U.S. Muslims worry about new federal rules

The FBI will have expanded powers to investigate suspected terrorists
DETROIT - Some Arab- and Muslim-Americans say new Justice Department guidelines that boost the FBI's power to investigate suspected terrorists could target innocent people.
The revised guidelines going into effect Monday will allow agents to use undercover sources to gather information, interview people without identifying themselves and spy on suspects without evidence of wrongdoing.
Critics say the rules will allow for abuses, including more racial and religious profiling.
"That's an extraordinary power," said Mike German, a former FBI agent who now advises the American Civil Liberties Union.
"There is anxiety the Middle Eastern community will be targeted," said lawyer Nabih Ayad, who has defended a number of Arab Americans charged in national security cases. "There is always a danger in the implementation when you give such discretion in the hands of agents."
FBI agents have met twice with community leaders to assure them they won't be targeted, according to the Detroit Free Press.
Andrew Arena, special agent in charge of the FBI in Detroit said there would be no profiling under the new regulations.
Why would anyone worry about these expanded powers given to the FBI? The FBI are good right? I trust them.
DETROIT - Some Arab- and Muslim-Americans say new Justice Department guidelines that boost the FBI's power to investigate suspected terrorists could target innocent people.
The revised guidelines going into effect Monday will allow agents to use undercover sources to gather information, interview people without identifying themselves and spy on suspects without evidence of wrongdoing.
Critics say the rules will allow for abuses, including more racial and religious profiling.
"That's an extraordinary power," said Mike German, a former FBI agent who now advises the American Civil Liberties Union.
"There is anxiety the Middle Eastern community will be targeted," said lawyer Nabih Ayad, who has defended a number of Arab Americans charged in national security cases. "There is always a danger in the implementation when you give such discretion in the hands of agents."
FBI agents have met twice with community leaders to assure them they won't be targeted, according to the Detroit Free Press.
Andrew Arena, special agent in charge of the FBI in Detroit said there would be no profiling under the new regulations.
Why would anyone worry about these expanded powers given to the FBI? The FBI are good right? I trust them.