So you think I should take the kid and his family to small claims? I'm not sure that'll work, I mean they don't seem to have much money. well not enough for it to make a difference in my problem (Like losing value on my car).
I believe that it's my insurance company that has to go after him or his company but I still won't see any of what they may get. so I'm at a loss no matter what.
I also don't want to put his family in a position that'll have them making payments towards me for X amount of years, regardless of the fact that it was their fault, It's not right I don't think. I guess i'll take the loss on this one.
Well the good news is if you were dead you wouldn't have had to tell us the story. Shake the head man. You could be paralized or something right now. Take them to the cleaners and they can learn their lesson. Same with the shitty insurance company.
Well the good news is if you were dead you wouldn't have had to tell us the story. Shake the head man. You could be paralized or something right now. Take them to the cleaners and they can learn their lesson. Same with the shitty insurance company.
well bro If I did that, perhaps the only thing they would learn is how a mistake they made can last them a lifetime of troubles, I mean these people live a very avg life, I mean income wise (it seems).
I came out of the accident with just some sore bits, so i'm fine. So for that i'm happy. If I was paralized then i'd worry about it then or if I was dead i'm sure my friends and family would deal with that or do what needs to be done.
So for now I do want to go after money for the depreciation of my car, but that i'll have to take up with the insurance and later if they (the insurance)go after him then that's not my problem. But that's probably what will happen.
even basic insurance should cover up to 25,000 for liability...that's, what the hell kind of car are you driving where a rear-end collision that DOESN'T total the car is over 20K to fix? ha!
Florida is a no fault state. that means that you have no direct recourse with the driver, unless you can prove gross negligence, which is going to be difficult if not impossible to do.
I am sorry for your loss, but you are alive and relatively well, so be grateful for that. Sounds like there's a good chance that the value of your damage is greater than the value of that kids entire car...which seems to suggest that you have a very expensive car...which again would suggest that you were wise enough to protect yourself with regard to insurance.
A teenager drove his car into the back of mine, at about 35mph. My damage is over 20k. Now the teen's insurance can't cover the damage fully because he only has "basic" insurance (I think that's the name).
anyone been in this kinda situation? Also now that the car is damaged/been in an accident the value drops, so how can I claim the depreciation value from the insurance? My insurance will be paying the difference for the "fix" but I still will lose money when I sell it due to it being in an accident.
and please people, I can't stress this enough, pay attention to the road, keep a safe distance from the car infront of you.
I feel bad for the kid and his family, I mean this is gonna haunt them financially for a long time,but hey, good thing everyone came out without any major injuries. So it's all good.
Check your insurance probably have Underinsured Moterist you should check into making a claim against your insurance company....this happened to my wife....she was hit by a car while crossing a cross walk.....the woman's insurance cap was $30K, our medicals alone exceeded that......we recovered $30K from her insurance, and then made a UIM claim against my insurance company, we recovered $70K from them.
You're a real revolutionary, driving around in a $40,000 Mercedes.
I'm sorry but personal attacks are not allowed on this board and being labeled as a Mercedes owner is an insult to me, I would never buy something as slow as one of those.
In college my car was totaled by a drunk, uninsured, unemployed, welfare mother of 4 (I think I'm remembering that right), and the car was registered to some guy in Wisconsin that the police could never located (ie. the police told me it was a stolen car).
NOthing happened to her...the cops told me as much. Meanwhile I got into a cursing match with a CIncinnati bike officer when she tried to write me a ticket because my car was up on the curb for more than 24 hours. Hell I was in college with no $ trying to figure out what to do. She didn't write me a ticket and that's a good thing cause I may have ended up in jail had she done that.
Anyhow, I feel your pain, and my car was only worth about $3000...but when you consider my income back then, probably had the same impact.
Yeah he got a reckless driving citation. Things are in motion as far as both insurance companies go, they all know the story, but I'm prety disappointed with my insurance company, they are not very helpful.
lol, i wouldn't be surprised if your insurance rates went up as a result of this, too.
"PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
~Michael Bolton
In college my car was totaled by a drunk, uninsured, unemployed, welfare mother of 4 (I think I'm remembering that right), and the car was registered to some guy in Wisconsin that the police could never located (ie. the police told me it was a stolen car).
NOthing happened to her...the cops told me as much. Meanwhile I got into a cursing match with a CIncinnati bike officer when she tried to write me a ticket because my car was up on the curb for more than 24 hours. Hell I was in college with no $ trying to figure out what to do. She didn't write me a ticket and that's a good thing cause I may have ended up in jail had she done that.
Anyhow, I feel your pain, and my car was only worth about $3000...but when you consider my income back then, probably had the same impact.
Good luck.
It's good that everything worked out for yea, it's all part of life I guess, sometimes things will happen that are not always in our control, what matters is how we deal with them.
Something else about the accident that I did'nt mention, right after it, not one person stopped to ask us if we needed help, my vehicle assist SOS thing went off and that's what called the police and ambulance (it triggers after it detects an impact). so that's some good technology that worked out that day. But what if I did'nt have that? and what if we had some serious injuries, it's scary to know that people don't care enough to pull over, I mean at the time the other drivers on the road did'nt know the severity of the crash, for all they know someone could've been trapped in the car, luckily that was not the case.
