Is it anti-Semitism?

Dion ditches candidate over 9/11 remarks
By The Canadian Press
TORONTO — Liberal Leader Stephane Dion dumped a candidate Friday after she was accused of anti-Semitism.
Lesley Hughes — who’s running for the party in a Winnipeg riding — had faced criticism for an old blog posting in which she suggested Israeli intelligence warned the United States in advance of the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center and “Israeli businesses” vacated the premises before the attack.
Hughes later described herself as a “lifelong friend and supporter of the Jewish community in Winnipeg” and apologized for the “perception” that she is anti-Semitic.
But the apology wasn’t enough for her party leader.
“The Liberal party’s commitment to tolerance and multiculturalism is paramount,” Dion said in a statement.
“I have reviewed the past comments of Lesley Hughes and it is clear they do not meet this standard. While I appreciate her apology, I cannot condone those sentiments in any way.
“I have therefore asked Ms. Hughes to step down as the Liberal party candidate in Kildonan-St. Paul.”
Dion had earlier fended off questions about Hughes, saying the Canadian Jewish Congress was investigating to determine whether in fact the blog post should be construed as anti-Semitic
By The Canadian Press
TORONTO — Liberal Leader Stephane Dion dumped a candidate Friday after she was accused of anti-Semitism.
Lesley Hughes — who’s running for the party in a Winnipeg riding — had faced criticism for an old blog posting in which she suggested Israeli intelligence warned the United States in advance of the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center and “Israeli businesses” vacated the premises before the attack.
Hughes later described herself as a “lifelong friend and supporter of the Jewish community in Winnipeg” and apologized for the “perception” that she is anti-Semitic.
But the apology wasn’t enough for her party leader.
“The Liberal party’s commitment to tolerance and multiculturalism is paramount,” Dion said in a statement.
“I have reviewed the past comments of Lesley Hughes and it is clear they do not meet this standard. While I appreciate her apology, I cannot condone those sentiments in any way.
“I have therefore asked Ms. Hughes to step down as the Liberal party candidate in Kildonan-St. Paul.”
Dion had earlier fended off questions about Hughes, saying the Canadian Jewish Congress was investigating to determine whether in fact the blog post should be construed as anti-Semitic
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i do think harper should turf their calgary centre candidate and layton should dump their durham candidate ...
It says all you need to know about this particular Jewish community.
Tolerance is barely a concept or definition understood by Stephane Dion and the Jewish community.
If anyone who perceives what Lesley Hughes said as anti-semitic is either dumber than door-knob or inherently corrupt.
Apparently tolerance only works one way for these people. Any time Israel is called to task or called for accountability; the anti-semitic card comes flying out of their hands. Seems like any time a Jewish person is criticized, the very same anti-semitic card is played.
It really has been disgustingly manipulative and what has become a typical re-direction by the Jewish Community, Israelis and Jewish individuals.
I've been really fed up with this anti-semitism card being played, for a long time.
It's just a way of never having to answer to or be held accountable for thier actions or words.
Wow, its always nice to generalize.
Your comments are the anti-semetic ones.
Silly? Probably.
Do you see Any truth in what NMyTree is saying?..also how do you feel about the article. was it correct to fire her based on what you have read? saying it is anti-semtic.
While I don't feel that using "the card" is a great method for arguing, there is a reason why people do use it.
Most groups that use "the card" have had struggles with oppression in the past, so it may be an instinct to use it, and in some cases, it may be justified.
Like it or not, "Israeli" is a synonym for "jewish", so any anti-Israeli comment is bound to be taken as anti-semetic.
It's all about perception....a politician should know that people are always going to look for doublespeak in the words.
my real name is Dion and any time i see it somewhere, i get a bit freaked out.
thank you
Yeah, that's what it is.
See what I mean?
But I do find it hilarious you responded exactly in the manner I described.
Whether the irony escapes you or not, is anyone's guess.
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Unless she had seen with her own eyes indisputable proof supporting her comments, then what it amounts to is simply the desire to sling mud against Israel instead of an obligation.
Furthermore, you don't know or understand the definition of Anti-semitism.
The term and definition has been grossly expanded ( by people like you) to cover any criticism of anything or anyone Jewish or Israeli.
