sorry i upset so many of you. Im glad to here canada isnt all bad, however, my experience was...besides the actual PJ shows. Even at the Winnepeg show things were troubling. The venue was awesome and i liked the downtown atmosphere. During black i was taking advantage of a down moment to smoke a cigarette and out of nowhere a security guard grabs my brand new pj shirt by the collar and starts dragging me out of the crowd. My buddies grabbed me from the other side. When the dude realized he had more than me to deal with he let me go but continued to yell at me about smoking a cigarette. Meanwhile, Eds up on stage smoking the whole show. Its a fucking rock concert.
Before the show we ate at restaurant connected to the venue where we paid 20 bucks a plate for the smallest portions of overcooked salmon id ever had. Then I went to a gas station and paid $11 for a pack of cigarettes. and get this, on our way home we mangaged to misplace all of our lighters so we stopped at some ma&pa gas station. I went in and asked if i could get a book of matches. You know what the lady said, "There six cents." No fuckin shit. I couldnt believe it. I gave her a US quarter and told her to keep it. God I love Canada!
Well, fucktard, if you did any research at all or payed attention to ANY signs in Winnipeg, you'd realize there is an indoor smoking ban. Yes security can be a little out of hand sometimes at the MTS Centre, but that can be said for any venue.
As for the cost of cigarettes. Two words, health care. Booze and cigarette taxes help pay for the free health care we receive. Have fun paying 3 bucks for a pack of smokes down south and then having nowhere to go when you get emphysema.
If all of your complaints about Canada revolve around smoking, then you are a sad, pathetic waste of space. And this is coming from a smoker.
Don't even get me started on my adventures getting into the states. My car has been thoroughly searched every time except once. We've had border guards call us long haired faggots. I have a friend with the last name Housain who doesn't even bother trying to go to the states because of the bullshit at the border. So as for comparing the borders, give me Canadian border guards any day. Maybe you got searched because the smell the stench of douchebaggery coming from your car.
thats another thing, canadians seem to not give a shit about freedom. Everyone seemed so apathetic to the infrindgement of their personal freedoms in Canada. Im proud to be an American and lucky.
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
thats another thing, canadians seem to not give a shit about freedom. Everyone seemed so apathetic to the infrindgement of their personal freedoms in Canada. Im proud to be an American and lucky.
that is why you never apologize to people on this board....
you apologize and 5 seconds later someone refers to you as a fucktard...
if you think canada sux...then stick with your original statement....
personally i think philly is the biggest piece of shit city on planet earth.....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
that is why you never apologize to people on this board....
you apologize and 5 seconds later someone refers to you as a fucktard...
if you think canada sux...then stick with your original statement....
personally i think philly is the biggest piece of shit city on planet earth.....
philly could use some work, but man, theres alot of history there.
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
Well, fucktard, if you did any research at all or payed attention to ANY signs in Winnipeg, you'd realize there is an indoor smoking ban. Yes security can be a little out of hand sometimes at the MTS Centre, but that can be said for any venue.
As for the cost of cigarettes. Two words, health care. Booze and cigarette taxes help pay for the free health care we receive. Have fun paying 3 bucks for a pack of smokes down south and then having nowhere to go when you get emphysema.
If all of your complaints about Canada revolve around smoking, then you are a sad, pathetic waste of space. And this is coming from a smoker.
Don't even get me started on my adventures getting into the states. My car has been thoroughly searched every time except once. We've had border guards call us long haired faggots. I have a friend with the last name Housain who doesn't even bother trying to go to the states because of the bullshit at the border. So as for comparing the borders, give me Canadian border guards any day. Maybe you got searched because the smell the stench of douchebaggery coming from your car.
canada healthcare program is something to be proud of? Did you know more canadian citizens die from unhygenic hospital practice in canada than from AIDS and smoking combined. What are all those taxes you pay really going to? Cuz if it really is healthcare than id be pretty worried.
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
i still have not found better rock concert tailgaiting in all of my travels...
have you?
im sorry ....
but that disgusting filthy philly parking lot was the biggest fucking disgrace for a tailgate party i have ever witnessed.....
what part of it was i supposed to be impressed with????
the drunken punks throwing shit around???
the fucking garbage piled 2 feet high????
the fucking mile long line for the restrooms????
the fucking vomit?????
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Did you know more canadian citizens die from unhygenic hospital practice in canada than from AIDS and smoking combined.
Where did you read that .....on the back of a pack of smokes!
Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
canada healthcare program is something to be proud of? Did you know more canadian citizens die from unhygenic hospital practice in canada than from AIDS and smoking combined. What are all those taxes you pay really going to? Cuz if it really is healthcare than id be pretty worried.
Fucking stupid Canadians having safe sex and not smoking.
Where did you read that .....on the back of a pack of smokes!
i saw it on the news when i was in canada
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
Guess you wouldn't have a link then to a story from a reputable source or anything else remotely credible to back your statement up!!!
Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
Guess you wouldn't have a link then to a story from a reputable source or anything else remotely credible to back your statement up!!!
yeah i guess your right. I shouldnt believe anything i hear from a canadian news source anyway.
