Why Obama Can't win

I think the one thing that will prevent obama from winning in the next election (if he runs) is his middle name.
Americans may think his fathers saddam, they'll never vote for him.
Americans may think his fathers saddam, they'll never vote for him.
Post edited by Unknown User on
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
He would enter the 2008 race relying too heavy on a big "build me up" type campaign. All that shit will just get twisted in the media and blowup in his face. Hell FOX probably already have the commercials and storylines ready for release. He needs to wait.
If we ran our personal finances the way our government runs it's finances, we'd be sitting in prison.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
o really mr. greenspan? raising taxes is not necessary. the american economy makes enough money cut the debt in half by 2014. hopefully within the next 2 years we will stop spending money in Iraq. that is just too much money going over there.
You'll see. That is, if we make it to 2014.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
greenspan is god. we will see. if we make it? what will happen? economy isnt going anywhere
I'm not convinced that we won't see a nuclear war in the next 7 years. That's what I mean by if we're around.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
ah ok. I'm much more optimistic then you. cheer up buddy
That, and he's black. No offense, I'd vote for Alan Keyes, but I wouldn't expect him to get elected.
-Enoch Powell
It's the confident voice/tone that he has that people like.
He's even rather weak on the opposition to the war.
He's a new personality, though, and I think that is making him plausible candidate.
Middle of the road, typical politician: I'm not impressed.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
whats so good about him or the people of illinois? what music or anything good everwas invented there? that place sucks
They have good radio stations, Chicago does. I was driving east to west and Cleveland didn't have shit to offer on the radio dial, and that sort of concerned me being it is the home of the rock and roll hall of fame. When I finally got to Chicago, oh man, anything I wanted to hear, damn near.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
big deal
it was sort of cool at the time.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
He can win bc he is a fresh face, smooth talker, and intelligent (3 things we dont have now in our president).
he doesn't do coke
can speak well
isn't a drunk
isn't a failed business man
isn't white
doesn't have a famous father
doesn't promote fear
is likable
has worked in the federal government
he's black
is positive
Reagan was of course an actor which probably helped him with all those speeches he gave to the american public. Many americans ate it up, good acting on his part.
Now are you saying that Like Reagan, Obama is a bit of an actor or just good with words?
Howlin' Wolf, Muddy waters, Willie Dixon, Buddy Guy, Son Seals, MILES DAVIS, Herbie Hancock, Alison Krauss, Cheap Trick, Smashing Pumpkins, Kim Thayil, Tom Morello, some guy named Eddie Vedder, Wilco, Kanye West
A short list. I'm sure there's more
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
By Simon Jeffery / USA 09:53am
Photograph: Jim Cole/AP
Leaving aside, for now, questions of policy or political positioning, there is a definite buzz around a Barack Obama run for the White House. The primary season that will determine who wins each party's nomination is more than a year away from even beginning, but the charismatic senator's visit to New Hampshire (officially to celebrate Democratic wins there in the midterms) looks to be setting down a marker in one of the handful of states that can propel a hopeful forward.
Then there was that Daily Kos post, where the title alone - "If Obama runs, he wins" - was sufficient to start debate. There are more than 1,360 comments on the Kos site alone.
But liberal blogs are not especially running ahead of the newspapers on Obama-mania. A selection of recent headlines from US big city newspapers include Crowds adore Obama, Hamp-sure? NH seems to love Obama, Obama's star power on show in NH visit and Granite state's Ba-rocked; the Real Clear Politics blog rounded it all up under The Messiah cometh to New Hampshire.
If anything, the tone on the liberal blogs is less hyped-up than many have come to expect. Tapped at the American Prospect sees an Obama declaration transforming the race for the Democratic nomination from a battle between Hillary Clinton and an anyone-but-Hillary candidate, to a "somewhat politically awkward" three-way split where John Edwards, Evan Bayh, Joe Biden and Tom Vilsack will fight it out for the "role of credible white man". MyDD asks what it is about Sen Obama that makes him the man of the moment: is it because he is everything that George Bush is not?
Enduring what will likely be seen as one of the worst US presidencies in history has been miserable for thoughtful, observant Americans. Perhaps this is what makes this the right time for a man like Obama [...]
He's not stupid. He doesn't stumble over his own tongue. His career has not been pre-programmed and handed to him on a golden plate. Obama represents all that Americans would like America to be - the land of opportunity in which it does not matter who your parents were or where they came from or how much money or friends they had.
At the close of his post, Markos Moulitsas, the Daily Kos founder and biggest hitter, stated it was not an endorsement. His point - he said - was merely that the interplay of states and hopefuls in the 2008 primary season would make Sen Obama the favourite. "If politics is about seizing opportunities, it would seem a no-brainer for him to enter the race now," he wrote.
