Saudi religious leader blasts Hizbullah

For the chosen few that laughed when those horrible Christians called hezbollah Evil 
Now this guy too? What is this world coming to???

Saudi religious leader blasts Hizbullah
Cairo, Egypt
A top Saudi Sunni cleric, whose ideas inspired Osama bin Laden, issued a religious edict Saturday disavowing the Shi'ite guerrilla group Hizbullah, evidence that a rift remained among Muslims over the fighting in Lebanon.
Hizbullah, which translates as "the party of God," is actually "the party of the devil," said Sheik Safar al-Hawali, whose radical views made the al-Qaida leader one of his followers in the past.
"Don't pray for Hizbullah," he said in the fatwa posted on his Web site.
The edict, which reflects the historical stand of strict Wahhabi doctrine viewing Shi'ite Muslims as heretics, follows a similar fatwa from another popular Saudi cleric Sheik Abdullah bin Jibreen two weeks into the conflict with Israel.
"It is not acceptable to support this rejectionist party (Hizbullah), and one should not fall under its command, or pray for its victory," bin Jibreen said at the time.

Now this guy too? What is this world coming to???

Saudi religious leader blasts Hizbullah
Cairo, Egypt
A top Saudi Sunni cleric, whose ideas inspired Osama bin Laden, issued a religious edict Saturday disavowing the Shi'ite guerrilla group Hizbullah, evidence that a rift remained among Muslims over the fighting in Lebanon.
Hizbullah, which translates as "the party of God," is actually "the party of the devil," said Sheik Safar al-Hawali, whose radical views made the al-Qaida leader one of his followers in the past.
"Don't pray for Hizbullah," he said in the fatwa posted on his Web site.
The edict, which reflects the historical stand of strict Wahhabi doctrine viewing Shi'ite Muslims as heretics, follows a similar fatwa from another popular Saudi cleric Sheik Abdullah bin Jibreen two weeks into the conflict with Israel.
"It is not acceptable to support this rejectionist party (Hizbullah), and one should not fall under its command, or pray for its victory," bin Jibreen said at the time.
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<a href=><img src= title="MySpace Comments" border=0></a><br><left><a href=''><font size="2">MySpace Comments</font></a></left>
Sunnis and sh'ites dislike each other
Sunnis =caliphate
shi'tes ..not big fans of a caliphate
sh'ites ... they dig jesus ... they , just like christians are counting on jesus to return and kick the shit out tha jews
god is for idiots
cunts watch their bodies
but it was the zionist who wiped palestine off the map
cunts watch their bodies
Do you see how frickin misguided you are? No one ever criticized the "evil christians" who blasted hezbollah...people criticized the HIPPOCRITCAL christians and jews (anyone that uses religion as a reason to kill is a hippocrit including hezbollah) that think killing civilians to get to hezbollah is sorry to say this but your attempts are pathetic; you are just as wrong as those that you think your blasting. Basically one in the same and what's funny is that you dont see it.
You haven't been around that much have you? HAHAHAH In addition, I said for the "chosen FEW"!
ya feelin guilty bout somethin? HAH
It's ALWAYS someone else's fault, other than the Muslim extremists, right?
75 posts and he knows all....sees all:D:D
That's always a good question, if the hijackers were Saudi why didn't the U.S. attack them?
Great come legitimate reply so we resort to semantics....right down your alley...
nmytree - yeah cause posts on a message board determine knowledge...says a lot about you.....when are things ever our fault? Never right? Again, if you would have read the first post you would realize that no one is defending the extremist...another great example of seeing what we want to see...
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