Democrats call on Congress to probe BP shutdown

binauralsoundsbinauralsounds Posts: 1,357
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
Gee what a surprise! Knew this shit wouldn't take long! Dems nothin but a party of investigators. BP took steps in order to PREVENT another Valdez type DISASTER and they want to INVESTIGATE!! Why don't they spend more time investigating their strategies for 08? Bunch of friggin nit wits!

Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday called on the U.S. Congress to hold hearings into BP's operations in Alaska following a second oil pipeline rupture at its Prudhoe Bay operations over the weekend that will shut the 400,000 barrel-a-day oilfield.

"It is appalling that BP let this critical pipeline deteriorate to the point that a major production shutdown was necessary," said Rep. John Dingell, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, in a statement.

"The United States Congress has an obligation to hold hearings to determine what broke down here and what laws and regulations need to be improved to ensure problem pipelines like these are found and fixed earlier," Dingell said.

Democratic Rep. Edward Markey, who also serves on the House committee, said the shutdown reflects BP's chronic mismanagement of its U.S. drilling operations and that the company had been earning enough money to prevent the problem.

"With oil above $70 per barrel and BP making record profits, it can afford to properly clean and maintain its pipelines," Markey said in a statement.

Markey said the Department of Transportation's Office of Pipeline Safety needed the legal authority to require minimum maintenance standards and avoid such pipeline shutdowns.

"This sudden loss of production will dramatically increase oil prices and the American people will be footing the bill for this combined failure of DOT's regulatory oversight and BP's corporate responsibility," he said.

Congress is now out for its month-long summer recess, and any hearings on the shutdown would not take place until lawmakers return in early September.

In the meantime, Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer said the Bush administration should immediately release oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help offset the lost Alaska crude supplies.

Energy Secretary Sam Bodman said the government was prepared to make oil loans from the emergency stockpile to West Coast refiners if they requested the supplies.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Gee what a surprise! Knew this shit wouldn't take long! Dems nothin but a party of investigators. BP took steps in order to PREVENT another Valdez type DISASTER and they want to INVESTIGATE!! Why don't they spend more time investigating their strategies for 08? Bunch of friggin nit wits!

    Did you actually read the whole article?
    "It is appalling that BP let this critical pipeline deteriorate to the point that a major production shutdown was necessary," said Rep. John Dingell, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, in a statement.

    "The United States Congress has an obligation to hold hearings to determine what broke down here and what laws and regulations need to be improved to ensure problem pipelines like these are found and fixed earlier," Dingell said.

    Democratic Rep. Edward Markey, who also serves on the House committee, said the shutdown reflects BP's chronic mismanagement of its U.S. drilling operations and that the company had been earning enough money to prevent the problem.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
  • Did you actually read the whole article?

    I most certainly DID!!! The rep. is pissed they let it go SOOO LONG.. The dem wants to HOLD HEARINGS!!!
  • I most certainly DID!!! The rep. is pissed they let it go SOOO LONG.. The dem wants to HOLD HEARINGS!!!

    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."

    Son of a bitch... all they do is hold hearings. IF BP let it go, then they'd investigate why they let it go so long. I'm tellin ya, the democratic party better get their shit in order for 08 instead of breaking out the "INVESTIGATOR BADGE" every other day. It's starting to make them look like a bunch of friggin idiots.

    And this comes from a very NON democratic party person.
  • I'd rather see us switch to a renewable energy source and tell the oil companies, Bush, and his cronies to f*ck off.

    ...then I woke up.
    We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. - Ayn Rand
  • If BP's operations are so costly and inefficient, and if John Dingell and Edward Markey are so qualified to critique them, why don't they just build their own oil pipeline and put BP out of business?

    There's only one organization that needs to do an investigation here. It's the one who actually directly suffers from these kinds of events -- BP.
  • If BP's operations are so costly and inefficient, and if John Dingell and Edward Markey are so qualified to critique them, why don't they just build their own oil pipeline and put BP out of business?

    There's only one organization that needs to do an investigation here. It's the one who actually directly suffers from these kinds of events -- BP.

    THANK YOU!!!!! BINGO!!
  • Well, it looks like congress will have plenty of time to investigate. Looks like the shut down is going to last months, weeks at best.
    We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. - Ayn Rand

    Gheit said the problems with the pipeline should not be a surprise, adding it's been well known that oil companies are not doing enough regular maintenance on their infrastructure.

    When oil prices were low, they were reluctant to spend on that kind of maintenance, he said. But when prices soared in recent years, the cost of shutting down a pipeline or other facilities for maintenance would have meant too much lost production.

    "This thing has been in operation for more than 30 years. Corrosion has to happen. Something has to give," Gheit said. "This is going to be a warning to other companies."
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
  • Anyone else find it humorously ironic that Markey says these two things:

    "This sudden loss of production will dramatically increase oil prices and the American people will be footing the bill for this combined failure of DOT's regulatory oversight and BP's corporate responsibility."

    "With oil above $70 per barrel and BP making record profits, it can afford to properly clean and maintain its pipelines"
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    Dem's are either idiots or too far in bed with Oil to do what needs to truly be done...Republicans have said that oil is a national security issue, protecting and having peace in the middle east where our only true interests is in oil, then cutting oil consumption is a national security priority, force autos sold in the U S to meet much higher mpg standards, Even china has higher mpg standards than the U S and Europe is far ahead of us.

    why not give the 3 big U S auto makers, all struggling as a business, tax breaks for hybrids and biodiesel sales, make is easier for foreign car makers to export hybrid vehicles to the U S, take away the money that big oil gets from the fed and make is available to businesses involved in cutting our dependence on oil.

    attack the Republicans on oil being a direct threat to our national security, Iran stopping oil exports would be a huge blow to the world, if Saudi jumps in and stops oil export for only a week, and the U S would suffer, we can make the changes, if our representatives would do would was right for us.

    ok, this idea is oversimplified, but it would make a big difference, and it's a good start.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • why not give the 3 big U S auto makers, all struggling as a business, tax breaks for hybrids and biodiesel sales

    So your solution for a "struggling business" is to ask them to make cars that few consumers seem to be interested in buying right now?
    make is easier for foreign car makers to export hybrid vehicles to the U S

    I'm ok with that.
    take away the money that big oil gets from the fed and make is available to businesses involved in cutting our dependence on oil.

