IDF: Qana building fell hours after strike

IDF: Qana building fell hours after strike
IDF continuing to check difficult incident at Qana village, and attempting to account for strange gap between time of the strike on the building – midnight – and eight in the morning, when the building collapsed
Hanan Greenberg
An IDF investigation has found that the building in Qana struck by the Air Force fell around eight hours after being hit by the IDF.
"The attack on the structure in the Qana village took place between midnight and one in the morning. The gap between the timing of the collapse of the building and the time of the strike on it is unclear," Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters told journalists at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, following the incidents at Qana.
Rockets being fired from Qana village (Video: IDF Spokesperson Unit)
Eshel and the head of the IDF's Operational Branch, Major General Gadi Eisnkot said the structure was not being attacked when it collapsed, at around 8:00 in the morning.
The IDF believes that Hizbullah explosives in the building were behind the explosion that caused the collapse.
Another possibility is that the rickety building remained standing for a few hours, but eventually collapsed. "It could be that inside the building, things that could eventually cause an explosion were being housed, things that we could not blow up in the attack, and maybe remained there, Brigadier General Eshel said.
"I'm saying this very carefully, because at this time I don't have a clue as to what the explanation could be for this gap," he added.
Meanwhile in Lebanon it is being reported that the number of those killed in the collapse of the structure climbed to 60.
Eshel said that an additional attack took place at 7:30 in the morning, but added that other buildings were targeted. "This was an attack on three buildings 460 meters away from the structure we are talking about. Four bombs were dropped and all of them are documented by the planes' cameras. They all struck their targets. In addition, we carried out a filming sortie that photographed the village during the afternoon showing that the three targeted buildings we struck. We have verification of strikes on the building and that the bombs reached their targets," Eshel said.
"An attack that took place at two in the morning struck two targets, both of them 400 meters away from the building (that collapsed). They were also destroyed. The attack between 12 and 1 a.m. struck the area of the affected house, and there were accurate strikes on the target. We are asking the question – what happened between 1 in the morning and 8 in the morning… we understand this building was attacked between 12 and 1 in the morning, seven hours before it was seriously damaged," he said.
Brigadier General Eshel explained that "since the start of fighting in Lebanon 150 rockets from a very high number of rocket launchers have been fired from the village and its surrounding areas, at a number of sites in the State of Israel. Within the village itself we have located a diverse range of activities connected to firing of rockets, beginning from forces commanding this operation – because such an operation needs ongoing command to direct it – and logistical sites that serve this end."
"From this village rockets are fired almost every day across Israel. The operation carried out overnight is an extension of operations that didn't start last night but before, and during this night we struck a number of targets in the village. All of the targets are being meticulously sifted," Eshel added.
IDF continuing to check difficult incident at Qana village, and attempting to account for strange gap between time of the strike on the building – midnight – and eight in the morning, when the building collapsed
Hanan Greenberg
An IDF investigation has found that the building in Qana struck by the Air Force fell around eight hours after being hit by the IDF.
"The attack on the structure in the Qana village took place between midnight and one in the morning. The gap between the timing of the collapse of the building and the time of the strike on it is unclear," Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters told journalists at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, following the incidents at Qana.
Rockets being fired from Qana village (Video: IDF Spokesperson Unit)
Eshel and the head of the IDF's Operational Branch, Major General Gadi Eisnkot said the structure was not being attacked when it collapsed, at around 8:00 in the morning.
The IDF believes that Hizbullah explosives in the building were behind the explosion that caused the collapse.
Another possibility is that the rickety building remained standing for a few hours, but eventually collapsed. "It could be that inside the building, things that could eventually cause an explosion were being housed, things that we could not blow up in the attack, and maybe remained there, Brigadier General Eshel said.
"I'm saying this very carefully, because at this time I don't have a clue as to what the explanation could be for this gap," he added.
Meanwhile in Lebanon it is being reported that the number of those killed in the collapse of the structure climbed to 60.
Eshel said that an additional attack took place at 7:30 in the morning, but added that other buildings were targeted. "This was an attack on three buildings 460 meters away from the structure we are talking about. Four bombs were dropped and all of them are documented by the planes' cameras. They all struck their targets. In addition, we carried out a filming sortie that photographed the village during the afternoon showing that the three targeted buildings we struck. We have verification of strikes on the building and that the bombs reached their targets," Eshel said.
