Lebanese Peace Plan

Fuad Siniora peace plan (approved by the Lebanese cabinet):
1. Immediate cease-fire to set up discussion.
2. Exchange of prisoners
3. Lebanese army deployed to southern Lebanon to replace Hezbollah, with the help of a foreign (UN, french) army.
4. Return of the Shabaa Farms from Israel, with a United Nation resolution and supervision, Hezbollah won't disarm if that is not done.
5. Integration of the Hezbollah fighter into the Lebanese army, disband Hezbollah "military" forces and keep the political Hezbollah. Government must be the only entity authorizing the use of force.
6. International rebuilding help, plan, whatever...
Might have more in it, but that's the point i believe could lead to peace, in the Lebanon vs. Israel fight, then someone should come up with a plan for Palestine, it's all in the interest of Israel to do so.
1. Immediate cease-fire to set up discussion.
2. Exchange of prisoners
3. Lebanese army deployed to southern Lebanon to replace Hezbollah, with the help of a foreign (UN, french) army.
4. Return of the Shabaa Farms from Israel, with a United Nation resolution and supervision, Hezbollah won't disarm if that is not done.
5. Integration of the Hezbollah fighter into the Lebanese army, disband Hezbollah "military" forces and keep the political Hezbollah. Government must be the only entity authorizing the use of force.
6. International rebuilding help, plan, whatever...
Might have more in it, but that's the point i believe could lead to peace, in the Lebanon vs. Israel fight, then someone should come up with a plan for Palestine, it's all in the interest of Israel to do so.
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Post edited by Unknown User on
they were already supposed to do that..didn't get done.
now it's time to do it...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
when israle pulled out years ago was time to do it. forgive them for not believing all of them now.
oh my bad, i should have expect that you probably don't know that it was not Lebanon alone to do this, they would have been suppose to receive help and it wasn't provide, now it's time to provide this help and to stop turning blind eyes on these issue, and stop pointing fingers, otherwise the bombings will continue and peoples will continue to get killed or hide in their bunker...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4. Return of the Shabaa Farms from Israel, with a United Nation resolution and supervision, Hezbollah won't disarm if that is not done.
So Hezbollah and terrorism wins? Fuck no.
win what? nothing else will bring peace, if you don't negociate something with the Hezbollah they won't disarm, but you probably like it the way it is, bomb, colateral damage, destructions, refugees, fights etc.
If they continue the things they're doing right now, Hezbollah will win anyway...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Both sides need to make concessions for peace....or you suppose to keep bombing is the ultimate answer?
HELLO, they negotiated with them before..and also through the useless UN. they were supposed to disband from southern lebanon...they didn't do it then, they wouldn't do it now. the hezzy's goal is to wipe israel off the map..how do you all not learn anything from history?
as for hezbollah winning ... has anyone seen pictures out of lebanon?? ... they have effectively been set back a whole generation ... they've already lost ...
again - either you want peace and less killing or you don't ... you don't achieve peace through killing more people ... that is what we should learn from history ...
Useless UN, yes that's the point, they must act now, mmmm i don't know what else to say about it.
History? I think you'd need to learn some stuffs from history... but here i'm talking about the fucking future, bring me the USA peace plan and then let's compare both, to see what can be done and which one is the more effective.
I fully support the plan that is being put forward by the Lebanon govt. and i believe it would be good for peace in the region. We can't abandon them once again. Help must be provided to the Lebanese govt., it never happened before,
The opposite is going on right now, Israel are giving Hezbollah more supporters, if you can't see that, it's your own problem, but it's what is happening and if Israel continue this way it will never stop cause they'll just enflame more people against them. They must have a plan, which involve negociation and some concession on both side. But no, you like the bomb your ass approach, which clearly in history, haven't prove much great things, history?
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
To set up discussion? But Israel & Lebanon are already doing that indirectly, I thought he wants a cease-fire for the sake of his civilians...
I really need to ask this: there are only 4 Lebanese prisoners in Israel, all got a fair trail and sent into prison (Smair Kuntar for killing the Haran family, Nisim Naser for spaying, one for illegal weapons supply and the last one - I don't remember). Why should we release them? Cause according to that logic, Israel should kidnap a few US soliders for the sake of Polard (Israeli spy who was cought in US and sent to prison). Israel will only agree to release them for the right price (like valid info about Ron Arad).
