Oliver Stone tackling 9/11 conspiracy

Agence France-Presse
Last updated 11:22pm (Mla time) 09/11/2006
MOSCOW -- US filmmaker Oliver Stone, who surprised many with the patriotic flavor of his new film "World Trade Center," hinted here Monday that he is considering a more controversial follow-up investigating the "conspiracy" around 9-11.
"There is a great story in a movie, a conspiracy by a group of people in the American administration who have an agenda and who used 9-11 to further that agenda," he told journalists while in Moscow as part of a world tour to promote his latest movie.
There could be a "fascinating project (on) what happened after September 11," the director said at his packed press conference on the fifth anniversary of the attacks, wearing a light blue, open shirt and dark jacket
"World Trade Center" tells the story of two New York police officers who were trapped in the ruins of the collapsed twin towers but survived after being found by a retired US marine.
Critics used to Stone's anti-establishment anger in films such as "Salvador", "Platoon", JFK" and "Nixon", were surprised that "World Trade Center" avoids politics and instead concentrates on traditional Hollywood themes of individual courage, sacrifice, faith and family ties.
At his press conference, Stone accused President George W. Bush of mishandling the fight against Bin Laden's militants and using the crisis to stoke fear and bolster his own power at home in a way that was "right out of George Orwell".
"I think there's been an abuse of the powers of government," he said.
He says that ‘World Trade Centre’ formed the basis for him to make its sequel, and that he has uncovered countless tales about the atrocities which he wants to now bring to the big screen.
Last updated 11:22pm (Mla time) 09/11/2006
MOSCOW -- US filmmaker Oliver Stone, who surprised many with the patriotic flavor of his new film "World Trade Center," hinted here Monday that he is considering a more controversial follow-up investigating the "conspiracy" around 9-11.
"There is a great story in a movie, a conspiracy by a group of people in the American administration who have an agenda and who used 9-11 to further that agenda," he told journalists while in Moscow as part of a world tour to promote his latest movie.
There could be a "fascinating project (on) what happened after September 11," the director said at his packed press conference on the fifth anniversary of the attacks, wearing a light blue, open shirt and dark jacket
"World Trade Center" tells the story of two New York police officers who were trapped in the ruins of the collapsed twin towers but survived after being found by a retired US marine.
Critics used to Stone's anti-establishment anger in films such as "Salvador", "Platoon", JFK" and "Nixon", were surprised that "World Trade Center" avoids politics and instead concentrates on traditional Hollywood themes of individual courage, sacrifice, faith and family ties.
At his press conference, Stone accused President George W. Bush of mishandling the fight against Bin Laden's militants and using the crisis to stoke fear and bolster his own power at home in a way that was "right out of George Orwell".
"I think there's been an abuse of the powers of government," he said.
He says that ‘World Trade Centre’ formed the basis for him to make its sequel, and that he has uncovered countless tales about the atrocities which he wants to now bring to the big screen.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Very different films, one of which I'd want to see, the other of which I'd have no interest in.
please oliver,no more re-writing of history for fianiancial gain.
Bern 13/9/06
I agree, actually. What is less clear to me is what people are coping with. The emotional crisis caused by an event like 9-11, or their own issues? Probably depends on the individual case. I imagine that some people feel safer if the threat is kept "internal" ... An inside job is easier to accept and understand that the possibility that the Western world has external enemies? I don't know. I also feel that Bush's actions have made people suspicious... Another president might have evoked less conspiracy.
i think some of it may be that people don't want to believe or find it hard to believe that a small group of people could do something so terrible (esp if you feel that human beings are individually "good" and must consciously try to do bad). It's easier to cope and "handle it" if there was some super power in control that did it. Like you, I imagine it's coping b/c of the magnitude of emotion and/or some personal issue (ideals are being contradicted). I don't think that Bush by himself makes people more suspicious; i think it's the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield PNAC affiliation that get's people going. I think that sometimes the conspiracy theories are good as long as people work through it. Who knows, maybe it was a conspiracy, but to me there are a lot of things that have to be overlooked in order to accept the conspiracy. But I'm not trying to turn this into another conspiracy thread, lord knows we have enough of them.
