Marine in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' killed

DETROIT - A Marine and one-time recruiter who appeared in Michael Moore's documentary film "Fahrenheit 9/11" has died in a roadside bombing in Iraq.
He is seen in the 2004 film approaching prospective recruits in a mall parking lot.
"It's better to get them when they're in ones and twos and work on them that way," he says in the film.
He is seen in the 2004 film approaching prospective recruits in a mall parking lot.
"It's better to get them when they're in ones and twos and work on them that way," he says in the film.
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I find it doubly tragic that his father said he died fighting for our freedom in Iraq. That slays me.
Anyway, I suppose that it is not the time or place for that now.
I agree. We need to get the hell out of there A.S.A.P. Then, we need to get rid of these AHOLES that are ruining this government of ours!!
ruining this country or ruining this government? because our government has been ruined long before Bush ever took over. the whole system needs an overhaul. no way can they tell us that 2 parties for 300 million people can be just and representative.
True, but this bunch has brought bad government to a new low.
I know that the topic of prayer has been a source of some serious debate on this board, but for anyone who does please keep my friend and the families of those who have lost loved ones in your prayers. If you don't have a faith, which is totally cool, please disregard the last few sentances. Thanks
Let the man believe what he wants to believe ... He needs a coping strategy right now, presumably.
sorry but i can't help but point out the irony of this situation. this man has no doubt recruited many people to join the marines, i am guessing that many of them are in iraq or afghanistan and then he goes to iraq and pays the ultimate price.
the ones that recruit at the school where i work were in iraq and afghanistan and are recruiters now and no longer are required to go to the middle east. i wonder if he volunteered to go.
even though i personally have never supported this war or military spending in general, at least he believed in what he was doing at the time of his passing and felt he was doing the right thing. may he rest in peace.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Well said! The whole system definately needs an overhaul. And your right to distinguish between the government and the country. Too many people fail to make that distinction.
Best post I've read all day. What a sad state that our country is in. That gives me an idea. Maybe when I get some time I'll write my own State of the Union Address. If you don't mind I'll use your analogy to help describe the stupidity of our citizens.
I'll also make sure to include something about all the bastards that voted for the ammendment (in the name of patriotism, no less) to actually take away civil rights from the citizens by making it illegal to burn a flag. Thank God that got shot down. How dare those neocons accuse the objectors as being unpatriotic. What's more patriotic than voting to maintain and protect our civil rights? Oh, yeah.....I forgot that patriotism these days is painting red, white, and blue on the bombs before we drop them.
And while we're talking about patriotism, I'll make sure to include something about a U.S. Marine singing about and celebrating the killing an Iraqi family while we're illegally occupying and terrorizing their country. Now that's what I call patriotism.
So does this apply to people who are here in the US illegally? Just wondering...
Also yesterday, Bush was in town at a $2,000 a plate fundraiser for Jim Talent. The casket of the marine was delayed back to his home town for several hours and the rumor was that the plane had to circle because travel was detoured for Bush.
You can read both stories on They are two seperate stories. Neither makes mention of the other.
Bush did not make an appearance, nor did he send a statement on his behalf. Support our troops indeed.
I don't live in the US and won't judge what some deem to be a problem.
But as a question back. Did they drop bombs and shoot the place to bits as they arrived or did they walk across a desert with a water bottle in their hand? If they were bombing the place by all means shoot them. If they were seeking the life that a plaque at the feet of a statue says. Then you tell me.
I'm not sure if it's a problem or not, there's a lot of grandstanding on both sides of the debate, as well as inflated statistics. My opinion is somewhat skewed, me being an immigrant and all...
You got me, I was not aware that US troops had shot Iraq 'to bits as they arrived.'
Because it was the insurgency!
To add to your point:
Untill their will grows tired
"He's too extreme, and he makes himself look good in his videos."
Regarding point 1 = What the fuck? Extreme? How so? Please elaborate, if you're able to.
Regarding point 2 = Whaaaaat the fuuucccck?
True. I mean, the only way that Michael Moore could 'look good' to basqo is if basqo is the reincarnation of the elephant man, or perhaps a siamese twin version of Pavarotti.
Good post...