on television in celebration - and not the subject of a racial conflict or attack.
See you're proving my point. Again I ask..what about the white girls on the team?
You're ASSuming it was a racial looking to be offended.
And don't get me started on the hypocrisy of it in this country.
It was racial.. Nappy headed.. is racial. Simple as that regardless of how he meant it - the term is racial
not only that ... it is racial because it was made racial as you could see in Al Sharpton's guest Imus..
This girl did not make it racial.. and your denial that its racial doesn't change the fact that this is a racial issue
I think it's more about power and control...
what I mean is, for some reason, it's ok for a black person/comedian/personality to say was Imus said, but it's not ok for anyone else to say it...kinda like when two kids are playing, and one commands power over a toy, and takes that toy, thus preventing others from having it...
the same thing is happening with words..."that's my word or phrase, and you can't use it..."
The "N" word is not a toy. Do you really believe its childish need for power that drives black people to cringe when they hear white people use that word?
lol...I'm not denying anything. But to say nappy head is racial is ridiculous. Ever been to a bluegrass festival in Colorado? I'll show you white folk with nappy ass hair.
People like you are to blame for young people not having any mental toughness whatsoever anymore. Waaaaaaa...Don Imus called me nappy headed...Waaaaaa
What the fuck happened to "Sticks and Stones"?? Pussy liberals..that's what.
Why don't you try turning it off?
That's it just blame everything on liberals.
The bottom line is a media personality can say whatever the hell they want. It's up to those that scratch his check to decide whether what he said is reason for termination.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
it's their word now, they can use it one else can...that's all I'm saying...if that word is soooo hurtful, offensive and injurious...perhaps everyone should stop using it...
also, do you really think "cringe" is the right word...? infuriate sounds better to me...
please note: I'm not saying it's ok to use the n word, if fact you brought that one up, not me....Imus said something completely different...
i remember free speech. now it's only ok for minorities to make comments against whites.
I don't think he should be terminated as punishment.. though he will likely lose sponsorship and not be worth keeping on.
My problem is that the Media definately controls public opinion and that is a problem. A very big problem - perhaps the biggest in this country.
Hehe. You said the "P" word. This from someone with a name that you cannot tell if they are a guy or gal. What's up Ms. Barrymore?
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Nappy Headed is Racial
I was not offended
Televison personalities get rich of large viewership when they can. But when they cause damage - they hide behind freedom.. I think they should pay for damage - Then they'd be more careful to be factual. We need loads of lawsuits showing where a television personalities words hurt my business - and I want compensated.... That would even things out.
Along with freedom of speech comes also the responsibility of accepting the consequences of your words or actions.
What damage did they cause?
I see your point.. though I don't think Nappy Headed is completely different.. it is pretty darn close..
but I am not so suprized he used that phrase - or suprized....or in the least moved by it.
The problem I have - is that guy has a television show - and should be held accountable for any negative impact as well as reaping millions of dollars from those that agree with his mumbo jumbo.
I have to say, I think the "negative impact" has been manufactured...seriously, how many who actually listen to Imus (of whom, I had no idea he was still doing a show) where hurt or injured by his lame attempt at humor...?
how many even had a clue that Rutgers even won the women's tourny...?
Everyone, from NBC and MSNBC to sharpton to Rutgers are looking to cash in on this situation....
i spent the last few days sick in bed. i think the tele never got turned off; but i woke yesterday and some court show was on. some bloke said "she's so lazy she won't put grease in her hair so it'll grow". the black judge said "look at all the white people out there not knowing what you're talking about" and proceded to mockingly explain. a few hours later a different black judge made a comment "see; you white people don't know". i'm not sure what the subject matter was but i'm getting tired of being called you white people and the assumption that because i'm white; i have a limited knowledge. it's racist.
They didn't...they lost to Tennesse, those inbred hicks.
If your opinion is controlled by the media then you're a fucking retard.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
I should have said:
who even knew Rutgers lost in the women's tourny...?
I didn't....:p