"An attack that took place at two in the morning struck two targets, both of them 400 meters away from the building (that collapsed). They were also destroyed. The attack between 12 and 1 a.m. struck the area of the affected house, and there were accurate strikes on the target. We are asking the question – what happened between 1 in the morning and 8 in the morning… we understand this building was attacked between 12 and 1 in the morning, seven hours before it was seriously damaged," he said.
Brigadier General Eshel explained that "since the start of fighting in Lebanon 150 rockets from a very high number of rocket launchers have been fired from the village and its surrounding areas, at a number of sites in the State of Israel. Within the village itself we have located a diverse range of activities connected to firing of rockets, beginning from forces commanding this operation – because such an operation needs ongoing command to direct it – and logistical sites that serve this end."
"From this village rockets are fired almost every day across Israel. The operation carried out overnight is an extension of operations that didn't start last night but before, and during this night we struck a number of targets in the village. All of the targets are being meticulously sifted," Eshel added.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Not within Bush's reach, so no. Only bush & co are capable.
Inside job... I like that song! In fact, one of the first things I've done this day is to play the avocado at loud, very very very loud. Gotta take the opportunity for having no alarms. Army Reserve is such a good song! God, I missed music so much...
Laughing at 60 dead people including fitting. Did you jump up and down and high five the person next to you when you saw that blurb?
He's laughing about the political freaks on here who think Bush is behind everything.
You are a sick individual and your attempt to spin this is not going well!
I find it amazingly interesting this thread gets nothing but the sounds of crickets! For the majority that pounce on threads such as "israel kills u.n. personnel, israel murders innocents" but stay far away from such threads like this, speaks volumes!
So quick to condem Israel for anything, before finding out what really happened!
For the record, the smiling is for ppl that come on here blaming bush on every event that ocurs as an inside job (9/11).
I'm sick that's fine but what does that make those cheer for war? That's the problem with people like you, you can never look in the mirror. Get over the "world hates us" crap. It's getting really old.
what in the hell are you talking about?????????
did you misinterpert???
The problem IS that you dont get it.
Since you say so. Thanks!
looks like someones got a case of the mondays
This is rather odd, but there could be several legitimate reasons why the building was delayed in falling.
Or it could be an inside job. Let's face it, there is a history of these people staging incidents to enrage and encite hate for their enemies, and to embelish the "victims" image.
It's sad, but it's true.
Nmytree, thanks for that!! I even questioned the poster if they misunterstood me and got the idea I was for mass civilian casualties. Horrible!
mass civilian casualties are what is happening now ... someone please tell me how killing all these innocent people will actually make things better?? ... sympathy for hezbollah is growing by the second - arab anger just fosters more hostility towards israel ... global opinion for israel weakens ...
as far as inside job - i leave that as a possibility ... but i think hezbollah and the lebanese people are intertwined ... if someone found out that hezbollah was responsible for the demolition then they would lose all their ability to hide amongst the civilians ...
now, if only we could get you guys to accept the possibility of 9-11 being an inside job ...
You're welcome.
It's mind-boggling.
I'm sure most of the regulars here know I don't advocate what israel is doing.
But everyone needs to take a good, long hard look at Hizbullah and consider their strategy.
These are people (Hizbullah ) who recruit toddlers and raise them for the cause. They raise these kids to be martyrs and on the concept of martyrdom. So obviously the parents of these kids have to be in approval and agreement of this despicable approach.
The parents are complicit.
They agree to keep their kids in harms way, to using these kids as martyr-pawns in this conflict. These women and children are being strategically placed, for a larger martyrdom-victim toll. Hizbullah is playing for the sympathies and outrage, from the citizens of the world, by making Israel out to be evil monsters. They orchestrated and scripted this whole thing, to earn a desired result. What's this say about these people?
And of course, they are duping a whole lot of people (all over the world) with this tactic.
This strategy and tactic is so transparent and obvious. They are trying to enrage all Muslims all over the world, for the purpose of initiating and furthering, to a larger scale, their "Holy War" .......all over the planet.
Is it not interesting and convienant the dickhead from Al Queda, releases a video encouraging and calling for Muslims of the planet earth to unite and fight against Israel and Americans? These fuckers know exactly what they are doing. Sadly, they are succeeding in playing a large number of people, like little sympathetic puppets.