But Siniora doesn't talk only about them, he mainly talks about Palestinian prisoners. Why? It seems he is worried about the Palestinians more than his own country, hence, he cares more about Hizbullah interests.
We already tried that one, but it didn't work. Unfortunately, there is no solution other than int force (a well trained one from one state only - France) in southern Lebanon, Israel knows that and already accepted that suggestion.
Shabaa belongs to Syria (according to the UN & Syria itself), and that place is frequently served as Hizbullah excuse for his evil actions. Again, Siniora cares more about Hizbullah than his own country. Israel will never agree to that term.
Never. You can maybe disband its force, but you can't disband its ideology. No Hizbullah men in Lebanon official army, it'll be quite the same as now - political party who is also an armed force. Again, Siniora cares more about Hizbullah than his own country.
Yes, and lets hope this time the world will give a damn about Lebanon.
This is a really one bad plan.
Cease fire is the main point, set up discussion is a result of it, would be more easier to discuss when nobody is being killed, in my opinion.
Yes, exchange prisoners, if he means Palestinians then great, if Lebanon govt. say they want to exchage prisoners, then they probably have a list of them, i don't know who they are, but that's part of the discussion i guess, i don't think it's all settle down, it's a plan that need to be look at instead of being demonized.
good, if let's say Hezbollah are suppose to be disarm but some "pocket" refuse to do so, then it would be up to the intl. force and Lebanese army to take them out, i guess this is ok on both side, so that's a good one. Also ok with a French intervention, French said they also agree, but only if a cease fire is called, so you gotta go back to point 1 to apply this part of the plan.
This is to make Hizbollah disarm, yes it's about Hezbollah, it's probably the biggest concession to be made to see a cease fire, and Lebanon don't want to take control of that land without any intervention, they want a United Nation comittee to rule this land for good.
well, sorry Shiraz, but you can bomb some of it's force with military, but you can't disband their ideology, so i don't know, maybe it's more to say that those who are currently part of the Hezbollah and want to stay in a military organisation that they could join Lebanese army, again it's about making concession, and nothing in this one is bad in my opinion, compare to the prisoners exchange and return of land, this one is internal Lebanese policy. Hezbollah without the armed wing would be a small minority in the Lebanese govt..
according to you, but it's the best i've seen, and i'd like to read a plan for the Palestine problem too, Israel military is not and has never been an answer, but i'm just putting forward this plan, i have not build it, sure some stuff could be change, but just saying categoric NO to everything in there is bad, nothing will be done then. It's pretty naive to think that all of this can stop without listening to what Lebanon has to say, imposed plan would just deepens the problem... but here we're living in peace, so it's easy to say these things, peace is all i know, i know nothing about war, have never lived it, but i know that peace is well worth any kind of concession that could be made...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
That some parts of Lebanon's infrastructure have been destroyed and civilian deaths have occurred is a win for Hezbollah- they could care less about Lebanon - they're just an arm of Iran.
Your argument that "either you want peace and less killing or you don't" is baseless. One thing I don't want is peace at any cost - the "peace" being proposed here is simply the calm before another storm. This is not a solution at all - it is merely a request for a cease fire so that Hezbollah can re-arm and try, try again to destroy Israel in the future.
what you call some parts of lebanon's infrastructure is a war crime and a gross violation of human rights ...
what war have you been witnessing?? ... bloody ancient rockets wiping out israel?? ... lets not get too dramatic here ... what may have started as an attempt to swap prisoners is now being viewed as an attempt to wipe israel off the face of the world?? ... c'mon man - that just isn't going to happen ...
War crime - another ignorant left wing catch-phrase. I don't hear you and your ilk calling out "war crime" when innocent Israeli civilians are INTENTIONALLY targeted and killed by Hezbollah.
6 people in Israel died today from those "bloody ancient rockets," which are filled with ball bearings to cause maximum casualties. Hezbollah is a virulently anti-semitic (not just anti-Israel) organizations whose stated goal is to destroy Israel. Wake up.
damn left wing ignorant... you're so wrong in almost everything you post, what makes it funnier is how you seem to know the thruth when saying those things, when you clearly are wrong, it is war crimes, when Hezbollah rocket hits a civillian, it's a war crime, what's your point right wing ______(insert insult)
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
wrong again ... i have stated time and time again that it is the prevention of loss of innocent life i want most ... answer this:
1. do you think hezbollah can wipe israel off the map?