What Lesley Hughes said does not meet the definition of the term Anti-semitism, by any stretch of the imagination. Not even close. Nor what I said
As I said, only a knucklehead or inherently corrupt individual would interpret it that way. .
It's still not Anti-semitic.
And Israel and Jewish comminuty certainly make plenty of outlandish statements and accusations, on a regular basis. But of course to hold them to the same standards of obligation, responsibility and accountibility; would be Anti-semitic. Right?
I just can't figure out why you're so eager to change the subject.
Your response started off good with a simple, "It's not anti-semitic."
Then you went off into a whole other subject.
Oh, and BTW, it is anti-semitic to knowingly make false accusations against Israel, as Israel is synonymous with Jews. It's like saying the holocaust didn't happen.
Again, I didn't say she knowingly made false accusations. I said that if she did, then it would be anti-semitic.
A I am Jewish
B I worked at the WTC
C Nobody warned me
D I went to 20 Funerals where 10ish of them were Jews
So do I think there was advance warning, NO.
Is it Anti-Semetic?
Well let me say this. Right after the attacks there was a rampant rumor that Saudi and other Arab Nations were pre-warned by Osama Bin Laden and Arab gypsy and NYC cab drivers were aware of the attacks and did not drive anywhere near the sights. What do you think the response was. That Arabs who lived in America were ALL Anti-American, not American first and if they knew before the attacks and did not warn the American Intelligence or Military worlds, they are traitors. Therefore we should round all of them up because we can't trust them. Would you consider the deliverer of these obviously false rumors Anti-Arab?
I believe the same argument was used to create internment camps against the japanese in WWII.
So let me ask you. What does the seemingly innocent comment about 9/11 and Israelis suggest. The same nonsense that has been following the jews for generations. They are not nationalistic, they look after their own first and they can not be trusted. Therefore persecution is warranted. Would you consider that any different from the other two examples above?
So I guess you know my answer..
It say's "Israeli businesses", not that every Jewish person in the towers got a text msg about it.
Also explain why Israeli spy's were round up after 9/11? I'm not saying that Israel had advanced info, but it should not sound crazy to suggest such a thing. Also remembering Israels past. Blowing up American interests and trying to blame it on other countries for example.
Also take a look at how much Israel has gained from 9/11.
Yes but Israel is also a government, a state in which not just jewish people live.
That's beside the point. That's like saying that a person who hates middle eastern countries is not anti-arab because not everyone who lives in the middle east is arab.
Common sense fills in the blanks here.
In this case, if someone say's that they hate middle eastern countries, it is indeed not necessarily anti arab.
Define "in this case."
how pathetic to even make the claim in the first place...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
wow...are you f'n kidding?
i think the people who havent experienced it are the ones that abuse the word by throwing it out there any chance they get. pathetic.
Oh for fuck's sake. No it is not antisemitic. Are you fuckin' kidding me?
Do you even know the definition of the word? I don't believe you do.
Just because someone makes accusations against Israel (or a Jewish person), doesn't automatically make it an attack based on hate of the judaism and the people who define themselves by judaism.
That's about as an absurdly laughable comment as I have ever heard.
It's all in the intention. Which could be politically motivated or motivated by hundreds of other reasons other than religion.
It is the Jewish community and their overly-PC, overly-sensitive or Liberal-extremist apologists who have conjoined it all into any criticism of Israel or a Jewish person as an attack on their whole religion.
What a narrow-minded and manipulative load of crap.
It is a tactic Israel often uses to misdirect and divert attention from the attrocities they commit every day.
Israel is anti-Palestinic.
In spite of all that wonderful rhetoric, you couldn't even bother correctly quoting my post.
I said, ..."intentionally/knowingly making false accusations..."
But you're right that just because someone makes accusations against Israel, it doesn't mean that person is anti-semitic. I never said that was the case.
Wow, all the energy you spent typing up all that blah blah blah over a simple misundestanding on your part. Maybe you should seek help.
Yeah, quite the side-step shuffle and backpeddle twist you're doing, here.
Proper reading comprehension can seem that way to some people.
The real story is dismissed as nonsense and the rantings of conspiracy theorists. Especially by Israel and Jews.
So the apologists and those who have never read a dictionary...... just fall in-line and parrot what their told to say.