It's no surprise the death toll is much larger in Lebanon. Israelies are protecting their women and children. They are getting their children out of harms way. They are not offering up their children for "the cause". They cheris their children and protect them.
Does that mean it's okay for Israel to continue bombing and killing them? Absolutely Not!!!
The result here is that innocent men, women and children are being slaughtered. Some of these parents are complicit in the deaths of their children and their own lives.
Mostly I feel horrible for the children and innocent people.
....and Hizbullah achieves their desired effect. They are playing the world for fools.
A large number of the Lebanese people (but not every single individual) are complicit in Hizbullah's plans.
They support, finance, shelter and aid Hizbullah in their plans and strategy. They are complicit. They knew what was going to happen. They knew mant would die. They wanted the martyrdom.
well - then wouldn't the response then NOT to continue killing innocent people?
let's not get into the whole who supports what - as if we look at all the money - i'm pretty sure its all going to end up at the same place ...
who is getting martyred?? ... all we have are the bodies of children being pulled from the rubble ...
Thank you.
translated via babelfish:
Lebanon awoke on a new massacre of innocent, the victims are handicapped children who were taken refuge in a building which was attacked by Israeli aviation Cana still, a symbol, "the grapes of anger" in 1996 had failed because of this bur. 40 or can be 50 killed today in Cana in the South Lebanon. Horror. But why a similar bur, an error? A premeditated massacre? A source generally quite informed tells us his version: "Hezbollah, wedged by the 7 points suggested by the Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, who put a plan of deployment of the Lebanese army on all the territory and primarily at the South Lebanon, and thus the disarmament of the militia of the party of God, wanted to ruin these negotiations. It put in pace a plan machiavelic by creating an event which would enable him to cancel this project. Knowing very well that Israel will not have a state of heart to bombard civil targets, militants of Hezbollah installed a base of launching of rockets on the roof from a building in Cana and y piled up crippled children in the firm intention to see a counterpart on behalf of Israeli aviation and to create a new situation, using the massacre of these innocent to take again the initiative of the negotiations "Adding: "they have uses Cana which was already a symbol of a massacre the innocent ones, they fomented a Cana 2". Indeed the president of the room Nabih Berri announced that the negotiations with the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will not be any more continued for the moment before having one cease unconditional fire, first claim of Hezbollah, it is necessary all to begin again again.
I thought this is some Lebanese web site, I got that link via mail from an unknowen sender, it made me curious so I wanted to know what was written there. Do you think that info is valid?
Ok, so what you are saying is that Hezbollah grabbed a bunch of crippled kids and killed them in the name of Israel?
Where did they get these kids from? Where are the kids parents?
IDF says there were bombs in the building that they may have ignited? How by hitting it with more bombs?
What are you trying to imply here, that Hezbollah doesn't act on behalf of the Lebonese? They use Lebonese to act in Iranian interest? What does Iran have to gain from all this? They get to wipe Israel off the map? What would that get them? Peace and quiet? I don't get it. What's the motivation here? You say hatred, but why?
Ahmm... we don't have to imply anything. all of the above are facts and statements made by Hizbullah & Iran themselfs many many times.
Conspiracy? no, I just find it interesting people from Lebanon itself claim Hizbullah was the one who really caused "Qana 2", so I asked (=/= assumed) if this info could be valid, especially after the supposedly evidence by which that building collapsed 7 hours after the air-force attack. You got to admit this is a bit strange, hence it worth an interest.
No, that web-site (which I underestand is Lebanese) said that, we want to know if such thing could be true.
It's a village of Hizbullah supporters (=civilians who support the Hizbullah, but it doesn't mean they deserved to get killed), people lived there...
IDF insists they only attacked that same bulding between 00:00-01:00, so they find it unusual for the building to collapse 7 hours later. Note they didn't say anything else, and went into 2 days air force cease-fire anyways.
Either way, none of it could help the civilians who died there.
Are you seriously trying to say that Israel should not be blamed for any of these casualties, dude open your eyes. This isnt some football game where you can blindly cheer for one side. Innocent people are being killed, if we're so "humane" and "moral" then you error on the side of life not death. Sickening.