Are you raising another man's child?
Article states that a million men (or more) are unknowingly raising children that are not their's.
Should doctors be obligated to share this information with the father if they find out?
Should women be obligated to share this information if they find out?
Should women be obligated to have paternity testing done when there is any chance of this having occured?
Should government play a role in this?
Article states that a million men (or more) are unknowingly raising children that are not their's.
Should doctors be obligated to share this information with the father if they find out?
Should women be obligated to share this information if they find out?
Should women be obligated to have paternity testing done when there is any chance of this having occured?
Should government play a role in this?
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Post edited by Unknown User on
Morally and ethically they should tell the man raising the child as his own, but not legally.
Definetly NO.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Yes. I think they should be legally liable for damages if they knowingly lied about it.
I don't understand what women would have to have done. If a man is the child's legal father, can't he consent to have the blood test done, then have himself tested?
In any case, I'm opposed to forced medical procedures, so I don't think women should be forced to have any testing done on themselves, if that's what you're asking.
The less the better, but since I think women should be held liable for damages, I say yes.
many states now require paternity tests for all child support cases. paternity tests should be required at birth. nobody should have to go through what i did.
Should a step-parent ever be held liable for child support?
Should a parent be able to collect child-support from multiple people? i.e. Mother collects child support from bio dad and a now ex step-parent?
I'm really interested in how woman who believe in equal rights respond.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
it takes both parents DNA to establish paternity. since it's only a cotton swab inside the mouth i don't see a problem.
Not unless he knowingly and deliberately volunteered to be the source of support for the child. If he adopted or otherwise assumed legal custody, then yes. Otherwise, no.
I'm having a hard time imagining a scenario in which that would be appropriate, so I'd have to say no.
exactly. if the court finds that a parent/child relationship has been established; the "acting" father will pay support. even if the mother returns to the biological father.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
And we ignore the 4th Amendment?
wrong. the acting father is still responsable. prove knowingly. you can't prove what people know.
this started when a man sued for visitation rights of a step child he developed a close relationship with. it is very possible to get support for a step-child. in fact; a step child can receive benefits from a step fathers family benefits.
that does happen but not legally. it's done by moving to another state. the guy who thinks he's the father; is paying support from his state. the mother moves out of state and identifies the real father and another state collects from him. if she moves to yet another state and keeps her bank accounts in the collecting states; she can also get welfare claiming the father is unknown. that's the way my ex did it.
the courts give out warrants for DNA samples like candy on halloween. i could say i think i'm the father of your child and get a warrant for your DNA in a heartbeat. no matter how much you fuss and fight; the judge will rule that the only way to find the truth is with a DNA test. unless you can convince the judge we never had sexual contact; which is impossible.
it would suck to be any of the 4 people invloved.
i fulfilled that right. my dna. i will not deny my own flesh and blood. and now 21 years later.......i finally have a clue to contact amber, my baby girl i've never met.
oh fuck off. why should i have to prove we havent had sexual contact. as the accuser the onus should be on you to prove we did. which is impossible.
what i love is those girls on maury povich and other shows that are absolutely certain some particular man is the father of their child and then it turns out that they're not. exactly how many men do these girls sleep within such a short span of time that there'd be confusion or even doubt?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
those shows are hilarious. b...b...but i KNOWS he be my baby daddy!
everytime that i've been pregnant i never had any doubt who the baby daddy was....I guess i'm just not slutty enough.
angels share laughter
well you just ain't been trying girl.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
well you know, being that I'm so busy running Mistress Prism's School for Wayward Sluts i just can't seem to find the time
angels share laughter
YES... privacy be fucking damned, if the whore is squirting out someone else's kid and expects ME to pay to raise it i godamn well have a right to know.
YES... see above. take accountability for your actions.
no. i don't even know how that would work.
as in mandatory testing at birth? no, probly not. should there be legal recourse for men who suspect? you're damn right there should be.
ooh someone needs an outlet for all that pent up frustration.
but i agree if there is suspicion, all parties should um... come to the party and get it sorted.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
2) If they find out? So what's the deal?
Replacing those post-coital ciggies with mouth swabs, to hand to the eager government minion waiting with his rubber gloves by the bed?
3) Sounds as impractical, and impracticable, as it does Orwellian.
4) See 1) and 3).
what's that address again?...................:p
If sperm competition tactics fail, research suggests that men are also equipped with psychological adaptations to assess paternity. Assessing father/child facial resemblance is one such tactic. In my opinion it is up to a man's psychology to detect infidelity, thwart cuckoldry, and assess paternity accordingly. If he cannot do this then perhaps his genes were not meant to replicate in the first place. Damn that's gotta sting.
S. Hoon
"My body's nobody's body but mine. You run your own body, let me run mine" Chicago '95
Franken '08