2. if so, do you not think your big brother would come to your aid?
3. do you think the continued killing of innocent people in lebanon is furthering a cause that will bring peace?
4. do you value the life of an israeli the same as someone from lebanon?
I was sarcastic, cause Siniora didn't even mention his civilians as the main reason for cease fire.
We know (it was published in our local media), he maens them both which is absurd - he shouldn't interfere in Israel's foreign affairs, surely not when his country is in a state of war. Again, based on the past Israel will never release these Lebanese prisoners without a "good price", so we'll have to see what they are offering us.
We'll have a cease fire soon, that's for sure. Personally, I think it'll happend in about 1-2 weeks (more or less). Why? I don't know.
Based on the past, Israel will never agree to that term, that place belongs to Syria.
The last thing this place needs is the Hizbullah taking over yet another aspect of Lebanon. First - got to disarm the Hizbullah. Sec - Got to take them out of southern Lebanon, otherwise this whole scenario will repeat itself. I'm thinking about the future. Lebanon's Army doesn't need specifically Hizbullah men, he can go along without them.
Plus, Hizbullah is already a minority in the Lebanese govt, but it acts like it is in the lead. Anyways, Israel dosn't care about Lebanon's politics - we shouldn't interfere in that matter.
First lets get over with the Lebanese conflict, than we'll think about a solution for Palestine.
1. (edit) Yes.
2. no, they don't even want to participate in the int-force in southern Lebanon after the cease fire takes place (you were talking about the US, right?).
3. no.
4. Every civilian's life is precious, obviously I care more about the Israeli civilians because I am one of them, but I don't want other civilians to get hurt.
I can hardly wait to read the answer to #4. Racist people don't think anybody is on par with them.
ding ding ding!! ... and with that understanding - we can surely find peace ... no more words of hate fueled by militaristic propaganda ... its all about preventing the loss of life ...
as for no.2 - yes, the US ... they will not stand by and see israel wiped out by anyone ... and they don't want to be part of any force because they are already spread thin and plus - they have plans for bigger fish ...
1. Hezbollah and its father Iran can - it isn't inconceivable that Iran can purchase a nuclear weapon from N. Korea and give it to Hezbollah thugs via Syria
2. If that situation occurred, "big brother" would be too late. In any event, the US won't commit any troops to help Israel
3. I'll refer that question to Hezbollah, which is responsible for those deaths
4. Yes, but not those Lebanese who are either in Hezbollah or who are aiding and abetting it.
1. if they were interested in wiping israel off the map - why not wait until they actually have that firepower - why waste whatever they have now?
2. well, the only ones who have nukes in the region is israel and you can be sure the US will protect its presence in the middle east at all costs.
3. exactly why we don't have peace yet
4. well - who do you think are dying in lebanon?? ... those 600+ civilians?
wait, I meant 'yes' in question 1 - Hizbullah can wipe us off, with the help of Iran and Syria. I'll add my original replay now. Sorry.
I want to call you out on your Quana thread the other day blaming the Hizbollah for it...official release from the government of Israel which takes full responsabilty for their MISTAKE and will modify existing strategy to ensure it does not happen again...to think us leftist nuts were right (again) that it was Israel's mistake....
Israel apologizes because people such as yourself have such a blame-Israel-first mentality that they have to cover their ass even when they aren't responsible for things.
Where's the official apology from the Lebanese government to Israel for the deaths of Israeli citizens at the hands of Hezbollah? Lebanon allowed Hezbollah to sit on its border and wage cross-border attacks for years. Moreover, Hezbollah members are actually in the Lebanese government.
Where's the official apology from the Lebanese government to Israel for the deaths of Israeli citizens at the hands of Hezbollah? Lebanon allowed Hezbollah to sit on its border and wage cross-border attacks for years. Moreover, Hezbollah members are actually in the Lebanese government.
1. They have enough power, thanks to Iran. Why wait? cause they are smart (they really are).
2. You are wrong. Iran has it, and that's enough. The US won't help us out, not alone.
3. There's not gonna be peace as long as Hizbullah is around as a terror group.
1. Israel is bombing specific hizbullah areas in Beirut (where the big bunker is) ever sice the war had started.
2. Nasralla usually keeps his promises.
3. If Tel Aviv is attacked, Lebanon will have to say godbye to all of its infrastructures (like main electricity power). These are not my solutions, only thoughts based on past experience.