Good Herpes/Bad Herpes

So Who has the Herpes? Something that I did'nt know until a couple weeks ago is that fever blisters or cold sores are caused by the herpes.
something like 60-70% of the population has the herpes, very few people know they have it.
It's also possible to pass the herpes 1 onto your partners genitals via oral sex.
Some people also look at Oral herpes as the "good" herpes Vs genital herpes (virus 2) as the "bad herpes". Probably because simplex 2 is mainly passed via sex and simplex 1 is passed most often in non sexual social environments.
Of course Herpes is Herpes and they both are a virus and both are bad. Infact Oral Herpes can spread to your eyes and cause loss of vision.
Just some info that I came across doing some research on STDs, So am I the only one on the board that did'nt know about fever blisters?
something like 60-70% of the population has the herpes, very few people know they have it.
It's also possible to pass the herpes 1 onto your partners genitals via oral sex.
Some people also look at Oral herpes as the "good" herpes Vs genital herpes (virus 2) as the "bad herpes". Probably because simplex 2 is mainly passed via sex and simplex 1 is passed most often in non sexual social environments.
Of course Herpes is Herpes and they both are a virus and both are bad. Infact Oral Herpes can spread to your eyes and cause loss of vision.
Just some info that I came across doing some research on STDs, So am I the only one on the board that did'nt know about fever blisters?
Post edited by Unknown User on
HPV is another really common STD and there is only like 2 strains that have symptoms. That's why condoms are a good idea.
fever blisters, they are small blisters mainly found around or just under the lips. they go away after a couple weeks.
Yeah condoms can help stop the spread of HPV but the condom may not cover every part of the infected area. so it can still spread.
One of those wonderful viruses that sits and waits to be triggered but some biochemical stimulus.
I have fever blisters ever since I can remember. I think I must have been born with the virus since my mom has it too.
correct, one is not a "good" herpes.
If you have blisters around the lip, that's simplex 1, oral herpes, you were not born with it, you probably had it passed to you from your mom or another family member while she/they had an outbreak during your early childhood.
If a woman has genital herpes, she can pass it onto her child during childbirth, that can mean some major complications for the child. cesarean section would be done to avoid that.
I would ask a doctor. I have the "lip" kind and I know that the fever blisters on my lips only appear when my body is under stress of some sort - either mental or physical. From what I have read it's the same with genital herpes. The blisters will only appear at certain times, even though you may have the virus. I guess there is some sort of blood test that can see if the virus is present. The only symptom are the blisters. I think that it is much harder to transmit herpes when the blisters are NOT present, but it is possible.
I don't kiss my husband when I have a fever blister. I don't want him to catch it. We have been married for going on 9 years and dated 6 years before that and he has never caught it - or at least he has never had a fever blister.
did she say that it was genital herpes? yes you can get a blood test which can show if you have it and if it's type 1 or type 2. Sometimes people don't get any symptoms, or the symptoms are just very very mild.
something called "Asymptomatic Shedding" does exist, so the virus can still be passed without any signs of it. But it's more on the rare side, obvioulsy if someone has blisters, that's the best time to keep away.
Why does'nt he just have a blood test to know if he has it or not? If he does then you won't have to be that careful around him since a person can't catch the same virus twice, once you have it, you have it for life.
wow. im surprised you would share that information on a message board. that sucks.
blood tests for that.
You'd be surprised at some of the stuff that's shared on the board. I've shared some stuff because I believe the people around her are easier to get along with than other people I could tell.
Also, you do not have to be showing any sx to pass the virus. You could have it for like 2 years and never show symptoms. There are blood tests you can take, but you have to be showing sx to be diagnosised.
Just some FYI's.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Also would like to add that type 2 on the face is rare, most cases or oral herpes are type 1, but type 1 on the genitals is common, that's passed mainly via oral sex. I was reading about a recent study done in england showing that cases of type 1 herpes on the genitals is more common than type 2. mainly because teens were having more oral sex than genital to genital sex.
Yea, genital herpes. I'm planning on being tested for all that shit. I used a condom so I have a chance anyway.
Whatever man, are you going to go posting it around or something?
well as long as she did'nt have any blisters at that time and you used protection, your risk was much lower, but still a risk. I'm not sure how couples handle it, when one partner has it and the other does'nt. But they obvioulsy are able to work around it.
Nevertheless a blood test will give you the results, I think they look for antibodies. I'm not sure how I'd react if a girl told me that she had genital herpes right before we were about to have sex, well i'd probably not have sex with her. well not until I know the safest way.
What I want to know is this...
Did she tell you before or after you had sex?
If she told you after and knew about it and is "oh, by the way..." that is just fuckin' wrong! The deserves a serious bitch slapping!
If she told you before then it was you that was playing with fire.
I've had those very zits turn into nasty cold sores. Haven't had any in a while, but they happen from time to time. :(
She told me before.
I disagree.
Have you ever seen a Valtrex commercial? Couples in love hiking, biking, canoeing, holding hands, and other such shit.
If that's what herpes is the sign me up!
Adam Carolla calls it "the happies".
My best girl friend has been diagnosised with this about 3 years ago. Her ex fiance cheated on her and passed it to her. She is now married (to a different man). Her husband knows about, and they do just fine. He is aware that he may and even probably will contract the virus...but he is willing to take the chance I guess. She has also told me about some concerns with pregnancy and the virus.
i'm thinkin about makin my sig
yeah dude, they do seem pretty happy and more active than the avg person.
But I notice that most medicine ads in the US show people really really really happy and whatever, then the narrator quickly says "this product may cause dizziness,diarrhea,cramps,blah blah blah". Gotta love advertising.
This type of stuff is unnecessary, joke or not, it's just not very mature.
I'll take that into consideration. thanks
Not a spreadable kind once it's dormant though.
Perhaps I can offer you some NON-VIOLENCE education. No woman (or man) deserves a bitch slapping. I am fond of the following teaching, and apply it's principle of forgiveness in my life (towards my childhood sexual abuser):
"Not an eye for an eye as the golden rule?"
"No. It just leaves a room full of blind men." -This can be heard on Dave Matthew's recent album "Stand-Up". Another teacher includes Ghandi, who said, "It just leaves a world full of blind men." I first learned this by reading the bible.
Take some personal responsibilities for your actions, gentlemen. Perhaps if you do not know your partner's sexual history, you ought not sleep with that person.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
I don't think that's always true, if a guy beats a woman up, then beats another woman up, then continues to do that to women for years, do you not think that some older brother of one of those women should find the guy and slap him silly? or do something about this guy?
I dislike violence, don't me wrong, but if someone puts their hand on you in an act of violence, break that hand.