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
This post started out pretty positively with how much people enjoyed the Canadian tour and it's slowly turning into a bitch-fest. Can we tone it down a bit? All things considering, I think we're all pretty lucky to live in the countries we do. There's positives and negatives to everything, and I think the positives far outweigh the negatives in this case.
This post started out pretty positively with how much people enjoyed the Canadian tour and it's slowly turning into a bitch-fest. Can we tone it down a bit? All things considering, I think we're all pretty lucky to live in the countries we do. There's positives and negatives to everything, and I think the positives far outweigh the negatives in this case.
canada rocked...
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
This post started out pretty positively with how much people enjoyed the Canadian tour and it's slowly turning into a bitch-fest. Can we tone it down a bit? All things considering, I think we're all pretty lucky to live in the countries we do. There's positives and negatives to everything, and I think the positives far outweigh the negatives in this case.
your right...when is the last time PJ played in Africa!
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
yeah i guess your right. I shouldnt believe anything i hear from a canadian news source anyway.
Not saying that at all friend ......I'm calling bullshit on your statement!!!
Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
Not saying that at all friend ......I'm calling bullshit on your statement!!!
well if i could source it i would. Ill look around on the web and see what i can come up with. Im dead serious though.. i wouldnt just make shit up!
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
thats another thing, canadians seem to not give a shit about freedom. Everyone seemed so apathetic to the infrindgement of their personal freedoms in Canada. Im proud to be an American and lucky.
Since when is following the law being apathetic and not caring about our freedom? There is a reason the law is in place... because not everyone wants to inhale cig smoke. By smoking inside you're making people choose to either leave or put up with it, and that shouldn't be the case, hence the law. I agree that banning ALL smoking indoors is stupid, and more can be done in that respect. The security guards freak every time they see smoke of any kind, which really pisses me and anyone who's ever been to the MTS centre off.
That 6 cents thing was retarded, don't base your opinion of Canadians on those people. 99 times out of 100 the store clerk woulda gave it to you for free. And the overpriced thing. Well, supply and demand my friend. You payed for it didn't ya? And there is nothing wrong with our health-care system, other than long wait times, and we as Canadians are lucky to be able to live without the fear of getting injured so bad we can't afford to get fixed. So, in conclusion hahaha, CANADA ROCKS!! the Winnipeg show was amazing, please come back PJ!!!
Peace to everyone in Canada, the US, and around the world! Can't we all just be friends?
Well, fucktard, if you did any research at all or payed attention to ANY signs in Winnipeg, you'd realize there is an indoor smoking ban. Yes security can be a little out of hand sometimes at the MTS Centre, but that can be said for any venue.
As for the cost of cigarettes. Two words, health care. Booze and cigarette taxes help pay for the free health care we receive. Have fun paying 3 bucks for a pack of smokes down south and then having nowhere to go when you get emphysema.
If all of your complaints about Canada revolve around smoking, then you are a sad, pathetic waste of space. And this is coming from a smoker.
Don't even get me started on my adventures getting into the states. My car has been thoroughly searched every time except once. We've had border guards call us long haired faggots. I have a friend with the last name Housain who doesn't even bother trying to go to the states because of the bullshit at the border. So as for comparing the borders, give me Canadian border guards any day. Maybe you got searched because the smell the stench of douchebaggery coming from your car.
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
you apologize and 5 seconds later someone refers to you as a fucktard...
if you think canada sux...then stick with your original statement....
personally i think philly is the biggest piece of shit city on planet earth.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
post of the day
i still have not found better rock concert tailgaiting in all of my travels...
have you?
philly could use some work, but man, theres alot of history there.
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
canada healthcare program is something to be proud of? Did you know more canadian citizens die from unhygenic hospital practice in canada than from AIDS and smoking combined. What are all those taxes you pay really going to? Cuz if it really is healthcare than id be pretty worried.
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
but that disgusting filthy philly parking lot was the biggest fucking disgrace for a tailgate party i have ever witnessed.....
what part of it was i supposed to be impressed with????
the drunken punks throwing shit around???
the fucking garbage piled 2 feet high????
the fucking mile long line for the restrooms????
the fucking vomit?????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Where did you read that
Fucking stupid Canadians having safe sex and not smoking.
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
Guess you wouldn't have a link then to a story from a reputable source or anything else remotely credible to back your statement up!!!
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
Not saying that at all friend ......I'm calling bullshit on your statement!!!
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
That 6 cents thing was retarded, don't base your opinion of Canadians on those people. 99 times out of 100 the store clerk woulda gave it to you for free. And the overpriced thing. Well, supply and demand my friend. You payed for it didn't ya? And there is nothing wrong with our health-care system, other than long wait times, and we as Canadians are lucky to be able to live without the fear of getting injured so bad we can't afford to get fixed. So, in conclusion hahaha, CANADA ROCKS!! the Winnipeg show was amazing, please come back PJ!!!
Peace to everyone in Canada, the US, and around the world! Can't we all just be friends?
i met my girlfriend there, well 2 of them
got further with one than the other.
but more close with the better one.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
i fucken agree!!!!!!
what is this lame canada bashing?
i think the world knows how incredible canada is and i don't think anybody needs to justify it to an ignorant fool on here.