Stone talks about the environment (for polaris)

surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train

Pretty good online question session. Stone handled himself pretty well and comes across as very low key but sincere.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
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  • rigneyclanrigneyclan Posts: 289
    Holy Shit!!! He answered my question!
    andy rigney:
    What do you think needs to be done to truely make a difference in the issue of global warming?

    Stone Gossard:
    Andy, it’s a complex problem requiring many answers at many levels. In the portfolio Pearl Jam assembled we tried to showcase nine different groups, each doing things differently, that we have found this can be done, taking actions at the local, state, regional, national and international levels, and ranging from shifting to climate-friendly efficiency products, buying green power and biofuels, preventing deforestation, restoring degraded lands to absorb carbon. This includes not just personal actions, but changing public policies, like in our own state of Washington we are supporting Initiative 937 which will increase renewable energy sources to 15 percent of their supply by 2020. So we need to support good policies that make it easier for our personal actions and market choices to be climate friendly.
    7/16/06 7/18/06
  • stuckinlinestuckinline Posts: 3,384
  • belfast1belfast1 Posts: 788
    I think its great the the band do this sort of thing.
    it can only help the whole environmental movement along and inspire us all to make the little changes in our own lives...
    dublin 1996 london 2000 dublin 2006 prague 2006 copenhagen 2007 london 2007 rotterdam 2009 london 2009 dublin 2010 belfast 2010 vienna 2014 amsterdam 2014 london 2018
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    gluten919 wrote:

    hahahahaaa ...

    this is a big part of why i am a fan of this band - i'm not normally someone to take to a band or athlete or anything but its stuff like this that connects me to the band just as much as the music ...

    we've been "discussing" the impacts and causes of climate change here for a long time and while many continue to live excessive lifestyles (just cause they can) - its always good to hear there are others who are fighting the good fight ... its tragic that it has become a partisan issue as really - a healthy environment benefits all except those who profit from pollution and destruction ...

    and lastly - ultimately, it will be up to those who have the most to make the changes necessary ... its usually the ones with the most resources to make changes that has the worst impact ... living in big houses, luxury inefficient vehicles, flying everywhere, wasting energy, etc ...
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