How is it a coping mechanism? What part of 9/11 does the average person who has nothing to do with america find hard to deal with?
I think it is far more difficult for people to take in the fact that a goverment could possibly carry out such an attack on it's own people than it is to believe some so called terrorists carried it out, after all isn't that what terrorists do? kill innocent people.
I think that believing the spin is a coping mechanism, more so than not blindly believing what you are told.
Throughout history leaders have done horrible things for there own gain and i really don't see why people think that this has changed all of a sudden.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
look at my above post. For me it is much more difficult to accept the gov't did it and there are certain quesitons that must be reconciled in order to fully subscribe to some of the conspiracy.
I agree with your last statement. Osama bin laden is a leader and def did that for his own gain. That's prob what people have a hard time with is that some group could actually pull this off in the US.
I mean we have motive, and motive is perhaps where we should start from, why would america want the towers to fall? (or something to that affect?)
I'm not worried about how the towers came down, i'm more interested in who wanted the towers to come down, why and who benifits from it.
Also reborn, I dunno if an inside job is easier to accept, I mean that is the ultimate betrayal, one would think that it would be much easier to accept an enemy from the outside, probably the reason many americans so quickly jumped in the same line and stood together after.
anyway, that point you brought up about people and "their own issues" is very interesting. I think many americans are very insercure with themselves, I mean we can see it everything they do, in their ads, movies and even the people they vote for,that's why it's hard for them to accept that they are hated, but they were given the brainwashing after 9/11 to comfort them into hating a common enemy "al queida". America pulling the string of it's puppet tax payers.
now of course it is true that america is disliked by much of the world and in this case much of the arab world, so it's not hard to believe that these guy's attacked america, but then we get back to the point of how maybe the US government allowed it to happen, wanted/needed it to happen for whatever reasons they have.
Of course it is difficult to think that your own goverment could do or let this happen.
I was talking of all the things that goverments have done or let happen, not terrorists. I think osama bin laden is given to much credit and i don't think he and his people have the sort of resorces avalible to them to pull something like 9/11 off.
The only reason i question the offical story of 9/11 is the fact that the towers and WT7 were taken down by controlled demolition. If they had let the events of that day happen natrually i probably would have been less inclined to question it.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
good question. I'm sure both sides could build decent cases. US can use it as ammo to invade iraq control oil...AQ can use it to strike fear into US and wage jihad on the west.
i think those are the important issues. I think allowed it to happen my have the most merit. Not allowed as in knew it was occurring that day and sat back and watched with martini in hand but more allowed it in that they weren't vigiliant enough on the front end, or perhaps to ignorant, stubborn, egotistical to believe it would happen. I hope that with the information we know now that it would be handled differently back then, but that's the benefit of hindsight.
If it ever came to light the US gov't WANTED it to happen I can't imagine what would happen. That would be the greatest tragedy; the ultimate betrayal.
as i think it should be.
That is exactly the attitude that probably led to him doing it. Thank you for helping prove my point. Conspiracy theorists think that the gov't is the supreme controller and a small group couldn't possibly do anything against the gov't. Which is ironic b/c those people usually preach that one person CAN make a difference.
not going there. There's other threads that have. I'll just say it's your formulated opinion that the towers were taken down that way NOT fact. Fact / truth is irrefutable.
There is no way of knowing now because someone thought it would be a great idea to destroy all the evidence before it was allowed to be looked at which again points to guilt.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I'll go there. There's absolutely no convincing evidence that the Towers were brought down by controlled demolition.
thank you.
by that logic purple elephants could have destroyed it...we'll never know b/c they were incinerated and they were destroyed.
Sorry, had to. I do admire your willpower, though.
i just figured i'd try to not do the conspiracy thread, at least for this day. But It was tough, I'm glad you came through for me.
Erm yea, and there is no convincing evidence that they fell any other way either.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.