Now that I look at it, the fact that people did'nt ask if we needed help is what get's me upset, more than the kid hitting me. and it was a busy intersection as well. so enough cars were around but kept on driving.
Florida is a no fault state. that means that you have no direct recourse with the driver, unless you can prove gross negligence, which is going to be difficult if not impossible to do.
Exactly right.
MrBrian, any chance of you able to get with USAA?? That's been my insurance for many years and they are superior when it comes to fighting for you.
i don't know that you could win the depreciation value unless you planned on selling the car soon, otherwise there's no way to prove you would not get into an accident that was your fault in the future which would have depreciated the value if he hadn't.
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
After the car got fixed, I drove it for a few more months then decided to sell it...Took it over to VW for a trade (I wanted something better on gas) and they started to look over the car, of course they asked me if it's even been in an accident. I said yes and guess what? they didnt believe it, the repair job was done to factory standards and the accident was never filed?
You know when they check your cars history, every accident should show up? well it didnt for me. So in a way I got what I wanted. A car that I could sell for it's going price (as if it was never in an accident)
Not that I did that of course. But i'm sure this kinda thing happens far too often.
So watch out what you buy, you never really know exactly what you may be getting.
Well the good news is if you were dead you wouldn't have had to tell us the story. Shake the head man. You could be paralized or something right now. Take them to the cleaners and they can learn their lesson. Same with the shitty insurance company.
well bro If I did that, perhaps the only thing they would learn is how a mistake they made can last them a lifetime of troubles, I mean these people live a very avg life, I mean income wise (it seems).
I came out of the accident with just some sore bits, so i'm fine. So for that i'm happy. If I was paralized then i'd worry about it then or if I was dead i'm sure my friends and family would deal with that or do what needs to be done.
So for now I do want to go after money for the depreciation of my car, but that i'll have to take up with the insurance and later if they (the insurance)go after him then that's not my problem. But that's probably what will happen.
from my window to yours
I am sorry for your loss, but you are alive and relatively well, so be grateful for that. Sounds like there's a good chance that the value of your damage is greater than the value of that kids entire car...which seems to suggest that you have a very expensive car...which again would suggest that you were wise enough to protect yourself with regard to insurance.
old music:
Check your insurance probably have Underinsured Moterist you should check into making a claim against your insurance company....this happened to my wife....she was hit by a car while crossing a cross walk.....the woman's insurance cap was $30K, our medicals alone exceeded that......we recovered $30K from her insurance, and then made a UIM claim against my insurance company, we recovered $70K from them.
i'm curious, what should a "revolutionary" be driving...?
I guess the only option would be on foot. Even bike tires require energy to manufacture and then they polute the earth when you throw them away...
I'm sorry but personal attacks are not allowed on this board and being labeled as a Mercedes owner is an insult to me, I would never buy something as slow as one of those.
NOthing happened to her...the cops told me as much. Meanwhile I got into a cursing match with a CIncinnati bike officer when she tried to write me a ticket because my car was up on the curb for more than 24 hours. Hell I was in college with no $ trying to figure out what to do. She didn't write me a ticket and that's a good thing cause I may have ended up in jail had she done that.
Anyhow, I feel your pain, and my car was only worth about $3000...but when you consider my income back then, probably had the same impact.
Good luck.
lol, i wouldn't be surprised if your insurance rates went up as a result of this, too.
~Michael Bolton
It's good that everything worked out for yea, it's all part of life I guess, sometimes things will happen that are not always in our control, what matters is how we deal with them.
Something else about the accident that I did'nt mention, right after it, not one person stopped to ask us if we needed help, my vehicle assist SOS thing went off and that's what called the police and ambulance (it triggers after it detects an impact). so that's some good technology that worked out that day. But what if I did'nt have that? and what if we had some serious injuries, it's scary to know that people don't care enough to pull over, I mean at the time the other drivers on the road did'nt know the severity of the crash, for all they know someone could've been trapped in the car, luckily that was not the case.
Now that I look at it, the fact that people did'nt ask if we needed help is what get's me upset, more than the kid hitting me. and it was a busy intersection as well. so enough cars were around but kept on driving.
Exactly right.
MrBrian, any chance of you able to get with USAA?? That's been my insurance for many years and they are superior when it comes to fighting for you.
I agree with others...I am glad you are okay!
I'm reading on them now, but it looks like it's a military personnel thing, so I don't think so.
anyone with Geico? I like those ads they have with the Gecko. Maybe i'll switch to them after all of this.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
After the car got fixed, I drove it for a few more months then decided to sell it...Took it over to VW for a trade (I wanted something better on gas) and they started to look over the car, of course they asked me if it's even been in an accident. I said yes and guess what? they didnt believe it, the repair job was done to factory standards and the accident was never filed?
You know when they check your cars history, every accident should show up? well it didnt for me. So in a way I got what I wanted. A car that I could sell for it's going price (as if it was never in an accident)
Not that I did that of course. But i'm sure this kinda thing happens far too often.
So watch out what you buy, you never really know exactly what you may be getting.