The "If" in his post's title is, in fact, looking to be an increasingly small one. The New Hampshire Union Leader quotes the senator telling supporters at one event that the office of US president is not something you run for just on the basis of ambition. "I think you have to feel deep in your gut that you have a vision for the country," he said.
... And it just so happens Sen Obama has a new book out that may help him out with this last point. According to a Q&A format interview with the author on Amazon.com, he sees The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream as a work attempting to "give shape to all the issues that we face as a country, and providing my own personal stamp on them". He appears to be at least meeting his own criteria.
A piece from the New York Review of Books on the 375-page volume is a lengthy but engaging read for those who want to get to grips with the senator. He made his name with a speech to the 2004 Democratic National Convention that implored Americans to rise above the division of their country into red and blue states, or indeed, any other category. "There's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America," he told the increasingly emotional delegates. More than any other speaker that week, he told Democratic activists what they wanted to hear.
Reviewer Michael Tomasky put his appeal down to his warm but sincere looks, a presence that "simultaneously epitomises black achievement and transcends race", and, of course, his rhetoric.
But he questioned whether Sen Obama was a liberal in the sense that Americans would understand it. "He is in many respects a civic republican - a believer in civic virtue, and in the possibility of good outcomes negotiated in good faith," writes Tomasky, adding: "He feels himself a man in a bubble - trapped inside political and ideological systems [...] He wants to smash the bubble and assemble from the shards something dynamic and new." To British ears, this desire to renegotiate and remake the existing political terrain can have echoes of early era Blairism. Try it in Sen Obama's own words:
The victories that the sixties generation brought about - the admission of minorities and women into full citizenship, the strengthening of individual liberties and the healthy willingness to question authority - have made America a far better place for all its citizens. But what has been lost in the process, and has yet to be replaced, are those shared assumptions - that quality of trust and fellow feeling - that bring us together as Americans.
What could make an Obama run interesting is how he will play with the liberal base. Chris Bowers at MyDD objects to his use of leftwing strawmen to claim the middle ground.
We're now in a packed room at Eastern Illinois University. A woman stands up and tosses Obama what I assume she thinks is a bit of red meat. What, she asks, does the senator think of the pervasiveness of religion in public discourse these days? Obama doesn't take the bait.
"No one would say that Dr. King should leave his moral vision at the door before getting involved in public-policy debate [...] we have to remember that not every mention of God is automatically threatening a theocracy."
Who ever said that any mention of God is automatically threatening a theocracy? Did the woman who asked the question say that?
"A single phrase keeps going around in my head whenever I hear Obama use one of his strawmen," writes Bowers. "I helped you, man. Why are you treating me like this?"
The Liberal Values add the cautious note that while Sen Obama might be able to do for liberals what Ronald Reagan did for conservatives he could also "turn out to be a passing bit of excitement before the real race gets started".
There is no denying, however, that the dominant mood is excitement. The Chicago Tribune, from Sen Obama's own state of Illinois, has even endorsed a presidential run. A recent editorial declared that "when a leader evokes the enthusiasm that Obama does, he should recognise that he has something special to offer, not in 2012 or 2016, but right now". The blog from the people at RunObama.com even chimes in with the detail that while New Hampshire Democrats are "pretty much constantly inundated" with opportunities to hear presidential candidates speak, 1,500 paid $25 a piece to see an undeclared candidate. So, for now at least, welcome to Obamamania.
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What the hell is your problem? What music has come from Illinois? Hmmm, there's this guy from Evanston named Eddie Vedder, I hear he is quite good. Abraham Lincoln? Illinois. In Illinois every child has health insurance, and soon every adult will be covered as well.
Your post was quite possibly the most boneheaded thing I have ever read on this board, and that's not an easy task.
I think you have a very good point there. One thing I'm begining to hate already though are the commentators and analyst on TV and elsewhere who are bashing the guy. There is no good reasoning for this. The only legit negative about him so far is that he doesn't have a great deal of experience. But he hasn't screwed up yet, so the negative attitudes should be checked at the door.
The public is very encouraged by this guy. He could turn out to be great for our country. I don't see why everyone can't support this guy to be all he can be at this point. When he finally comes out with his agenda and takes a solid stand on the issues - then the public can make their choice.
I heard O'Reilly say this guy is the new Howard Dean. That's just the most rediculous thing I've heard in a while. Give me a break..... O'Rielly is just jealous that Obama is popular and he's not a conservative.
He will win if he runs
What will they attack, or is this just nonsense?