    Why not take away the money that big oil gets from the fed and make it available for the consumers who make the ultimate decisions on our dependence or independence from oil?
    attack the Republicans on oil being a direct threat to our national security, Iran stopping oil exports would be a huge blow to the world

    But it would be a bigger blow to Iran. So that's not going to happen.
    if Saudi jumps in and stops oil export for only a week

    Also not going to happen.
    if our representatives would do would was right for us.

    I'm not sure what representative power you've ceded, but I don't need any representation to do what's right for me. In fact those representatives you refer to seem only interested in using my rights and abilities to do what's right for themselves. So no thanks.
    ok, this idea is oversimplified, but it would make a big difference, and it's a good start.

    The concept of oil independence is a great start.
  • Dem's are either idiots or too far in bed with Oil to do what needs to truly be done...Republicans have said that oil is a national security issue, protecting and having peace in the middle east where our only true interests is in oil, then cutting oil consumption is a national security priority, force autos sold in the U S to meet much higher mpg standards, Even china has higher mpg standards than the U S and Europe is far ahead of us.

    You think that Democrats are more in bed with oil companies than Republicans? That's a first for me.

    What evidence do you have that Republicans have been doing anything to improve the situation?
    We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. - Ayn Rand
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    I love hearing. They are always free to the taxpayer and never a waste of anyone's time.
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    So your solution for a "struggling business" is to ask them to make cars that few consumers seem to be interested in buying right now?

    first if they led the industry in hybrid/biodiesel/alternative fuel cars they would be able to export to other countries without the issues they have now, American cars aren't high on the import list of other countries, also hybrids are popular, and will continue to be in the future I believe, right now there are still waiting lists, and forget bybrids for a moment, they have the ability to raise mpg standards with current technology, no bybrid/biodiesel/alternative fuel needed, but then they would have to cut performance on cars down a bit.

    I'm ok with that.

    Why not take away the money that big oil gets from the fed and make it available for the consumers who make the ultimate decisions on our dependence or independence from oil?

    because I don't agree with the idea that we can't expect our representatives to do the right thing if the citizens of this country get involved more than every two years during fed elections and from absorbing the spin and rhetoric from the couch. We don't pay that much in taxes, compared to most western nations.

    As for Iran, they are going to have nuclear weapons, it's to late to change that in my opinion, the current administrations policies retarded, you can't do anything about Iran alone, and we've lost the respect of much of the worlds leaders, so we can't lead effectively, no one is going to move fast, they can't do anything about N Korea, how is Iran going to be any different? In the short term, Iran can economically handle halting oil export. I think if the world isolates them, the oil issue is going to get far worse.

    But it would be a bigger blow to Iran. So that's not going to happen.

    Also not going to happen.

    I'm not sure what representative power you've ceded, but I don't need any representation to do what's right for me. In fact those representatives you refer to seem only interested in using my rights and abilities to do what's right for themselves. So no thanks.

    if we the people don't fix that's become of Congressional and Executive branches of the federal government, then I don't believe anything else matters much. It'll only get worse.

    I understand that you don't feel you need to represented to do whats right, but as a nation, that's just not true...the real problem is the lack of citizens participations in our government IMO. I think limits for Congressional members is a must. 3 (18 yrs) terms for Senators and 6 (12 yrs) terms for Representatives. This would lead to better representation hopefully and cut down on the corporate influence.

    The concept of oil independence is a great start.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    You think that Democrats are more in bed with oil companies than Republicans? That's a first for me.

    What evidence do you have that Republicans have been doing anything to improve the situation?

    no, I'm saying I'm not sure if they are, or how much they are, they haven't done much to work on this issue, if they want the change and aren't afraid of big oil reprecutions, then attack the Republicans on oil being a national security issue and start the debate on what can be down to weed us off of oil. We have the capabilities to do it.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    I guarantee you that every Senator has big oil in their portfolio.

    The thing that bugs me is that BP is an independent BRITISH company. How in the bloody hell is it the fault of the Republicans that BP didn't maintain their portion of the pipeline? They own 26% of it. Part of their 26% failed. Are they not making enough in record profits to invest in their pipeline?

    BP should be fined by the US Government for every day that their production is stopped due to their own profound negligence. The impact to the American consumer is already being felt, as prices of crude hit an all-time high. BP supplies nearly 8% of the oil that America consumes.

    I'm anti-Republican, but this is about as much the Republican's fault as it is the fault of Frosty the flippin Snowman. Another cheap shot by a democratic party that has no ideas.
  • bryanfurybryanfury Posts: 461
    this isn't a dem/ repub issue. the fact remains, if profits are at record highs, why aren't some of those profits going towards maintaining the lines?

    valid question that needs answering.
    those undecided, needn't have faith to be free
  • enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    bryanfury wrote:
    this isn't a dem/ repub issue. the fact remains, if profits are at record highs, why aren't some of those profits going towards maintaining the lines?

    valid question that needs answering.

    That is THE question...but the American congress will use this to point the fingers and place the blame on eachother...while their pockets get fatter right before your eyes. It's the old okey doke. They think we're all a bunch of suckers.

    I urge you all to vote against every incumbant this November.
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