Ben & Jerry's-Ice Cream with Breast Milk?

By John Curran, The Associated Press
WATERBURY, Vt. - Mooove over, Holsteins.
PETA wants world-famous Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to tap nursing moms, rather than cows, for the milk used in its ice cream. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is asking the ice cream maker to begin using breast milk in its products instead of cow's milk, saying it would reduce the suffering of cows and calves and give ice cream lovers a healthier product.
The idea is getting a cool reception from Ben & Jerry's officials, the company's customers and even La Leche League International, the world's oldest breastfeeding support organization, which promotes the practice - for babies, anyway.
PETA wrote a letter to company founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield on Tuesday, telling them cow's milk is hazardous and that milking them is cruel.
I'm jokingly giving this a thumbs up,
WATERBURY, Vt. - Mooove over, Holsteins.
PETA wants world-famous Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to tap nursing moms, rather than cows, for the milk used in its ice cream. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is asking the ice cream maker to begin using breast milk in its products instead of cow's milk, saying it would reduce the suffering of cows and calves and give ice cream lovers a healthier product.
The idea is getting a cool reception from Ben & Jerry's officials, the company's customers and even La Leche League International, the world's oldest breastfeeding support organization, which promotes the practice - for babies, anyway.
PETA wrote a letter to company founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield on Tuesday, telling them cow's milk is hazardous and that milking them is cruel.
I'm jokingly giving this a thumbs up,

Post edited by Unknown User on
Yes, indeed! I have a hard time understanding how anyone takes them seriously anymore, unless they've got the intellect of Pamela Anderson.
Absolutely. I would NEVER hurt an animal... that is just FUCKED up. I love animals and my puppy dog is like my child. But PETA is run by a bunch of idiots. Come on... seriously?... they want us to drink milk from nursing moms?
yeah, just wanted to quote this one more time. hopefully, everyone that replies to this thread will quote cutback first.
Honestly, if they want to ask ice cream makers to use human milk, it really does no harm. B and J can just laugh at them and we can all call it a day. The only harm it does is to their credibility. They cannot ask them to do something this logistically impossible without selling them that it would be possible. Then it angers everyone and causes them to ignore any reasonable message they send. A worse thing they did (A story I read years ago) was go to a middle school and pass things out encouraging kids not to drink milk. Some kids are very impressionable and I am sure a few of those parents had to deal with the implications of getting calcium to a growing child. How can they possibly think that's going to be good PR?
Anyway, 90% of people will react like most of us did. They need to disband for a while and then come back with a new name and a PR department. Then they could do some actual good.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
That's true. It's a good cause with horrible, horrible execution.
Is this a joke?
Being against animal cruelty is entirely different from endorsing scare tactics to scare kids and cause rebellion against family members. Like Peta's campaign 'Your Daddy Kills Animals," featuring a grinning psycho gutting a fish, and warns kids to keep their puppies and kittens away from Dad because he's "hooked on killing." Idiots.
Let's terrorize the kids and get them to distrust their parents and destroy the already flagging family structure. At least the animals will be saved.
Peta is a joke and i hope a fucking cow eats them.
i knew it!!!!!!
You have to admit that PETA's campaign does make one think.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
the only thing i think is do they really buy into their own bullshit. as was said earlier, cruelty to animals isn't cool. but i don't need an organization to tell me that, i can figure it out on my own.
I'd order this on Pay-Per-View
Uhh, yes. Think Jonathan Swift and A Modest Proposal type irony.
I think they got it wrong though - I don't want ice cream made from Human OR Cow milk. I want Ben and Jerry's soy milk ice cream please. Soy milk version of CHERRY GARCIA!
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008